Shooting Stars

“D*mn,” Sofia swore, glancing at her phone. It read 13:30. She was on her third bowl of cereal and had watched the series up to the current episode. Normally by this time, she’d be at work… She sighed. Just then someone knocked.

“A moment,” she sang out. She dropped the bowl on the table and got up, wiping her mouth with the back of her palm.

“Who’s there?”

“It’s me, Tanya.”

“Oh,” Sofia replied. She undid the locks and let her in, closing the door behind her. “Thought the house would be empty by now,” she chuckled.

“I’m on the late-night shift today so… It’s probably just us, though I was on my way out to get groceries,” Tanya replied, reclining against the sofa she’d chosen.

“Oh, ok. Wanna drink something or…?”

“Nah, I’m cool. Heard you quit…”

Sofia sighed and came to sit by her bowl of cereal.

“It finally happened, didn’t it?”

“I don’t understand,” she frowned.

Tanya chuckled,

“Chill though Cinderella. I mean, ever since you met Ryan, I knew your life was never going to be the same. It just wasn’t possible. Sincerely, I’m surprised you’re still here, cause if I were you, y’all won’t see me unless it’s on TV or the Gram. Probably face time during some holidays.”

“Probably not,” Sofia chuckled.

Tanya shrugged, raising her shoulders.

“I saw more of his crib on Jessi’s page from the time you two were there. I have seen it multiple times in other places though but it never stops being crazy. So no offense but y’all would know where to find me.”

Sofia chuckled, shaking her head. Tanya didn’t even smile. She was dead serious.

“So,” she continued, “Why you lying around though? You don’t fit that mold.”

“Well, Ryan and I went through his businesses, trying to find…”

“Wwwait, you quit the café and asked Ryan to help you find work? Damn sis, we talking about Ryan Barnes. You ain’t got no needs he can’t handle. None,” she added for emphasis.

Sofia exhaled in exasperation, glancing around for something to calm her nerves. She grabbed her bowl and took a large spoon. The flakes were softer now, they’d lost almost all their crunch. Just the way she like them, they’d absorbed enough of the condensed milk and their tastes had melded into a tongue marveling one.

She tried to ease her mind on it. Tanya wasn’t someone she’d normally speak to about this. She didn’t even understand her motives here. She sighed, savoring the creamy goodness in her mouth.

Tanya sighed too,

“I get that though. As I said, you don’t fit that laying-around mold. Why don’t you go into acting instead? You’ve already proven yourself there once and I bet Ryan wants that too right?”

The statement got Sofia to pause with her food for a moment. Her tone had changed and this one was oddly comfortable. She sighed,

“It’s just, it doesn’t feel right. Abuela never liked the big screen, she brought me up with that and I’ve never been one to support what happens here. Something I never hid and now I join them there? How’s it going to look? What would everyone say? What would you say?”

Tanya laughed a little.

“And everything Abuela taught me?”

“Feels like we just prayed,” Tanya chuckled.

“It’s a sign of respect for the dead, especially if it’s someone in heaven.”

“Ohh, that explains it,” Tanya smiled. “I wasn’t sure why you would always do that but I think it’s cool now,” she said.

She sighed deeply and smiled at Sofia, “I figured this would be the case with you. Where do I begin? Well, Abuela,” she made the sign of the cross and Sofia followed with a smile. “At least, during the time she was here, wasn’t against the big screen. She was against some of those on it. She was against some of those behind it. Some of the things that came with it. In short, the vanity aspect of it. That’s why she’d always say, ‘That place reeks of vanity.' Have you forgotten she’s the one who initiated us all into them Telemundo series?” They both laughed. “Exactly. Them ‘Fearless Heart’ and the rest. Besides, I always felt she was trying to shape the way you think. She’d seen the actress in you and just wanted to avoid a case where you become like the rest of them. We’d talk and she’d call you her little miss Aurora,” Tanya laughed.

Sofia’s eyes were brimming, and she wiped them with her wrists.

“I’m sorry am I…?”

“No, continue, I’m fine,” she managed a smile.

Tanya nodded, “I guess you must’ve thought it out differently, besides who cares what anyone else thinks?” She jumped to her feet. “It’s my life b*tches and I’mma do whatever the f*cking h*ll I decide!”

Sofia leaned back and stared wide-eyed, “Ok…?”

However, Tanya shook her head. “Nah, you couldn’t say that to save your life.” She said, and let herself fall back into the seat. “So all I’m gonna say is that you shouldn’t let what others would think stop you from being you. Cause that’s who you are. Did anyone here criticize you for the movie premiere? Or for being in H.O.S. Ep 28? No. And that hasn’t changed. As for me, I want all my babes to go higher. I don't want anyone to settle and you’re included. This neighborhood is great but we all deserve even more. So believe me when I say that everyone here wants you on that screen. Maybe then you’d understand why we love ‘em so much.”

