ch 9 new beginnings

"Zhi Yong," Zhihui spoke up, breaking the quiet.

"Yes, Shizun?" Zhi Yong responded, looking up at his master with attentive eyes.

"You will soon be going on a mission to Xianglu City," Zhihui continued, his tone serious yet reassuring. "You will have Ming Cheng with you. I will soon call the two of you for more information on it, so be sure to come quickly when summoned."

Zhi Yong nodded, his mind already shifting to the task ahead. "Yes, Shizun. I will be ready."

Zhihui placed a reassuring hand on Zhi Yong's shoulder. "I have confidence in your abilities, Zhi Yong. This mission is important, and I trust you to handle it with the skill and determination you have shown."

"I won't let you down, Shizun," Zhi Yong replied, his voice filled with resolve.

"Good," Zhihui said, standing up. "Rest now and prepare yourself. The details will be provided soon."

As Zhihui left the room, Zhi Yong felt a surge of determination. The trust his master placed in him was both a responsibility and an honor. He knew he had to prove himself, most importantly was to prove himself to his shizun Zhihui, also for the sect and his own growth as well.

Later, Ming Cheng and Zhi Yong entered their master's study, the air thick with anticipation.

"Shizun, may we come in?" Zhi Yong asked respectfully.

"Yes, you may," Zhihui replied, motioning for them to enter.

As they stepped inside, Zhihui gestured for them to sit. "Now, about the mission at Xianglu City," he began, his tone serious and authoritative. "There has been a long-standing dispute between the calamities and local gods of that area."

Ming Cheng and Zhi Yong listened intently, their focus unwavering.

Zhihui continued, "The local gods have been trying to maintain balance, but the calamities have grown more aggressive, disrupting the harmony and causing chaos among the inhabitants. Your mission is to mediate this dispute, find the source of the unrest, and restore peace to Xianglu City."

Ming Cheng nodded, his face reflecting his readiness. "Shizun, do we have any specific leads on what might be causing the increase in aggression?"

Zhihui handed them a detailed map of Xianglu City and its surrounding areas. "There have been reports of unusual energy surges near the ancient temple at the city's outskirts. You should start your investigation there. Be cautious and observant. The balance in that area is delicate, and a wrong move could escalate the conflict."

Zhi Yong, absorbing the information, asked, "Shizun, how do we mediate between the local gods and the calamities? They seem to have deeply rooted conflicts."

Zhihui's eyes softened slightly as he looked at his disciples. "You must approach with wisdom and patience. Understand their grievances and seek common ground. Show them the benefits of coexistence. And remember, you represent our sect's values—honesty, united strength, and proper judgment."

Ming Cheng and Zhi Yong bowed deeply. "We will do our best, Shizun," they said in unison.

Zhihui nodded approvingly. "I trust you will. Keep each other safe and return with success. You are dismissed to prepare for your journey."

As they left the study, Zhi Yong and Ming Cheng exchanged determined looks. The mission ahead was challenging, but with their master's guidance and their combined strengths, they felt ready to face whatever awaited them in Xianglu city.

After two days of intense preparation, Zhi Yong and Ming Cheng were finally ready to set off on their mission to Xianglu City. Their senior apprentice brother, Zhihao, and sister, Jingyi, were present to bid them farewell.

"Sister Jingyi, where is Shizun?" Zhi Yong asked, his voice tinged with restlessness.

Jingyi hesitated, her eyes filled with concern. "He... umm... Shizun was injured."

Zhi Yong's eyes widened in alarm. "Injured? How? When?"

Zhihao stepped forward, placing a reassuring hand on Zhi Yong's shoulder. "Calm down, Zhi Yong. Shizun got injured during the battle at Fengxi City. It's not serious, but he needs time to recover."

"But why didn't he tell me?" Zhi Yong's voice was a mix of worry and frustration.

Jingyi sighed softly. "Shizun didn't want you to be distracted before your mission. He knew you would worry and wanted you to focus on your task."

Zhi Yong clenched his fists, feeling a wave of guilt wash over him. "I should have been there to help him..."

Zhihao shook his head. "Shizun is a strong man. He'll recover quickly. Right now, your duty is to go to Xianglu City. Remember what he said—this mission is important, and he trusts you to handle it."

Ming Cheng, sensing Zhi Yong's turmoil, stepped in. "Zhi Yong, we must trust in Shizun's decision. He believes in us, and we can't let him down. We'll complete this mission and return as quickly as we can."

Taking a deep breath, Zhi Yong nodded, his resolve hardening. "You're right. But—but I can't leave without seeing him."

Without waiting for a response, Zhi Yong ran as fast as he could towards the infarmacy, but his Shizun wasn't there. Desperation and concern fueling his steps, he sprinted towards Zhihui's room. As he approached, he didn't bother to knock; he simply pushed the door open.

The door suddenly burst open, revealing Zhihui, who was only halfway dressed, his upper body still bare, bandages visible on his torso.

"Zhi Yong," Zhihui said, startled, quickly grabbing a robe to cover himself. "What are you doing here? You should be on your way."

Zhi Yong, breathless and emotional, struggled to find his words. "Shizun... I... I couldn't leave without seeing you. I heard you were injured. Why didn't you tell me?"

Zhihui sighed, walking over to his disciple. "I didn't want to worry you. Your mission is important, and I needed you focused."

"But Shizun," Zhi Yong protested, his eyes shining with unshed tears, "how can I focus knowing you're hurt? I should have been there to help you."

Zhihui placed a comforting hand on Zhi Yong's shoulder. "You have a strong heart, Zhi Yong. But you must trust that I can handle my own battles, just as I trust you to handle yours. This mission is a test of your abilities and your leadership. You must go, not just for the sect, but for your own growth."

Zhi Yong swallowed hard, his emotions in turmoil. "I understand, Shizun. But promise me you'll take care of yourself while I'm gone."

Zhihui smiled, a rare warmth in his eyes. "I promise, Zhi Yong. Now, go. Fulfill your duty, and come back stronger. I'll be waiting."

With a final, lingering look, Zhi Yong nodded and turned to leave. As he walked away, he felt a renewed sense of determination. His master's words echoed in his mind, strengthening his resolve. He would succeed in Xianglu City, for the sake of the sect, FOR HIS SHIZUN

He finally returned to the departing site.

Jingyi smiled gently, her eyes warm with encouragement. "Take care of each other, and come back safely. Shizun will be proud of you."

With a final nod to their seniors, Zhi Yong and Ming Cheng set off on their journey. As they rode away from the sect, Zhi Yong cast one last glance back, silently vowing to return successful and to check on his master's recovery as soon as possible.