Episode 28

Minutes later, Ryan was leading Sofia, hand in hand across the parking lot of the studio, once they came round, cameras started flashing as the press, who were waiting for updates on the release saw them.

"Don't talk," Ryan said and Sofia nodded, trying to shield her face from view. They got in easily and Ryan clapped,

"The light's back on!" Sofia rolled her eyes but she could hear female laughter inside.

"Your mood seems amazing Ryan, hope we could put it to good use this time." The director said, coming out to meet them. His eyes picked out Sofia at once and he brushed past Ryan, moving on to her. "You must be Sofia Delacruz. Loved your interview. Original. I know a masterpiece when I see one. And Jessi did a good job on you too. Rico Suarez, director, artist, artiste, and much more. At your service." He said, taking her hand in his and planting a kiss on it. Sofia smiled, not knowing what to say. Rico turned,

"Jessi!" He called and she came out an open door to the left, pausing at the sight of Sofia and Ryan together while Sofia burned scarlet. Jessi came to them, her expression saying, "Oh my."

"So how did you meet Ryan?" Rico asked and Sofia opened her mouth to say something when a door opened up ahead, to their left. Amanda Knowles stepped out of her room in full Vanessa costume. She spotted Sofia's low-price skirt at once and walked towards them in slow measured steps.

"Who's that?" She asked, arching one of those beautiful, long brows.

"A friend," Jessi replied, trying to shield her with Rico's help. "I asked her to come."

"And you all came to welcome her or what?" Amanda asked in disbelief and when Jessi was lost for words, Ryan sighed and spoke up,

"She's the reason I'm late. We were out together."

Amanda parted Rico and Jessi wordlessly and sized Sofia up. It took a few moments but seemed like an eternity then she turned and walked away. "I'm done with this." She said, walking into her room and banging the door shut. She came out in less than two minutes, her leopard-skin coat worn over her costume, and walked out the door.

It seemed like time stopped and then Ryan shrugged, "Now that's out of our systems, someone get me a shot." He said, walking into the next room. Rico looked at the two women and sighed, walking on in his brisk way to Ryan.

"May I ask what your problem is?" He said, facing Ryan.

"What?" Ryan asked, downing the first pint and asking for another.

"Today's deadline date. We have to shoot in like...Now!" He yelled, losing control.

"I'm yet to see the problem," Ryan replied, raising his glass in thanks to the dude that had served him.

"Oh, nothing much. I guess you'd play both lead characters by yourself seeing as you sent Amanda flying out the f****** studio!"

But Ryan stood and patted Rico on the shoulder.

"Chill off bro. Sofia'll play Vanessa."

"And you say that with such confidence because you somehow convinced her of this when?"

"Not yet, not yet." Ryan replied, raising a finger for emphasis. "But come on, how hard could it be? I mean, we're talking about the female lead role on Heart Of Stone. Who wouldn't want that?"

"And even if she were to agree. Can you vouch for her acting skills? What experience does she have?"

"Well, you were the one who said all that stuff about her interview. I remember you saying it was something of a masterpiece."

"So you're using my comments on a shock interview of hers as her reference?"

"Don't blame me. I didn't know her until a few days ago."

"Oh I shouldn't blame you now, ok I should probably blame that guy over there. After all, he's the reason why we haven't shot anything! He's also the f****** reason why Amanda stormed out of here in a blind rage!" Rico exploded, exhaling deeply.


Meanwhile, Jessi was catching up with her friend out there.

"So what have you been doing with Ryan?" She asked, watching Sofia closely.

"Nothing." She replied, turning a familiar shade of pink.

"That doesn't do much to explain the state of your lips and his though."

Sofia touched her lips with a gasp,

"It's that obvious?" She asked and Jessi scoffed,

"Oh come on. Did you think Amanda was admiring you or what?"

"What do I do now?" She whispered, obviously worried.

"Rejoice sister that he kissed you and you're still here with him."

"Jessi." She replied, dragging it in exasperation.

Just then Jessi heard Rico yell her name. She sighed and said,

"I'll be right back." Then she disappeared into the same room as Rico and Ryan, leaving Sofia feeling like a fish out of water. A few minutes later she returned with a gleeful smile on her face and pulled Sofia after her and into the room.

"She'll be ready in five," Jessi said with a smile. Sofia was immediately drawn from her admiration of the place to look at Jessi,

"Ready for what?" She asked but Jessi wasn't even listening.

