ch 16: the years pass

Even when Zhi Yong returned to his own quarters, a lingering sense of emptiness gnawed at him. The comforting words of his master had soothed him momentarily, but an inexplicable void still remained. He moved around his room aimlessly before his eyes settled on a small, worn journal resting on his desk.

He picked it up and flipped through the pages filled with sketches, notes, and memories of his journey so far. It was his sanctuary, a place where he could pour out his thoughts and feelings without fear of judgment. He settled down at his desk, the flickering candlelight casting soft shadows on the walls.

Taking a deep breath, Zhi Yong opened to a blank page and began to write.

Today was a day of mixed emotions. The celebration at Bai Xiao Jin Ding Peak was magnificent, and the recognition we received was overwhelming. But amidst the cheers and applause, I couldn't shake off the absence of Shizun. I kept looking for him, hoping to see his approving nod, his silent reassurance.

Ming Cheng was in his element, recounting our battles with such vivid detail. The City Lord's speech was heartfelt, and the children... their innocent admiration reminded me of why we fight, why we strive to protect. Yet, a part of me felt incomplete, as if the night lacked something vital.

After the festivities, I went to see Shizun. He was in his room, recovering. He explained why he didn't join the celebration. His wisdom never ceases to amaze me. He sees beyond the immediate, always thinking of the greater good. But I wish he knew how much his presence means to us, to me.

Zhi Yong paused, his hand trembling slightly. The emotions he had been holding back all evening now spilled onto the page. He turned to another blank page and began to sketch, the lines taking shape into a figure that represented the person he admired the most. He drew the stern yet kind eyes, the strong posture that commanded respect, and the gentle hand that had always guided him.

For a long time, Zhi Yong stared at the sketch, his mind replaying the moments they had shared, the lessons learned, and the silent bond that had formed between them. A soft sigh escaped his lips as he felt the weight of his emotions slowly lifting.

Closing the journal, Zhi Yong hid it away in its usual spot, a small drawer beneath his desk. He felt a wave of drowsiness wash over him, his eyelids growing heavy. With a final glance at the hidden journal, he let out a deep breath and lay down on his bed.

As he drifted into sleep, the events of the day replayed in his mind, blending with dreams of future challenges and triumphs. He knew that the path ahead would not be easy, but with the strength of his master's teachings and the unwavering bond they shared, he felt ready to face whatever lay ahead.

The next morning, Zhi Yong awoke with a renewed sense of purpose. The emptiness of the previous night had given way to a determination to honor his master's wisdom and lead with the same integrity and strength. As he stretched, he suddenly noticed a bandage wrapped tightly around his hand where he had been hurt.

Frowning, he inspected the bandage more closely. "How did this get here?" he wondered aloud. He had no recollection of bandaging his own hand the previous night. The bandages brought a mix of surprise and gratitude to him.

He prepared for the day, his heart lighter and his resolve stronger, though the mystery of the bandage lingered in his mind. Meeting Ming Cheng in the courtyard, he felt a surge of camaraderie and shared purpose. Together, they would continue their journey, guided by the teachings of their master and the bonds of friendship that had been forged in the heat of battle.

"Ready for another day?" Ming Cheng asked with a grin, noticing the determined look in Zhi Yong's eyes.

"Always," Zhi Yong replied, a faint smile playing on his lips. "Let's make Shizun proud."

And with that, they set off, their steps in sync as they moved towards the next challenge, their hearts united in their quest to uphold the values and honor of their sect.

Three years passed in a blur, marked by a continuous chain of missions that left no room for rest. The peak, once bustling with the sight of relaxed disciples, now seemed almost deserted. Zhihao and Jingyi, their senior apprentice siblings, were often away, engrossed in their own important tasks. The once familiar sight of them leisurely training or chatting at Bai Xiao Jin Ding Peak had become a rarity.

During this period, Zhi Yong and Ming Cheng had solidified their partnership, earning the nickname "The Dragon Duo" due to their complementary skills and fierce dedication. Their reputation grew, and they found themselves assigned to numerous high-stakes missions, each more challenging than the last.

