Aditi's Doubt

Aditi entered the top floor, greeted sweetly by the employees who recognized her as she made her way to Vincent's office. Usually, she would feel excited, a little thrill running through her at the thought of seeing him, he is her favorite person, after all. But today, something was different, she was extremely nervous. She hesitated at the door, her heart thumping with uncertainty as she clenched her hand beside into her a tight fist. Should she really be here after last night?

Before she could decide, the door opened from the inside, and she found herself face to face with Vincent. His cold, tired eyes locked onto hers, and at that moment, the memories of last night came rushing back like a tide. And yeah, they are memories she wouldn't ever forget in her life.

He had kissed her. Not a brotherly peck on the cheek, but a real kiss—on the lips.