Chapter 73: Anton Vanko (Part 4)

"Such a hassle." After Tony Stark flew off in his Iron Man suit, Daniel Davis quickly got into Stark's sports car and headed towards Stark Tower. Since he couldn't use Apparition for long distances without blowing his cover, driving was his best option. Luckily, Stark's mansion wasn't too far from the tower, and with Daniel's driving skills, he arrived just in time to witness Tony blast Whiplash away with a repulsor blast.

As Whiplash, aka Anton Vanko, got back on his feet, he swung his electrified whip at Stark. Powered by his own Arc Reactor, Vanko's whip had tremendous destructive force, tearing through several cars in its path. However, those were ordinary vehicles, not Stark's titanium-alloy Iron Man suit. Stark effortlessly caught the whip with his armored hand, showing no signs of damage.

With the advantage of ranged attacks from his repulsors, Tony could have ended the fight swiftly. Whiplash's makeshift armor was no match for the sophisticated Iron Man suit, and Vanko's exposed vulnerabilities made him an easy target. But instead of finishing Vanko off quickly, Stark decided to engage in close combat, showcasing his suit's enhanced combat capabilities.

"Showboating, are we?" Daniel thought, watching Tony perform various martial arts moves. Since Tony's transformation into Iron Man, he had devoted considerable time to physical training, improving his fitness to the point where even Happy Hogan, his former bodyguard, couldn't keep up with him. With the resources at his disposal, Tony had hired top-tier martial artists to train him.

After a sufficient display, Tony finally deactivated Vanko's Arc Reactor, causing him to collapse. Both Tony and Vanko relied on the Arc Reactor to power their respective suits. Without it, Vanko was immobilized and quickly apprehended by the police, who stripped him of his armor and escorted him to a waiting police car.

Tony, showing little interest in the aftermath, took off into the sky, leaving Happy to handle the cleanup.


At Stark Tower

Back at Stark Tower's top floor, Tony, now out of his suit, began examining the Arc Reactor he had confiscated from Vanko. Tony had stashed his suits in three main locations: the Malibu mansion, his New York penthouse, and Stark Tower's top floor. Among them, the most suits were kept at his Malibu mansion. Over the years, Tony had built multiple Mark 3 suits, including one he had gifted to his friend James Rhodes, now known as War Machine. This gesture, though made during a period of despair, had significantly improved relations between Stark and the military.

Tony was eager to study Vanko's Arc Reactor, spurred by Vanko's claim that Howard Stark had stolen the technology rather than inventing it. For Tony, who held his father in the highest regard, such accusations were intolerable, and he was determined to clear Howard's name.

"Looks like I shouldn't disturb him for a while." Seeing Tony engrossed in his research, Daniel decided to leave. He had other tasks to attend to.


At the Prison

"Justin Hammer moves fast." Daniel arrived at the prison where Anton Vanko was held, expecting to be the first to act. To his surprise, Justin Hammer had already beaten him to it and was in negotiations with Vanko. The two quickly struck a deal to collaborate against Stark.

Hammer soon facilitated Vanko's escape, staging a prison riot and fire to cover their tracks. In the chaos, numerous inmates, including Vanko, were declared dead, perfectly concealing their escape.

"Hammer Industries, huh?" Daniel decided not to intervene immediately. He waited until Hammer secured Vanko in a secluded warehouse before making his move. Using the Red Queen to control the surveillance cameras, Daniel then cast the Imperius Curse on Vanko, compelling him to reveal the process for building an Arc Reactor.

The Imperius Curse, one of the three Unforgivable Curses from the wizarding world, was Daniel's go-to for such situations. With Gellert Grindelwald as his mentor, it was impossible for Daniel not to master these spells. Though the curse was highly effective, Daniel used it sparingly, reserving it for critical moments like this.

"Finally, I've got it." After extracting the knowledge he needed, Daniel let Vanko go and allowed him to continue his alliance with Justin Hammer. He had plans for Hammer Industries and needed them to continue their activities for a while.

If Hammer didn't make a move, Daniel wouldn't have the chance to acquire some of their advanced equipment. Although Stark dismissed Hammer Industries as inferior, they were still a billion-dollar enterprise with technology that Daniel coveted. Some devices were unattainable through legal means, and any attempt to purchase them would likely attract unwanted attention from the FBI.


Back at Stark Tower

"What do you mean, he's dead?" Days later, Tony, having completed his examination of the Arc Reactor, sought to meet with Anton Vanko. To his disappointment, he learned that Vanko had perished in the supposed prison riot. This news deeply disheartened Tony, who had hoped to clear his father's name by confronting Vanko directly.

Ultimately, Tony decided to put the matter behind him, choosing to trust in his father's legacy rather than the words of a vengeful attacker.

"This must be what they mean by 'simple for the skilled, impossible for the inept,'" Daniel mused. Having obtained the Arc Reactor's blueprint, Daniel quickly replicated it. Not only did he build a functional reactor, but he also managed to synthesize the new element.


Time for Upgrades

"With some spare time, might as well make some modifications." Daniel decided to retrofit the luxury car Tony had gifted him. The primary upgrade was to replace the gasoline engine with an Arc Reactor. Given Stark's plans to collaborate with leading car manufacturers to produce next-gen energy vehicles, Daniel figured his car should be ahead of the curve.

