Chapter 44: The Ambush in the Count's Territory

As the first carriage stopped, the driver, knowing they were bandits, arrogantly asked, "Who are you, and why are you stopping us?"

The one who seemed to be the leader of these bandits responded politely and, with a smile, bowed slightly: "Welcome to the bandits' highway! The toll is everything you have, including your socks."

As he straightened up, he continued speaking, this time with an arrogant smile and a greedy look, assessing the treasure that so many carriages might hold. "Do you have any more questions?" he asked, enjoying the power he wielded over the travelers.

The driver, with an expression of disbelief and a strange look on his face, replied, "Did I hear that right?"

The bandits, eager to participate, began to speak one after another:

One of them, with a mocking laugh, exclaimed, "Yes, you heard right! Even your socks! We don't want you leaving with warm feet."

Another bandit, more impatient, added, "Quick, quick! We don't have all day! And don't forget the loose change!"

A third, with a malicious smile, said, "Come on, don't be shy! Leave everything on the ground and step back!"

Finally, a fourth bandit, with a playful tone, commented, "Oh, and if you have any sweets, we'll accept those as additional payment too!"

Xue Sha heard the bandits' words and frowned. "It's strange for thieves to appear so close to the capital," he murmured to himself. Then, he turned to the butler and Bao Qing, who were beside him, and asked with an inquisitive look, "Do any of you know whose territory we are in?"

Bao Qing shook his head, his expression showing a mix of apology and confusion. "I'm sorry, Young Master," he replied in a low voice.

The butler, with a hand on his chin and a thoughtful expression, took a few seconds to respond. "If I'm not mistaken, we are in the territory of a count," he said finally, though his tone indicated some doubt. "But I don't remember exactly which one. I'll have to verify it later."

Xue Sha became more serious, his frown deepening as he looked out the carriage windows, assessing the situation. "So, is this attack the work of the Count or the Spirit Hall?" he asked, his voice filled with concern. "What levels are they?"

Bao Qing responded quickly, his tone showing a mix of arrogance and disdain. "Most are civilians without soul power. The few who have soul power don't exceed level twenty-something, and the one in charge is just a Spiritual King."

Xue Sha drummed his fingers on the table as he pondered whether to kill them or not. Although the bandits were very weak, if they belonged to the Spirit Hall, they could trigger relentless pursuit.

While he was deep in thought, the bandit leader shouted with an authoritative and threatening voice, "I told you to get out of the carriage right now! Don't make me waste more time! If you don't come out this instant, I swear I'll drag you out one by one and sell you to a brothel, even if you're men. And believe me, you won't like what they'll do to you there! So move or face the consequences!"

Upon hearing this, Xue Sha's expression darkened, and an intense killing intent emanated from him. Bai Hu, who was beside him, began to tremble slightly, feeling a chill run down his spine.

With a tone devoid of emotion, Xue Sha ordered, "Bao Qing, go and kill them all. Leave no one alive, just leave the bandit leader half-alive, as long as he still has some mobility to answer questions, that's enough."

Bao Qing nodded and left the carriage with determination. "Possession," he said firmly. Eight soul rings appeared around his feet, and a majestic eagle materialized behind him. Activating his seventh ring, Bao Qing transformed into a gigantic eagle, with a wingspan of over a hundred meters from wingtip to wingtip.

In his majestic eagle form, he soared into the air, his gigantic wings casting shadows over the battlefield. With a flash in his eyes, he activated his fifth soul ring. A deafening and sharp cry resonated in the air, a devastating mental attack that spread like an invisible wave.

Xue Sha's followers, seeing Bao Qing's transformation, had already prepared themselves. Those with defensive abilities raised protective barriers around the wagons.

The butler, with a concentrated expression, said "Possession," and suddenly a sword appeared in his hand. It was the Seven Deaths Sword, an imposing giant sword of light blue color, seemingly carved from crystal, about two meters long and half a foot wide. Six soul rings shone at his feet.

With a determined movement, the butler stabbed the sword into the carriage floor and activated his third ring. A protective layer appeared around the carriage, enveloping it in a bluish light that shone intensely, protecting everyone inside.

Bao Qing's eagle cry struck the bandits with relentless force. Those without soul power fell to the ground instantly, their inert bodies scattered across the field. Those with soul power held on for a few more seconds, their faces contorted with pain and confusion, but eventually succumbed to the attack, their eyes glassy and lifeless.

In a matter of minutes, the field was covered with inert bodies. Only the bandit leader, wounded, bleeding from his seven orifices, and barely conscious, lay on the ground, trembling with fear. Bao Qing, in his eagle form, landed nearby, vigilant.

Xue Sha stepped out of the carriage and approached the bandit leader, his gaze cold and emotionless. "Now, we're going to have a little chat," he said with an icy voice, while the bandit leader, still fearful, tried to gather strength to speak.

Xue Sha, with a cold and calculating expression, turned to the butler and said firmly, "But first..." He paused, looking the butler directly in the eyes. "Pour salt all over his body."

The butler, without hesitation, took a jar of salt from his bag. With meticulous movements, he opened the jar and grabbed a handful of coarse white salt. He approached the bandit, who lay on the ground, wounded and trembling with fear.

With an impassive expression, the butler began to sprinkle the salt over the bandit's open wounds. The salt adhered to the blood and skin, causing unbearable pain. The bandit screamed in agony, his voice echoing in the air.

"Please, kill me already!" the bandit pleaded, his voice broken by the pain. "I can't take it anymore! Please, have mercy!"

The butler continued to sprinkle the salt, his face unchanging at the bandit's pleas. Each grain of salt that fell on the bandit's wounds was like a burning ember, intensifying his suffering.

"I beg you, kill me!" the bandit screamed, his eyes filled with tears. "I'll do whatever you want, but please, stop!"

After what seemed like an eternity to the bandit, Xue Sha raised a hand and said authoritatively, "Stop."

The butler immediately stopped, putting the jar of salt away. Xue Sha approached the bandit, his gaze penetrating and cold. "I suppose you'll tell us the truth now," he said, his voice low but loaded with threat.

The bandit, his face contorted with pain and fear, nodded quickly. "Yes, yes, I'll tell you everything you want to know," he babbled, his voice trembling. "Just, please, don't hurt me anymore."

Xue Sha kept his gaze fixed on the bandit, evaluating his sincerity. "You better not lie," he warned, his tone icy. "Because if you do, this will be just the beginning of your suffering."

The bandit nodded again, his body trembling uncontrollably. "I won't lie, I swear," he said, his voice barely a whisper. "I'll tell you everything I know."

Xue Sha straightened up, satisfied with the bandit's response. "Good," he said, turning to the butler. "Prepare to listen to what he has to say. I don't want to miss a single detail."

The butler nodded, ready to take note of every word the bandit said. The atmosphere was charged with tension, and the bandit knew that his life depended on his total cooperation.