ch 4 incidents

"Shizun, it all began yesterday," Zhihao began, his voice trembling slightly as he recounted the events.

"Zhi Yong shidi and Ao hao shidi were both practicing their spiritual powers in the courtyard. They were pushing their limits, striving to refine their techniques. In an unfortunate moment, Ao hao's energy bolt veered off course and struck Zhi Yong. At first, he seemed unfazed, maintaining his composure as if nothing had happened.

However, his demeanor quickly shifted. Ao hao started taunting zhi Yong, his words laced with sarcasm and derision. Ao hao called shidi clumsy and unworthy, questioning his abilities as a disciple. Zhi Yong tried to ignore him, focusing on his practice, but his insults grew increasingly personal.

The situation escalated when he made a cruel comment about Madam di Jun xin jie. His words were deeply disrespectful, not just to her but to our entire sect. That was the final straw. His provocation was intolerable, and it led to the altercation that followed."

Zhihao paused, his eyes downcast, waiting for Shizun's response. The weight of the incident hung heavily in the air, and he braced himself for the consequences.

" you mean so far zhi Yong was not at fault " xianjian stern and cold expression made him sttager a bit but he managed to calm down

" I know shizun doesn't like us making mistakes rather get engaged in something like this and lie , but im not taking zhi Yong's side I'm just revising the events"

" I have not implied that you are lying why do you think so?" He mainted his stern glance

"Leave it for now just continue about the events so far they only had a dispute it is not enough reason for Xiao shidi to do so "

" Yes yes I'll continue shizun"

"Shizun, it all began yesterday," Zhihao started, his voice heavy with remorse.

Zhihao paused, taking a deep breath before continuing. " in his anger, ao hao lashed out verbally, taunting him about his mother's origins. That made Zhi Yong furious. In a flash of rage, he drew his sword and pressed it against ao hao's neck. Reacting instinctively, he drew his own sword and a clash ensued. Ao hao stabed zhi yongs hand with his sword. And pushed zhiYong and he left a slash on ao hao's chest "

A little annoyance and anger was evident in zhihui's eyes his expressions still not changing.

"Later at the competition ao hao complained about this in front of the elders and Xiao Wei shixiong and he got mad and started raging on zhi Yong but for some reason he did not say anything and took the beating and punishment. "

'This is making me mad how dare they humiliate my disciple let alone my favourite character actually second fav my first favourite was definitely the villain zhihui xianjian all those who would have read the chapters 46 to 52 would understand anywayssss..I should go and object about this . I'll do it when zhi Yong had recovered for a stronger base for the events timeline and to earn favour points or you can say plot points .

Though I'll have to do it without getting a character violation which will stop after 1000 plot points, which means I have to do it villainouslly my way my way.'

"Zhihao let's go to infarmacy "

" OK shizun " he hurriedly followed zhihui