
Ryan and Sofia walked to his Ferrari, the lot was devoid of people; it was a bit late at night but there were few cars parked there.

"Today was fun." She said, a smile spreading slowly across her face as she glanced at him.

He chuckled,

"We do make a wonderful pair, don't we?"

"We did spark after all." She whispered, looking away.

"What was that?" He asked, leaning towards her.

"Nothing." She immediately replied, burning red in the face. He smiled and she picked up her pace, getting to the car before him.

They got in and Ryan tried starting the engine. However, it refused to come to life despite his “multiple attempts”.

Sofia sighed in exasperation, “What now?”

“I don’t know why it won’t start. Ryan breathed, twisting the red key without pushing the red start button. He knew she wouldn’t notice. “Don’t worry, I’ll call my valet. Wait a little bit.”

They got out and Ryan walked off, making the call while she sat on the hood. He joined her once he was done.

"Are you scared of Amanda?" He asked, watching her reaction.

Sofia considered this within for a bit, then shook her head,

"I'm not scared of anyone."

"Oh really." He said, leaning backward as if to get a better look at her.


"Not even me?"

"Snake! She suddenly yelled, drawing her arm to her chest. Ryan jumped over her and she fell back on the hood, laughing,

"Now who would be scared of that?"

Ryan smiled, his tongue pushing against the inside of his cheek, then returned to the hood. This time lying beside her.

"How much time till you really have to go?" He asked.

She sighed, "I've got to go to Taco Fun, I've ditched enough times in just a few days. My boss will surely be mad."

"Then let's go there. I'll eat enough tacos to cover it up."

"No, no. Thanks anyway." She smiled. "But that doesn't feel right." She added, looking thoughtful.

"The way your lips are moving right now, makes me think of only one thing."

"Let your thoughts remain yours." She replied, coming off the hood as she spotted a Buggati Rembrandt coming towards them. It turned out to be the valet and soon enough, the couple were leaving the lot.

Ryan drove to Taco Fun and luckily, the man was out in the lot, lifting some crates onto his trusty old pickup truck.

He spotted the pair at once, a Rembrandt wasn't much a quiet entrance really, and once he parked, Sofia, followed by Ryan, walked to the man.

"How's my favorite employee?" He asked, completely throwing her off.

She actually thought it was sarcasm so she began to apologize but he interrupted her.

"I'm being serious here." He chuckled. "Ever since your interview, we've been doing so well. I got some new hands too."

Now the expression on Sofia's face was a mixture of shock and surprise.

"Yeah." He continued. "Just keep it up and maybe you two could show up once in a while. Something like a special feature."

"Yeah, that's so not happening." She said, dragging it as she and Ryan backed away.

"Hey man, she's um... she's going on leave," Ryan said all of a sudden.

"I'm what?" Sofia asked, totally thrown off.

"No problems. You guys enjoy yourselves."

"No!" She yelled, pausing both men in their tracks. "You both know that I hate it when you discuss me in my presence and act like I'm absent.

“I'm not going on leave. I'm turning up for work tomorrow morning and I'm going home now." She said and turned on her heel, walking away from both men.

Ryan exhaled through almost clenched teeth, with a boyish smile and apologized to the man, rushing after her.

"The car's this way sweetheart." He said but she kept on walking. He made to follow her but thought again and went for the car, tailing her until they got to her home, then rushed out, meeting her at the porch.

"Sofia, Sofia, wait. I'm really sorry ok?"

She sighed, "I just hate the way you think you can have whatever whenever."

"I'll stop it I swear."

"Seriously? Ryan Barnes?"

"Yeah, I'll do anything."

She leaned one arm against the door and looked at him, doubt clearly expressed on her face.

Ryan's hand snaked around her waist, bringing her closer, she leaned back in hesitation but he leaned in to close the distance between them.

Suddenly the door opened and the girls gasped. Sofia fell back and tried to push Ryan away but Ryan also fell forward, reaching for her instead.

They both fell, he on her and the new position brought even more gleeful screams. Sofia's face flushed scarlet.

"I've never been more embarrassed." She said to Ryan as quietly as she could manage in her mood, pushing him off.

Ryan on the other hand seemed comfortable, relaxing in his position. He watched her quietly pick herself up with the shreds of dignity left and walk up the stairs through a path cleared by the girls.

