Tanya 2

Someone pounded at the door.

Sofia and Jessi glanced at each other and rushed out to the balcony.

They could see Tanya approaching the building.

"Jessi!" Trish's voice pleaded from the other side. "You've got to help me or Tanya will kill me."

Jessi and Sofia glanced at each other. Their earlier squabble suddenly seemed irrelevant.

Jessi opened up hurriedly.

"Oh my God," Sofia let out.

Trish was not alone.


"Tanya!" Jessi yelled from her balcony. "What's this about?"

"Why don't you ask Trish? Or any of them? I heard them run up to your apartment. And when she's done, ask her to come down here, so we can settle this once, and for all. Nothing else matters to me, coming from you."

"Let me try," Sofia said to Jessi, smiling slightly.

"Tanya," she called. "Please, there's no need for this."

"Oh, you're here as well, Sofia. That's good. You, be the judge! Listen to what she has done, and then tell me, why I should not send them all to hell!"