Sakami Island

Both ladies sat in the huge, spacious living room, confirming Aditi's guess that this woman was truly wealthy, considering how well furnished and luxurious the room appeared.

Juice was served by the men and Aditi couldn't help but wonder how it was convenient for Sophia, a woman, to be surrounded by men serving her.

"You're wondering how?" Sophia said lightly, taking a sip of her juice with a knowing look, as if she could read the thoughts going on in Aditi's head.

Aditi pursed her lips and didn't deny it. "Yeah, aren't you worried that they could do something bad to you at any time?"

Sophia chuckled, crossing her legs. She took no offense. Instead, she flipped her hair and spread her arms wide across the sofa in a relaxed manner, her eyes gleaming with interest and amusement as she asked, "How do you feel around Vincent?"

Aditi immediately answered, "Safe."

Sophia smiled and continued to ask, "Then how would you feel with two Vincents?"