"She'll be perfect I swear." She said.

"Alright, it's settled then," Rico said with a clap. "I'll go gather the rest of the crew."

"Wwwait!" Sofia suddenly yelled, bringing everyone to a near standstill. "Can someone please explain to me just what is going on here?"

Rico and Jessi seemed to prefer, scratching heads and looking elsewhere so Ryan walked over to Sofia with a cheeky smile,

"Well my dearest," He started as he came closer. "You've played Ryan's Sofia long enough and now you'll get to play Prince Nikolas' Vanessa." He said, spreading his arms.

"I don't get." She replied. "You want me to do a part on Heart Of Stone?"

"Not just a part," Rico said, emphasizing with his hands. "You'll play Vanessa, the female lead."

"Yeah, I know that," Sofia said nodding. "But no, I can't." She said, then shook her head again, this time more to herself than them.

Rico sighed, Jessi bit her lips but Ryan shook his head.

"Come on, what's the problem? You look good on TV and take it from Ryan Barnes, that's basically all that matters."

Sofia scoffed,

*Yeah right.* She said within herself. "Ryan, I thought we were past the flattery and that's not even the problem. The thing is...I don't like the big screen life and all that and my Abuela," She made the sign of the cross, "God bless her soul, she hated it so much and I guess growing up with her made me think the same way."

"Oh come on," Ryan said but when he saw the look on Sofia's face he apologized for the comment and continued. "For sure it's great and all that we follow the wise words of our senior citizens, cause they are our seniors but we can't live their lives and they can't ours. You looked amazing on TV and in that surprise interview, you were so calm, some paparazzi would say it was all planned. That's you telling you that you can handle the big screen. I mean you were able to resist almost all of my charm. That alone says a lot about just what you can handle."

"Oh really," Sofia asked, arching an eyebrow.

"Come on." He said, exhaling in his habitual way. "You do know we're talking about Ryan Barnes, I mean..." He trailed off, putting one hand to his head and she chuckled, shaking her head.

Meanwhile, Jessi and Rico stood, watching those two act like they were in a world of their own. Rico shook his head and looked at Jessi who smiled and winked at him.

Sofia sighed,

"Look Ryan," She said. "Thanks for the offer and all. You too Mr. Director..."

"Rico, please." He cut in and she nodded,

"Ok, thanks for the offer Rico, and you too Jessi. But I can't, I just can't. Jessi understands. I mean, I've been against the whole showbiz up until now, and then suddenly I'm playing Vanessa on H.O.S.? Come on, what are all the girls gonna say?" She asked, more to Jessi than anyone else. Jessi sighed and she continued. "I don't want to seem like some kind of hypocrite."

But Ryan wasn't about to give up just yet. He smiled.

"Hey Sofia, we're not offering you the job. No, we're just one short and we're running against time here cause we've got a deadline to meet. So we're asking for your help with that. Just this once ok? After this, you can return to your quiet life."

"And this won't be a problem to Amanda Knowles?"

"No." Ryan replied, "There's a clause in every actor/actress contract that makes this possible."

"Are you sure?" Sofia asked.

"Well, not this scenario exactly but to prevent setbacks we agreed that in the face of an unavailability, the person in question can be temporarily replaced." Rico offered.

"That good enough for you?" Ryan asked with a smile and Sofia nodded. Ryan clenched his fist to rejoice but Sofia interrupted him.

"I didn't agree just yet." She said and he let out air like a deflated balloon.

"Oh come on, we don't have all day you know?" He groaned.

"Well you should've thought about that before you opened up your mouth like some random reporter."

"Touché," Ryan replied, gesturing at his chest.

"The thing is, I don't think I can. I mean, that's a pretty big role."

Ryan scoffed,

"I don't care what you think, I know you can."


All eyes turned to Rico and Ryan said,

"Ew bro don't..."

"What?" He asked. "Don't blame me for getting so emotional it's almost like a scene... Jessi! Mascara STAT."

"Ok, first off Rico," She started. "I'm right beside you and second. Your mascara's just fine sir."

"Hey," Ryan said to Sofia. "Don't be scared of making mistakes. It happens to the best of them, besides, considering the circumstances surrounding it, we aren't expecting a perfect performance, ok? Besides I won't like it if you were just plain perfect, it'd be far too boring."

Rico cleared his throat,

"Do you have someone in mind?" He asked and Ryan nodded, shaking his index finger at him,

"You know I do boss, you know I do."