Rao's Regret

Rao's eyesight was blurry, after all, one of his eyes had been pierced the day before so he could only make out a faint image of the person before him, sitting on a chair with his legs crossed.

"Who are you?" he said, his jaw slack with anger as he tried to intimidate his captor.

"Who am I?" Jayden leaned in, reaching out to hold Rao's jaw. Even though Rao couldn't see what he looked like, the cold aura Jayden emitted was enough to make him shiver with fear.

He gulped slightly, trying to wriggle free of Jayden's grip and met his captor's eyes. "What do you want? Money? A house? Land? Women? Just tell me what you want, and I will have my people bring it to you!"

A chuckle escaped Jayden's lips as he released Rao's jaw. He stood up from the chair and approached the table where sharp instruments lay.