"So tomorrow?" He asked, still laying there. She turned and gave him the evil eye but he was unmoved. "Anytime?" He continued but she, without a response and went up. "Call me!" He yelled but she banged the door shut.

"Ryan?" Jessi said, slapping her forehead. "She should call?"

"I don't have her number."

"She doesn't have yours either. But we can take care of that." She smiled, passing him her phone.

"You're a gem, Jessi." He said, copying the number. Then he backed away until he got to the car and left, waving at all the girls.

Once he was out of sight, everyone rushed to Sofia's apartment, of course for the full scoop.

Sofia had expected this so she'd spent the time since she came up, creating a very precise summary of the events. She decided to talk just about the episode and end it there.

However, Jessi had already called ahead to tell the girls about the episode and she'd promised them juicy details so they weren't satisfied with Sofia's straight-to-the-point narrative.

"Come on Sofia, don't make it so drab. You were in Heart Of Stone, dear. That's like the greatest thing that's happened to you." Tanya sighed.

Sofia moved back, and the girls hid giggling faces as she responded to the indirect insult by dragging out an, "Ok."

However, Tanya continued,

"Yeah, so now tell us what really happened."

Sofia, though, was no longer comfortable so Jessi stepped in, recounting the whole thing even better. They all left later on after a few repeats and only Jessi remained.

"First off, let me apologize for Tanya." She said but Sofia shook her head, attending to the potted lilies by the window.

"No, no, it's ok. I understand her; I just needed a moment though." She chuckled and Jessi nodded,

"I could see that."

"Thanks for stepping in for me though, I actually agree with Ryan, you're a gem," Sofia said, smiling at her bestie and Jessi smiled. "Even though you gave him my number," She added and Jessi flushed, laughing.

"You heard all that?"

"Yeah, yeah. But just like with Tanya, I needed a moment." Her lips formed a tight smile as she moved to the next pot.

"Yeah, you sure did. What were you two thinking?" She asked, laughing.

"No no, that, that was all him, don't blame me." She raised an arm for emphasis.

"Oh really, cause you know, I'm pretty sure you two were all in there," Jessi replied, smiling and Sofia blushed.

"Don't, I'm trying my best to forget that moment." She glanced at Jessi shaking her head.

"I doubt that's gonna happen though," She replied, looking thoughtful. "So tell me, where were you two before you got to the studio?"

Sofia sighed,

"Come on Jessi, let it go." She bent to look closer at the base of the lily.

"My best friend and Ryan Barnes got to the studio together, looking like they'd started the shoot somewhere else and you tell me to let it go? Oh come on, tell me what happened and what didn't, so I'd know where you stand."

Sofia blushed, turning to face her.

"Come on Jessi, do you seriously think that I'd..."

"I can't really tell with you two. The pace is... surprising to say in the least." Jessi exhaled, nodding.

"Ok Jessi, I was stranded and he said he'd take me home." Sofia sighed resignedly.

"Hey, do you buy that?" Jessi asked her with a mock smile. "Yeah, me neither." She added, still smiling. "Look Soph, if you think you should hide it from me, then I'd say slow down sister."

"Is this coming from the same person who said, 'Make him yours.'?" She asked in obvious exasperation. She was squinting, her furrowed brows showing her mood.

"You're getting defensive? God, Soph, I think you need to slow down. I know I encouraged you but don't fall blindly. He still has his history. Don't just throw yourself at him cause you felt the spark."

"I really don't get it, Jessi; you think I slept with Ryan? ‘Throw myself at him?' Now you're just sounding like Amanda." She turned to go back to her lilies but her mood was completely off.

"No, it's not..." Jessi started but Sofia cut in,

"Yeah, I'm a bit tired; I think I'm going to bed." She made to walk past but Jessi stood in the way.

She sighed in resignation and said, "It's just that I don't want to go to jail for murder cause I swear I don't know what I'd do if Ryan were to dare play with you."

Sofia paused, taking a deep breath, she hugged her.

"I know you're just looking out for me, dear. But, just trust me ok?"

"Ok, ok, I will. Good night." She said as they broke up and she left the apartment.

Sofia locked up and turned in for the night.