Pepper had mentioned that major automotive and aerospace companies were already approaching them to develop new energy solutions. Stark's private jet was undergoing similar modifications. However, Daniel's modifications were much more straightforward thanks to the capabilities of the Ope Ope no Mi.


Evening Plans

"I've got the intel on the Blood Orchid." That evening, Daniel held a video call with Ada Wong. Ada had confirmed the existence of the Blood Orchid and was tracking several parties who were searching for it. Her plan was simple: outbid them and secure the orchids.

"Great job, Ada. I'll wire you the money. Are you free in the coming days?" While Daniel had initially planned to search for the Blood Orchid himself, he saw no reason to if it could be bought. The fate of those seeking it was not his concern.

"What's up?"

"I need you to head to China and arrange for the construction of four satellites." To establish a communication network in the Harry Potter world, Daniel needed satellites. Despite his advanced technology, he couldn't build them alone. Even with a 3D printer, constructing satellites was beyond a one-man job.

Among the countries and companies capable of building satellites, China's aerospace industry was less influenced by S.H.I.E.L.D. and Hydra, making it a safer choice for a discreet operation.

Daniel had considered going himself but decided against it due to his lack of connections. Ada, however, had the necessary contacts.

"No problem. I could use a break, too. Anything else?"

"If you have time, could you track down Peggy Carter for me?" Daniel requested after a moment's thought.

"Peggy Carter? What's your interest in her?" As a fellow spy, Ada was well aware of Carter's legendary status.

"You might not know this, but Captain America was found alive. He hasn't aged a day. For Peggy, learning this would be too painful. I want to reunite them and help them find some closure." Daniel explained Captain America's situation and his intentions.

"I see. I'll handle it." Ada agreed and ended the call.

"It sounds lively on her end." Although Daniel couldn't see what was happening, he heard the sound of gunfire.

He wasn't worried about Ada's safety. Her enhanced body could withstand considerable damage, and as long as she wasn't overwhelmed by sheer numbers, she could escape any sticky situation.


Planning for Entertainment

"Now for some games." The wizarding world of Harry Potter had a dire lack of games, with only Wizard Chess offering any real amusement. Daniel decided to introduce some games from his world. Initially unsure of what would be suitable given the lower technological level in the wizarding world, he eventually settled on tabletop games.

Yu-Gi-Oh! and similar games, which could use holographic projection systems here, would work perfectly with magic in Hogwarts. The Great Hall's enchanted ceiling simulated the night sky, suggesting that creating magical projections wouldn't be a stretch.

Daniel also planned to introduce some basic technology, such as early mobile phones, to bring modern communication into the wizarding world.


Hammer's Impatience

"Hammer's moving quickly." Justin Hammer wasted no time. After producing a few suits of powered armor, he eagerly approached the military, hoping to sell his cheaper, albeit less sophisticated, versions of the Iron Man suit. These suits were far inferior to Stark's, but their lower cost and Hammer's persuasive sales pitch made them appealing.

Unfortunately, Hammer was oblivious to the fact that Vanko had installed a backdoor in every suit. With the flip of a switch, Vanko could take control of the entire fleet. Though lacking an advanced AI like J.A.R.V.I.S., Vanko could still use the suits as stationary turrets or kamikaze attackers.


Stark Expo

To undermine Stark, Hammer planned to showcase his new suits at the Stark Expo. If successful, this demonstration would significantly damage Stark's reputation. The moniker "Iron Man" lost its luster if it wasn't


Vanko wasn't naive. He knew Hammer was exploiting him, but he was also using Hammer. Without Hammer Industries' resources, Vanko couldn't have produced so many Arc Reactors and suits.

"Is it time for action? I won't stop you from fighting Stark, but I have other plans." Knowing Vanko's intentions, Daniel also prepared to make his move.

"Sorry, Justin." Daniel first used the Imperius Curse on Justin Hammer, compelling him to transfer all of Hammer Industries' funds into an offshore account. Then he instructed Hammer to leave, with a final order to grab a rocket launcher and confront Vanko directly.

Hammer, as a puppet, was expendable. Hammer Industries wasn't his personal empire; he was merely a figurehead. Pushing the blame for everything onto Vanko, with his Russian background, would ensure the trail led away from Daniel.

"This is a two-against-many scenario." Watching the chaotic battle above Stark Expo via his phone, Daniel continued to loot Hammer Industries of all its equipment and stockpile of weapons. Once he had what he needed, he planted explosives around the site.

The government couldn't ignore such a large-scale conflict, prompting War Machine to join the fray.

Despite Vanko's numerous suits, their inferior design and materials left them no match for Stark and Rhodey.

"Vanko, you bastard!" Just as the showdown reached its peak, Hammer burst onto the scene, firing a rocket directly at Vanko.

Simultaneously, Vanko unleashed his shoulder-mounted minigun on Hammer.

In an explosive clash, both men were destroyed. The rocket Hammer fired was armor-piercing, capable of breaching the likes of Stark's suit but deadly against Vanko's makeshift armor.


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