Sofia dropped the bowl and moved to embrace Tanya.

“Thank you,” She whispered as they separated.

“It’s cool, now go get ‘em, tiger!” Tanya threw a fist in the air.

“Or I could just call…” Sofia smiled, holding up her phone.

“Yeah, do that instead.”


“Sir, a call for you, I’m transferring it now,”

“Hold for a moment Pam, I’m busy right now,” James replied without looking up at the redhead that had just popped into his office.

A few minutes later, Pam was back again.

“Said it’s urgent. One Mr. Richards.”

James groaned, reclining in his seat as he rubbed his temples,

“Put him on,” he said, grabbing the telephone from its cradle.

“Hello, Dave.”

“Hello, James.”


“You forgot to call.”

“My apologies, I got caught up in work.”

David chuckled, “The important things always come first right?”

“You know the story,” James sighed.

“Sent a little something to you, I guess you needed a gentle reminder.”

“What’s that?”

“Your secretary should be bringing it in about now. I look forward to hearing from you.”

“Wait what…?”

The line went dead.

The door swung open,

“Hey boss, something came in for you.”

“Drop it on the table.”

He waited until she was gone and then came from behind his desk to seat at the head of the table. He tore the envelope and it was a magazine. An E-magazine printed that same day.

The headline made his lips curl.


Under was a blown-up picture of him being a faithful servant to a relaxing Ryan.



Ryan left the fashion company in a hurry. Today was his last check-up day at the station. Those cops made a big deal out of a one-time event. He’d filed a request, through Rico, to do away with the house arrest the same day it was given and got it done. He, however, had to show up for three check-up appointments before he would be completely off the hook. He pulled up to the station and maneuvered the car into one of the slots between the yellow, slanted lines.

As he turned the key in the ignition, Sofia came to mind. He wondered where she was, and what she was busy with. He’d managed to keep her from any job that would’ve suited her in his businesses. But what if she went elsewhere? *Women*, he sighed, getting out of the car.

Immediately, he was surrounded by them.


Alicia getting the job was never in doubt. She started right away, bringing her bubbly nature to the café. She instantly became popular among the customers and Paco knew he’d made the right choice.

Even Sandra, who’d offered to show her the ropes was left in the mud as she raced to a record-breaking first-day tally.

Tanya stopped by in the afternoon, armed with two bags filled with groceries.


“How’s it going, Cabello?”

Alicia sighed, “Not gonna lie, there’s a lot of stress but it’s cool I’m enjoying myself really,” she smiled.

Tanya nodded, “Ok, ok, get Mendes to serve up the normal.”

“Sure thing babe,” Alicia scribbled on her notepad and left.


Later that evening, Rico’s chauffeur-driven Cadillac Escalade pulled up along the road, just outside the park close to Melbourne Drive. He got down and walked in, using Google Maps to find his way to the rounded pavilion. He walked in and she turned, a smile spreading across her face.

“I came as soon as you called,” Rico said, embracing her. They separated and she nodded.

“I hope you found your way here easily,” She smiled.

“Oh well, it’s good we’ve got google,” he shrugged. “So what’s up?”

Sofia exhaled deeply,

“I’m gonna come work for you,” she said.

Rico paused, waiting for her to call it a joke but hoping quietly that it wasn't.

“You tripping right now?”

“What’s that?”

“You serious?”


“Damn girl you serious right now?”

“I am,” she chuckled.

Rico walked away from her, his hands on his face.

“What’s up?” She chuckled nervously, walking closer.

“Uh, not much, just that you’ve made like my year, with this…”

“Oh come on,” she blushed, “Now you sound just like Ryan. I just agreed to come work for you. What’s the big deal about that?”

“You agreed to come work for me and that means we get to start working on what is definitely going to be the greatest tv show ever, The Spark,” he stated like it was a well-known fact.

“What makes you so sure?” She asked, she wasn’t feeling the hype.

“Well for one, Ryan. He has an unbelievable Midas Touch. Then the story. I mean,” he sighed. “You both could keep me writing at top level for like six months straight and last but not least, you.”


“You are a shooting star, my love.”


David Richards heard the ruckus outside his door and smiled, reclining in his seat. Even better, he thought.

James barged in amidst protests from his secretary and he held one arm up to calm her.

“Sylvia, give us a moment please,” he said. She excused herself and left.

David chuckled, “Coffee?”

James tossed the magazine onto the desk.

“The f*** is up with you Richards?!”

“My thoughts exactly when I check my phone and I don’t see your call." Richards replied forcefully, with a nod at the end for emphasis. "Like I said, gentle reminder. So tell me now James, we shooting stars or what?”