Charli And Stuart

Leila was sitting on the couch, a pillow on her lap and she looked dazedly at the window.

Her friend was still nowhere to be found.

She didn't know what to do.

Vincent couldn't be contacted, and the police couldn't find Aditi. It was as if she had disappeared from the face of the earth, and that made Leila feel incredibly unwell. She really felt helpless.

Her father also wasn't able to find out whom exactly had took Aditi away even though he had contacted many friends that could help, and currently, he was still investigating.

That only made Leila even more worried and she held her hands together, praying silently.


In the Hudson Mansion.

On the second floor.

A woman wearing a white pullover and black leggings strode through the corridor like a general marching to war. Her features were Indian, with deep eyes and voluptuous curves as she stormed forward, her jaw slacking with anger that made her appear intimidating.