"Another mission already?" Zhi Yong asked, glancing at the mission scroll handed to him by one of the elders. His voice held a mix of excitement and weariness.

Ming Cheng chuckled, clapping his friend on the back. "It seems like they can't get enough of us. The Dragon Duo is in high demand."

As they prepared for yet another mission, their thoughts often wandered back to their master, Zhihui. He was a constant presence, either seen maintaining the balance at the peak or patrolling the borders of the other world, ensuring the protection and peace of their land.

One evening, after a particularly grueling mission, Zhi Yong found himself at the edge of the peak, gazing out at the horizon. The setting sun painted the sky in hues of orange and pink, casting a serene glow over the landscape.

"Do you ever miss the simpler days?" Zhi Yong asked, not turning to look at Ming Cheng, who had joined him.

"Sometimes," Ming Cheng admitted, leaning against a nearby tree. "But we've grown stronger, and our responsibilities have increased. It's part of the journey."

Zhi Yong nodded, but his mind was elsewhere. He thought of Zhihui, tirelessly working to maintain the delicate balance between their world and the other. The memory of the bandage that had mysteriously appeared on his hand still lingered, a silent testament to his master's care.

Even after completing numerous missions, Zhi Yong still felt a void, a longing for his master's presence. One night, after a particularly exhausting day, he found himself reaching for his diary again. He wrote down his thoughts, his frustrations, and drew a sketch that he looked at for a long time before drowsiness took over. When he woke up the next morning, he noticed a fresh bandage around his hand. He stared at it, puzzled and touched, wondering how it got there.

Life at Bai Xiao Jin Ding Peak had changed drastically over the years. The once vibrant hub of disciples had become a place of ceaseless activity and responsibility. Zhihui was either seen maintaining the balance of the peak or patrolling the borders of the other world, ensuring the land's protection and peace.

Despite the ceaseless pace, Zhi Yong couldn't shake off the thoughts of his master's absence during their last welcoming celebration. The memory of Zhihui's wound on his torso haunted him, and the fact that Zhihui hadn't attended the celebration troubled him deeply.

Unable to keep it any longer, Zhi Yong decided to visit his master's room late at night. As he approached, his heart pounded with a mix of anxiety and determination. "Master Zhihui," Zhi Yong whispered into the darkness, his voice barely more than a breath. "Are you there?" But the only response was the rustle of leaves in the gentle breeze and the distant hoot of an owl in the moonlit sky. Zhi Yong searched for signs of his master's presence, but the forest remained silent and still, as if holding its breath in anticipation.

With a sigh, he turned back, feeling the weight of his worries heavier than ever. He returned to his quarters, feeling an emptiness he couldn't quite describe. He took out his diary again and wrote down his thoughts, pouring out his worries and fears onto the pages. He drew a sketch, staring at it for a long time, until drowsiness finally claimed him.

The next morning, as he prepared for yet another mission, Zhi Yong noticed a fresh bandage around his hand. He stared at it, puzzled and touched, wondering how it got there. "Master Zhihui," he murmured, feeling a warmth in his heart. "You were here."

The relentless cycle of missions continued, with Zhi Yong and Ming Cheng becoming an unstoppable force known throughout the land. They tackled challenges and adversities with unwavering resolve, their bond growing stronger with each passing day. Yet, the void left by Zhihui's absence lingered, a constant reminder of the sacrifices and responsibilities they bore.

Three years had changed them all. Bai Xiao Jin Ding Peak was no longer just a place of training and camaraderie; it had become a beacon of strength and resilience. The Dragon Duo, along with their fellow disciples, carried the legacy of their master forward, ensuring that the peace and balance he fought so hard to maintain would endure.

As they prepared for yet another mission, Zhi Yong couldn't help but glance back at the peak, his thoughts drifting to Zhihui. "We'll make you proud, Master," he whispered, determination burning in his eyes. "No matter what."

The journey ahead was fraught with challenges, but with their master's teachings and their unbreakable bond, Zhi Yong and Ming Cheng knew they could face anything. Together, they would continue to protect their world, honoring the legacy of Bai Xiao Jin Ding Peak and the unwavering spirit of their master, Zhihui.