Capítulo 19: Sword Lessons

After his grandfather left, Xue Sha was left alone in the room, holding the book that had been given to him. The aged leather cover revealed nothing about its contents, but upon opening it, Xue Sha discovered a cultivation technique that promised to increase his soul power absorption capacity by 30% more than the technique he was currently using.

Intrigued and aware of the potential of this new technique, Xue Sha decided to put it into practice immediately. He headed to the courtyard and, under the shade of a leafy tree, sat cross-legged. He closed his eyes and began to meditate, following the book's instructions to the letter. He felt the energy flow through his body more efficiently and powerfully, like a river finding its natural course.

After a while, he opened his eyes and thought to himself, "Not bad. Maybe in half a month, I can reach the next level."

Satisfied with his progress, he slowly stood up, feeling the renewed energy in his body, and headed back to the house. As he crossed the threshold, he saw two people sitting in chairs, waiting patiently. Upon seeing Xue Sha, they quickly stood up and knelt, shouting in unison, "We greet the Young Master!"

Xue Sha observed them with a cold but controlled gaze and said, "You may rise."

The two stood up, and one of them took out a token and clothes from his ring, handing them to Xue Sha. He accepted the items and stored the token in his own ring without saying a word.

Without further ado, Xue Sha headed to his bedroom. The room was simple yet luxurious, with a large, opulent bed that occupied almost the entire space. On either side of the bed were nightstands with candles, providing a soft and warm light.

Xue Sha placed the clothes on the bed and carefully spread them out. Then, he took off his current clothes and put on the new ones. He looked at himself in a mirror and observed his reflection. What he was wearing resembled a Muslim abaya but with a distinctive touch. The outer garment was white, long, and flowing, with an elegant drape that reached his calves. Underneath, he wore a white shirt that exposed his neck and a small part of his chest, just below the neck.

The outfit was completed with a white belt that cinched the abaya at his waist, giving it a more structured appearance. The pants, also white, were tight but comfortable, allowing him to move easily. Finally, his white shoes, simple but elegant, completed the attire.

Xue Sha observed himself in the mirror, evaluating his new appearance. The clothes were not only comfortable but also gave him an air of authority and serenity. With one last approving look, he turned and left the room.

Upon leaving his room, Xue Sha looked at the two people and said with determination, "Teach me how to use the sword."

The two were a bit surprised by this order, exchanging puzzled looks. Then they remembered why they had been chosen as stewards: they knew how to use swords.

One of them, recovering from the surprise, asked, "Young Master, are you sure you want to start now?"

Xue Sha responded firmly, "The sooner I start, the better. And what better time to start than right now."

The other steward nodded and said, "Alright, let's go to the courtyard."

Upon reaching the courtyard, one of them asked, "Which hand do you want to learn with?"

Xue Sha, with a determined look, replied, "Both. That's why I asked for one right-handed and one left-handed, but we'll start with the right."

The right-handed steward took out some wooden swords from his ring and handed one to Xue Sha. "Here you go, Young Master. We'll start with the basic movements."

Xue Sha took the wooden sword, feeling its weight and balance. The stewards positioned themselves beside him, one on the right and one on the left, ready to guide him.

"First, the basic guard," said the right-handed steward, adopting a firm stance. "Your feet should be shoulder-width apart, and your knees slightly bent. Keep the sword in front of you, with both hands on the hilt. Right hand on top, left hand below."

Xue Sha mimicked the posture, adjusting his balance. "Now, the first movement," continued the right-handed steward. "A downward cut, from top to bottom. This movement is called 'Tian Jian' (Heavenly Sword)."

Both stewards demonstrated the movement, and Xue Sha imitated them, feeling the resistance of the air as the wooden sword cut through the space in front of him.

"Well done," said the left-handed steward. "Now, an upward cut, from bottom to top. This movement is called 'Di Jian' (Earthly Sword)."

Xue Sha followed the instructions, executing the upward cut with precision. "Repeat the movement until it feels natural," added the left-handed steward.

After several attempts, the right-handed steward continued, "Now, a horizontal cut, from side to side. This movement is called 'Feng Jian' (Wind Sword)."

Xue Sha practiced the horizontal cut, feeling his muscles adapt to the new movements. "Very good," said the right-handed steward. "Now, a direct thrust forward, called 'Long Xi' (Dragon Strike)."

Xue Sha executed the thrust, focusing on maintaining precision and control. "Excellent," said the left-handed steward. "Now, we'll learn to block. This movement is called 'Hu Wei' (Tiger Guard)."

Both stewards demonstrated how to block an attack, and Xue Sha imitated them, feeling the force of the impact on his wooden sword.

"Finally, the footwork," said the right-handed steward. "Foot movements to dodge and reposition. This is called 'Yun Bu' (Cloud Step)."

Xue Sha practiced the footwork, moving with agility and precision. The determination in his eyes reflected his desire to master the art of the sword.

The left-handed steward observed Xue Sha with an approving look and said respectfully, "Young Master, for now, these basic movements are sufficient. Practice until you can perform them without much effort. Then, you can try using them in real combat."

Xue Sha nodded, understanding the importance of mastering the fundamentals before advancing to more advanced techniques. He continued practicing the movements, focusing on the precision and fluidity of each technique.

After a while, Xue Sha paused to catch his breath. The right-handed steward took advantage of the break to address him: "Young Master, we will take our leave. If you need us, we will be outside, in the first room on the right. And he," he said, pointing to the left-handed steward, "will be in the room on the left."

Xue Sha responded with a firm and authoritative voice, "Very well, you may go."

The stewards bowed at a 90-degree angle, showing their respect and loyalty, and then left the courtyard.

Xue Sha, now alone, refocused on his training. He repeated the movements over and over, determined to perfect each technique until they became a natural extension of his body.