Sophia's Request

"I thought you already knew who I am, dear," the woman said with an amiable smile that stretched to the corners of her lips.

She seemed easygoing with that lovely smile on her gorgeous face. It gave people peace of mind and an urge to keep the smile there forever. But as they say, eyes don't lie. Her eyes were what Aditi avoided looking at for too long; they reminded her of a sick lion. They were filled with malice, then kindness, amusement, and then boredom.

Who could gauge the different signals she was giving like a TV channel?

"I don't know you," Aditi said firmly, averting her gaze as soon as it met the woman's. "Why did you kidnap me? I've never seen you before or had a quarrel with you. What's the meaning of this?"

"So feisty," the woman chuckled, crossing her legs with an elbow resting on the top one and her hand on her knees, blinking seductively.