
"Can't you see that they are dating?" The girl's friend pointed out, rolling her eyes.

"Dating? I heard they are childhood friends though," the other girl stated, confused.

"Childhood friends is just a more secretive way of saying childhood lovers, you dummy."

"Seems like it." The baby-faced girl finally nodded. She had to admit that her friend's words seemed true from her point of view too. If she could act that way with her childhood friend, her parents would only need to set the engagement date.

The couple finally parted ways and went to their classrooms. As soon as Leila entered, she was immediately embraced by Aditi, whose bright brown eyes checked her over, turning her around before she patted her chest in relief.

"Thankfully, you aren't hurt."

"Why would I be?" Leila tilted her head in confusion.

Aditi held her hand as they walked to their seats. "I heard that Jessica from Class 2 came to find trouble with you this morning."

"Oh, that..." Leila nodded understandingly, putting down her backpack as she sat in her seat, then smirked at Aditi. "They probably forgot to tell you how I dealt with her."

"They did forget, but I can tell that you won. Wait, why would she want to bully you? Have you interacted before?" Aditi pondered, trying to understand why Jessica would suddenly be hostile to her girlfriend.

Leila opened her palm innocently. "I am as confused as you are, but she seemed really angry."

Whether it was in her past life or in this one, she had never interacted with Jessica before.

Her words made Aditi slightly nervous again. "Then you have to be careful when dealing with her," she mumbled. "I will go and warn her in her class later. Doesn't she know you are one of my people?"

"I will." Leila nodded, a warm feeling spreading through her chest.

She finally had a friend who was truly worried about her. The feeling was undeniably great.

During Lunch Break, she and Aditi went to the cafeteria and were soon joined by Jayden and two other classmates: the taller one, who introduced himself as a Nigerian-American and short curly black hair and cerulean eyes, Fredrick; and Carter, a somewhat funny guy with attractive grey eyes.

They observed with wide eyes as Jayden put dishes on Leila's plate, and she happily picked them up. The surprise in their eyes deepened as they exchanged glances.

Aditi smirked as she continued eating her own meal.

Seeing the way Leila was eating whatever was put on her plate, she couldn't help but frown.

"Girlfriend, are you not afraid of gaining weight?" Her gaze traveled to her own plate, void of meat - though she wasn't a vegetarian and then to Leila's plate, filled to the brim.

Leila shook her head, licking her lips slightly. "I have a fast metabolism."

She paused as Jayden wiped her lips with a tissue, and as their eyes met, she couldn't help but tease.

"Even if I gain weight, Jayden will still like me, won't he?"

Jayden froze for a moment, his brain short-circuiting for a solid three seconds as he met her innocent, teasing gaze. He then calmly averted his and nodded.

"I will like Sister no matter what she looks like."

Aditi chuckled, getting used to their direct and indirect flirting, while Fredrick and Carter watched in shock, their mouths hanging open.

Was their Ice Model, who wouldn't glance at unnecessary people, capable of saying such mushy words?

No, they must be dreaming.

Even they couldn't keep a straight face at such blatant words.

Leila smiled at him and continued eating, but her ears had heated up.

Fortunately, her younger brother was growing up so well that whichever woman he decided on in the future would be wooed successfully by him.

That was one hell of a relief, really.

"Girlfriend, your video is very popular on the internet. It has over 20 million views on TikTok already, and many are falling for your looks. I am sure that particular restaurant even experienced a surge in orders. Aren't you going to consider entering the entertainment industry?" Actually, Aditi was just saying this. She didn't expect an answer from Leila.

"I am planning on entering the entertainment industry," Leila declared, earning abrupt glances from both Jayden and Aditi.

Aditi was silent for a long time, deep in thought, before she asked, "You need money?"

Leila shook her head, ruffling Aditi's hair with a smile. "Nah, my father is super duper rich, you know."

"I know." And that was what Aditi couldn't understand. Many actresses entered the entertainment industry mainly for the money they would earn, and to her, Leila didn't seem to lack money.

Thinking of something, she asked, "Then are you going for a career in acting or music? Which one?"

"Probably both." Leila replied as she unscrewed the bottle cap and took a sip of water.

Julianne had advanced to be the Film Queen in her past life and was even famous worldwide with the songs she had written.

In terms of musical talent, she was very gifted, and her grandparents had revealed to her that she gained this talent from her mother, who had been quite a famous singer when she was alive.

However, in terms of acting, she couldn't say anything about her aptitude as she hadn't acted before, either in her past life or in her present life.

Jayden stared at her thoughtfully but didn't say anything, while Aditi simply nodded.

Carter, on the other hand, smiled brightly at Leila, giving her a thumbs-up. "I am sure you are going to be very popular once you debut, Sister."

"Thank you," Leila smiled sweetly at him.

Their interaction made Jayden's eyes turn slightly cold, and Fredrick was kind enough to pinch Carter, but all he earned was a hard glare.

"Did you think you were pinching your own thigh?"

Fredrick froze slightly as eyes set on him before he gave a fake smile. "I am sorry, I indeed thought so."

Just don't blame me for not reminding you when he acts up.