Going Back To School

The next morning came quickly, and Leila had a very good night's rest. After waking up, she practiced a few sets of yoga and drank some milk before preparing for the day ahead.

She was in her last year of high school, but at this time in her past life, her days of absence were more than her days of presence by a large margin. The reason was that she was often bullied by the big girls in her class.

Being an easygoing person, an introverted individual that others saw as arrogant, even her family background couldn't stop the girls from pushing her around as they knew she wouldn't tell anyone she was being bullied.

She was used to accepting everything, treating everything calmly, and whenever the girls taunted her, she would keep quiet because she believed they would soon get tired of insulting her, but they never did.

And that's all in the past because right now, anyone who dared to point a knife at her should expect nothing less than a rifle in return. She was going to claim the title of Madam No Nonsense in her new life.

Leila still had some money left in her account, so she decided to call for a taxi, even though the amount was pitifully low. Her father hadn't been sending her pocket money ever since she left home.

"I have to go back home soon..." she thought, tying her light blonde hair up into a ponytail.

She gave herself a final look in the mirror, and satisfied with her appearance, she carried the light backpack and ran downstairs.


Kingston Elite Secondary School.

Being a school that only two types of people could attend; either the incredibly rich or the insanely intelligent, the school remained the ideal of what many students aspired to attend. Not only was it a symbol of learning, but also a symbol of wealth. This was the school Leila was attending.

Various models of cars dropped off their young masters at the school gate, the sight enough to make a poor man consider taking a loan to buy one. Yet, an inconspicuous taxi zoomed to the side.

The taxi, being an anomaly out of the sleek cars, stood out. Eyes were set on it as they wondered who the poor little thing that rode inside it was.

Slowly, the taxi door opened, followed by a fair leg that stepped out, the leg wearing red sneakers and white socks.

Then the full person made an appearance, smiling slightly as she made eye contact with some students who had been stunned silly by her appearance.

Leila's appearance was something you could only find in Hollywood or with top models, being a face that was bound to garner attention wherever she was. She was tall and slender, and not even being a full adult yet, you could tell she was voluptuous.

Her light blonde hair was tied up and clipped with a red diamond hairpin, the color of her school uniform. The shirt fit her perfectly, and the frail end of the skirt sits slightly above her knees, and the red color made her skin appear even fairer. This was what always made Julianne jealous; that look was something every girl wished for, a look that could enchant anyone.

"Gulp... wh-who is she?"

"Probably a fairy, no, an elf, no a succubus."

"Probably, she is so beautiful."

"Indeed, I wonder if I can get her number."

"In your dreams."

"...I know."

"Wait, she seems a bit familiar..."

"You think so too, but I can't remember clearly where I have seen her."

"She might be a new student, you know, or who would forget a face like this?"

"True... wait!"


"I remembered who she is!"

"What? Who is she?!"

"Le-Leila... Leila Faisal!"

"Leila Faisal? The heiress to Faisal Corporation?!"

"Yeah bro..."

"I don't think I can even dream of her."

The Faisal family was an incredibly powerful family in City A, being one of the top three tycoons, and their heiress was someone whom eligible young masters from other families wanted to be associated with. Not only would they gain more wealth, but they would also be the king to a powerful queen. But that wasn't easy, as people rarely came in contact with the heiress.

Leila was oblivious to the attention she had garnered. She crossed the road to a snack shop by the roadside that specialized in selling buns, where there was already a long queue. Their buns were something she had enjoyed so much in her previous life that she'd always ask Julianne to help her buy some, but the latter always either forgot or had no money since Chief Faisal wasn't giving her pocket money.

Just as Leila made her way to the line, she heard an astonished voice call out.


"Jay." Leila happily waved him over upon recognizing the owner.

Jayden hurriedly skimmed to her side, asking as he lowered his head, his attractive blue eyes boring into her. "Sister, you came?"


"Indeed." He nodded, carrying her backpack naturally as his own was with one of his lackeys. "I thought you said you didn't like school anymore." This was something Leila had patiently told him in the past.

"That's in the past." Leila hurriedly refuted, her eyes firm as she gestured with her two index fingers together. "From now on, I and school are 2&1, my body is now one with it."


"Cross my heart and hope to die."

"That's good." He gazed at the long queue and frowned slightly. "You haven't eaten yet?"

"Yeah, and I am feeling incredibly hungry right now that I could eat a cow."

"I don't have a cow, but I will get my assistant to get you breakfast. Buns are meant as a snack, not proper food." He mumbled, fishing out his phone from his pocket already.

"Then ask him to bring the food over, and I will eat the buns after it."

"Did that go too?"

Leila shot him a look, happily rubbing his head and messing it up. "You look silly."

His lips curled as he made a call to his assistant.

Their interaction didn't escape other people's eyes, and they couldn't help but be shocked yet envious, especially the girls.

The title of the School Prince Charming had undeniably belonged to Jayden. His look charmed almost every girl, so much so that they even created a group on the school social media called Jay's Den, where thousands of girls, including juniors and seniors, followed.

Apart from that, his wealthy background made him a top catch, every girl dreaming of becoming his girlfriend. Yet here he was, chatting the way a normal person would even though he had never spared the School Belle, who was crazily in love with him, a glance.

Was it because she was prettier than the School Belle?

Girls glared at Leila with jealousy, while boys looked at Jayden with envious eyes.