Chapter 21: Between Walls and Gardens

The left-handed butler approached Xue Sha with an expression of respect and curiosity. "Young Master, where are we going now?"

Xue Sha looked around, observing the streets and buildings surrounding them. At a nearby intersection, he saw a post with several directions indicated. "Let's see if it says where my room is," he said coldly.

They approached the post and read the signs. The sign said that if they went straight, they would reach the dining hall; if they went left, they would find rooms 00 to 99; and to the right were rooms 100 and beyond. "Let's go to the left," Xue Sha ordered indifferently.

As they walked down the indicated street, they noticed that the academy was in perfect harmony with nature. There were many tall and leafy trees, well-kept bushes, and grassy areas that gave the place a fresh and serene air. The singing of birds and the whisper of the wind through the leaves created a tranquil and relaxing atmosphere.

From time to time, they encountered other intersections, but they continued straight until they reached a new sign. This time, the sign indicated that straight ahead were rooms 00 and 01, to the left were rooms 02 to 09, and to the right were rooms 10 to 20. "We continue straight," said Xue Sha without hesitation, his voice as cold as ever.

Finally, they arrived at an area with two very large villas, each surrounded by a stone wall and with an imposing wooden door. Above each door, on the wall, the numbers were written in gold.

"These must be rooms 00 and 01," commented the left-handed butler, observing the villas attentively.

Xue Sha nodded slightly and approached the villa with the number 01. "This will be my room," he said firmly. "Let's go in."

The right-handed butler opened the wooden door, revealing a luxurious and well-decorated interior. The villa was equipped with everything necessary for a comfortable stay worthy of a noble.

"Young Master, this villa is impressive," said the left-handed butler, admiring the place. "Do you wish for us to prepare anything in particular?"

Xue Sha shook his head, his expression remaining impassive. "No, for now, I just want to rest and familiarize myself with the place. Make sure everything is in order and then you can leave."

The butlers nodded and began to inspect the villa, ensuring that everything was in perfect condition. Meanwhile, Xue Sha headed to his room, observing every detail with a calculating gaze.

Xue Sha looked at the room with an impassive expression, his eyes scanning every corner with a mix of curiosity and detachment. The walls were adorned with ancient tapestries, and the furniture, though simple, denoted a sober elegance. "Not bad," he murmured to himself, as his fingers brushed the surface of a polished wooden table. Then, his gaze turned to a side door that led to the garden.

Upon opening the door, a fresh breeze caressed his face. The garden, though well-kept, lacked trees. "What a pity," he said coldly, his words barely a whisper in the air. "I had gotten used to meditating under a tree. I suppose I'll tell the butler to plant one."

With a resigned sigh, he sat on the grass, crossing his legs in a lotus position. He closed his eyes and began to meditate, focusing on his breathing. The natural surroundings, though without trees, were still a tranquil and suitable place for his practice. The singing of birds and the whisper of the wind among the flowers created a symphony that helped him immerse himself in a state of deep calm.

A few hours later, someone knocked on the villa's door. The left-handed butler, a middle-aged man with a severe expression and impeccable posture, had stayed to watch the entrance. He opened the door with a fluid and precise movement. Behind it, there was a boy of about 12 years old, his face flushed from the effort of pushing a cart loaded with objects.

"Is Xue Sha here?" asked the boy timidly, his large, curious eyes peeking over the cart.

The butler responded firmly, "My Young Master is busy. If you need something, tell me."

The boy, undeterred, pushed the cart inside and began to point to the objects as he spoke. "These are the uniforms," he said, lifting a pile of carefully folded clothes. "This book contains the rules," he added, showing a leather-bound volume. "And this is the schedule. Classes will start tomorrow at 8 in the morning."

The boy smiled shyly and put his hand behind his head, a gesture of nervousness. "Well, and the cart, after emptying it, you can leave it outside, someone will come to pick it up. Give your Young Master my regards. Goodbye."

The boy turned and left, and the left-handed butler closed the door behind him with a slight click. Then, with the efficiency of someone accustomed to discipline, he began to organize the things the boy had brought, ensuring everything was in its place before informing Xue Sha.

Meanwhile, Xue Sha continued meditating in the garden, unaware of the brief interruption. His mind was focused on strengthening his spirit and preparing for the challenges that awaited him at the academy. He felt the energy flowing through his body, revitalizing him and filling him with renewed determination.

The butler, having finished organizing everything, approached the garden and waited patiently for Xue Sha to finish his meditation. When he finally opened his eyes, the butler bowed slightly and said, "Young Master, they have brought your uniforms and the class schedule. Everything is ready for tomorrow."

Xue Sha nodded, rising gracefully. "Thank you," he said, his voice calm but firm. "Let's go see those uniforms."

With one last look at the garden, Xue Sha followed the butler back to the room. He opened the wardrobe and took out a uniform, spreading it on the bed to observe it closely. The uniform was all silver, but it played with shades of silver, creating an interesting visual effect. Xue Sha looked at it with a frown and said to the butler, "I suppose they also brought the rules. Give them to me."

The butler nodded and went to the nightstand. He opened the drawer and took out the rule book. Xue Sha instructed him, "Read the rules and see if it says anywhere that the uniform is mandatory."

The butler began to read the rules quickly. After a few minutes, he was already on the last page. Upon finishing reading, he closed the book and said to Xue Sha, "Young Master, it doesn't say it's mandatory, but it does say that in public events it is required."

Xue Sha sighed in relief. "Then I won't wear the uniform. By 'public events,' they must mean when we're in the coliseum as part of the academy team. So, in daily life, it's not necessary to wear it."

He put the uniform away and asked the butler, "And how many companions can I take to class?"

The left-handed butler replied, "Only one is allowed."

Xue Sha, while pinching his chin in a thoughtful pose, said to the butler, "Then my bodyguard will follow me."

The left-handed butler wanted to say something, but Xue Sha looked him straight in the eyes, and he said nothing. Xue Sha told him, "You may go."

The butler responded, "Yes," bowed, and left.