Chapter 10: Su Yuntao's Urgent Mission: Part 5

After the last of those present had read the letter, Qian Xun Ji looked up and asked with a firm voice, 'After reading that, how do you believe we should respond?'

There was a tense silence in the room, until one of those present, with a look of disdain, said, 'Your Majesty, he must be killed. How dare he reject our invitation? If he joins one of the empires or a sect, in 40 years they will have a Titled Douluo and, if he is lucky, in 70 years they could have a Super Douluo of at least level 97. That is a threat to our Spirit Hall.'

Qian Xun Ji listened to the opinion and then asked, 'Does anyone have another opinion?' But looking around, he saw that no one spoke and it seemed that everyone agreed on killing Xue Sha.

'Then,' said Qian Xun Ji with a voice that brooked no reply, 'since he dares to reject us, I hope he has assumed the consequences of his actions. In 3 days, when we leave to hunt Tang Hao, we will go to Nuoding city to kill Xue Sha first.'

He turned to Su Yuntao and said, 'Since you have brought this letter and I see that you are at level 20, I am going to reward you with a 600-year-old soul beast. Do you dare to absorb its ring?'

Su Yuntao, though surprised by the sudden offer, responded decisively, 'Yes, I am prepared.'

'Good,' said Qian Xun Ji, pointing to one of the individuals present, 'he is the keeper of the captive soul beast forest. You can ask him later to give you the soul beast of the type you desire.'

Then, Qian Xun Ji addressed the others and asked, 'Is there anything else?' In response to everyone's negative, shaking their heads and confirming that there was nothing more, Qian Xun Ji concluded, 'Well, if there is nothing else, leave.' And with a gesture of his hand, he indicated that the meeting was over and he left the room.

The attendees slowly dispersed, each lost in their thoughts about the upcoming events, while Su Yuntao headed to the keeper of the captive soul beast forest to claim his reward.

The keeper of the forest looked at Su Yuntao with a mix of interest and responsibility. 'What martial spirit do you have and what effect do you want the soul ring to have?' he asked with a firm voice.

'I have the Lone Wolf,' Su Yuntao replied proudly. 'I want my second ring to enhance my claws to make them sharper, if possible.'

The keeper nodded thoughtfully. 'Well, then I think I know which soul beast will suit you.' He stood up and led Su Yuntao to the back of the palace. There, he took a piece of paper from a necklace he was wearing and, with surprising dexterity, used his soul power to pierce the paper, creating holes in the shapes of letters. What Su Yuntao did not notice was that there were actually two papers.

The keeper invoked his martial spirit, revealing seven soul rings: two yellow, two purple, and three black. His martial spirit took the form of a bow and arrow. The seventh ring lit up and, in a secret compartment of the arrow, the keeper placed the letters, carefully selecting the direction of each according to its recipient. He aimed towards the sky and released the arrow, which split in two and disappeared into the distance.

'In a few minutes they will bring your soul beast,' said the keeper, turning to Su Yuntao, who expressed his gratitude.

No more than ten minutes passed when several figures appeared in the distance, approaching with a severely injured wolf inside a cage. Despite its broken legs and other injuries, the wolf was still breathing. The people climbed the back stairs of the palace, which were identical to the front ones, and placed the cage in front of Su Yuntao and the keeper.

'Here is the soul beast you wanted,' said one of them before leaving.

'Thank you, goodbye,' replied the keeper of the forest, and the men walked away, leaving Su Yuntao in front of the creature that would soon become his second soul ring.

The keeper of the forest, with a solemn gesture, extended his hand to Su Yuntao, revealing an ancient and elegant-looking dagger. 'Use this to release the soul of the beast,' he said with a voice that resonated with a weight that went beyond words.

Su Yuntao took the dagger with reverence, feeling the cold metal against his skin and the subtle pulse of power emanating from it. Before him, the injured wolf lay in the cage, its eyes reflecting a mix of pain and a spark of indomitable dignity.

Su Yuntao knelt beside the creature and with a firm and precise movement slid the dagger across the wolf's throat. Blood gushed, staining the ground crimson, and the wolf let out a final breath before its body relaxed into the stillness of death. From its essence emerged a bright yellow ring, floating in the air with a light that seemed to contain the vastness of a sunset.

Su Yuntao returned the dagger to the keeper and sat in the lotus position just below the soul ring. He closed his eyes and began to breathe deeply, entering a state of meditation. He could feel the power of the ring calling to him, a wild and ancient force seeking a new bearer.

The ring began to spin slowly, descending towards Su Yuntao. As it approached, a surge of pain enveloped him, as if he were being pierced by countless icy needles. The ring was clearly more powerful than he had anticipated, and every inch closer to his body brought a new wave of agony.

Sweat beaded his forehead as he focused on absorbing the ring, channeling the pain into his martial spirit. Images of wolves running across vast plains and dark forests filled his mind, granting him the strength and ferocity of the pack.

Finally, after what seemed an eternity, the soul ring merged with Su Yuntao, and a sensation of pure power flooded his being. Exhausted but triumphant, he fell backward, lying on the ground as he caught his breath.

The keeper of the forest watched him with curiosity. 'How did it go? Does it have the effect you wanted?' he asked, breaking the silence that had followed the intense absorption.

With a weak but satisfied smile, Su Yuntao slowly rose. 'Yes,' he said with a hoarse but firm voice, 'my claws are now sharper than ever. This power... is exactly what I needed.'

The keeper of the forest, observing Su Yuntao for a moment more, nodded in satisfaction at the young man's strength. 'Well, I have to be going,' he said with a tone of finality, indicating that his role in the ceremony had concluded. 'Goodbye.'

Su Yuntao, still feeling the flow of newly acquired energy running through his veins, replied with a simple 'Goodbye.' He watched as the figure of the keeper walked away, leaving him alone with his thoughts and the newly awakened power within him.

Despite the excitement of his achievement, a sense of exhaustion began to settle on his shoulders. Su Yuntao knew it would be imprudent to embark on a return journey in his current state. 'It would be better to stay one night at a hotel and return tomorrow,' he reflected, aware that rest was necessary to fully integrate the power of the soul ring into his being.

With that decision made, Su Yuntao headed towards the Spirit City, where the nightlife was beginning to buzz with the fall of twilight. He found a modest but comfortable hotel, where the owner, seeing his appearance as a warrior, gave him a warm welcome and assured him an uninterrupted night's rest.

The room was simple, with a firm bed and a window that looked out to the starry sky. Su Yuntao lay down, letting his mind and body sink into the tranquility of sleep, while the outside world continued in its constant bustle.

At dawn, the first rays of sunlight filtered through the window, bathing the room in a golden light that woke Su Yuntao from his deep sleep. He rose, feeling refreshed and with a clarity of purpose. After preparing for the day, he left the hotel and walked towards the gates of Spirit City.

This time, Su Yuntao chose not to invoke his martial spirit, but to walk in a normal manner with a steady and measured pace, he left the city behind, ready to face the future that awaited him.