Chapter 24: Zoology Class

Xue Feng tapped and nudged Xue Sha's shoulder with his finger, whispering, "Everyone has arrived."

Xue Sha returned to a normal position and yawned, stretching as he sat up.

A professor with glasses and a backpack entered the classroom. He carried several books in his hands, which he placed on the table. After setting his backpack down beside the table, he distributed the books among the students.

Once the distribution was done, he returned to the table and sat on the edge, adjusting his glasses with his finger to set them straight. He looked at the children with a kind smile.

"Hello everyone. I am your Soul Beast Zoology teacher," he began, his voice resonating in the room. "Before we start the class, I want to explain some important things."

The students listened attentively.

"Firstly, in each class, I will teach you about two soul beasts. It's essential that you pay attention to the details, as knowing them well can be vital in many situations," he said, gesturing with his hand to emphasize his words.

"Additionally," he continued, "approximately every five classes, there will be an exam to ensure you understand the material. So please, stay focused and take notes."

The professor smiled and said, "Well, I won't ramble on any longer." Slapping his thighs to get the students' attention, he stood up from the table, approached the blackboard, and picked up a chalk. With precise movements, he began drawing an animal that looked like a worm but much cuter and more detailed.

After finishing the drawing, he turned to the students and asked, "Does anyone know what species of soul beast this is?"

A student eagerly raised their hand, and the professor signaled for them to speak. "I think it's an ice silk worm," the student said confidently.

The professor clapped a few times and said, "Very good, it's an ice silk worm."

He returned to the blackboard and wrote "Ice Silk Worm" above the drawing in clear, legible letters. Then he turned to the children and said, "This is one of the weakest species of all. It's almost as useless as the blue-silver grass, although ice silk worms, as their name suggests, have the ice element."

The students listened attentively, some nodding and taking notes in their notebooks.

"Normally, it's very difficult to find specimens over a thousand years old," the professor continued, gesturing with his hand to emphasize the rarity. "But three thousand years ago, a Contra passing through the Far North ventured into a cave and found an ice silk worm that was a hundred thousand years old."

The children showed surprise, some widening their eyes and murmuring among themselves.

"And I'm sure some of you are wondering what the difference was between one hundred thousand years old and the others," the professor continued, raising an eyebrow for added drama. "Well, according to that person, it had a golden ring pattern on its skin. Therefore, he called it a golden-patterned ice silk worm."

Seeing the children's reactions, he added with a smile, "Yes, I also think that a worse name couldn't have been chosen."

The students chuckled softly at the remark, and the professor, satisfied with their reaction, prepared to continue the lesson. "Now, let's discuss the strengths and weaknesses of this creature, and how you could face one if necessary."

The professor glanced at the clock and realized that more than forty minutes of class had passed, leaving him only twenty minutes. With an expression of frustration, he let out a deep sigh and began erasing the blackboard with the eraser, his movements quick and determined, almost furious. The eraser moved back and forth, leaving a cloud of chalk dust in the air.

"I'm sorry," the professor said, looking at the students with a mix of apology and annoyance in his voice, "but it seems I don't have time to tell you more details today." He paused, squeezing the eraser tightly before placing it on the table. "But if you want to know the weakness of the ice silk worm, it's its speed, as they are very slow. We will discuss more weaknesses and strengths in another class."

The students nodded, some taking notes quickly, aware of the tension in the atmosphere.

The professor, still frustrated by the limited time, returned to the blackboard and picked up the chalk with a determined gesture. He began drawing a new animal, his strokes firm and precise. This time, his movements formed the figure of a scorpion, but not an ordinary one. This scorpion seemed to be made of gems, with bright facets that captured light in an almost magical way.

The students watched with interest, intrigued by the new creature taking shape on the blackboard. The professor, noticing their interest, allowed himself a small smile, although the frustration still reflected in his eyes.

"This," he said, pointing to the drawing with the chalk, "is an Ice Jade Scorpion. I won't have time to ask you, so I'll tell you directly."

He pointed to the completed drawing on the blackboard, a brilliant and majestic scorpion made of gems.

"The Ice Jade Scorpion is the true ruler of the Far North, as it is the strongest clan in that region. The most powerful specimen of this species is the Ice Empress, known to be over a hundred thousand years old. However, the exact age is a mystery. Some say she's over three hundred thousand years old, while others estimate she's at most two hundred thousand years old. Personally, I believe she may even be over four hundred thousand years old."

The professor continued, explaining, "In the Far North, there are three kings, and the Ice Empress holds the second position."

He looked at the clock again and saw that there were only ten minutes left before the class ended. With a sigh, he continued quickly, "In the Ice Jade Scorpion clan, after many human sacrifices, we obtained important information. They have at least three scorpions over a hundred thousand years old, about forty between eighty and a hundred thousand years old, and there are hundreds between fifty and eighty thousand years old."

The students listened attentively, impressed by the magnitude and strength of the scorpion clan. The professor, satisfied with his students' reaction, put down the chalk and crossed his arms, looking at his students.

"See you in the next class," he concluded, his voice calmer but still firm. "And don't forget to review your notes."