Shopping (2)

Edith's noise attracted the attention of the shoppers, and the sales associate who had welcomed both Leila and Aditi earlier immediately walked up to them.

"Ask the little w*nches to f*cking let me go!" Edith yelled, her face contorted with pain and her hand on her head as she felt the two girls pulling at her hair.

"Release me now. Do you fucking know who I am?" she cried out once again, feeling their strength increase and fresh tears started streaming from her eyes. By now, she was sure the hair she had desperately try to maintain was about to fall out.

"Excuse me, excuse me. Please stop this before we call the security guards," the sales associate intervened.

Aditi and Leila exchanged a glance and, at the same time, released the woman.

Leila kicked Edith, sending her sprawling face down, while Aditi quickly grabbed the dress.

The sales associate rushed to help Edith up, supporting her as she tried to stand.