“You haven't said anything, Sof,” Jessi noted.
Sofia took a deep breath.
“I'm just trying to process everything, she said, leaning into the sofa.
“On the one hand, you have you, my friend, whom Rico definitely, and horribly wronged by the way he handled the situation.
"But then, there's Rico who has been suffering from PTSD all these years. And I'm not saying that that validates what he did to you but I try to imagine how deep his fear has been for so long, that he couldn't confess his love for you.
"Believe me I know how the heart reacts to holding in such feelings. It's all just a lot. And I don't want to say you should do this or that, because honestly if I were you, I have no idea what I'd do in this case,” Sofia exhaled deeply.
“But if I know one thing, it's that Rico has a good heart; damaged, but good nonetheless.”
“I guess that saying is true,” Tanya replied, nodding slightly.
“Which?” Sofia asked.