Sophia's Ending (2)

Beep... Beep...

The sound of the monitor echoed as the woman on the bed stirred awake, prompting the doctors to rush in and surround her.

After running a few tests, her parent was allowed in while the doctor and nurses excuse themselves.

Aditi's mind was blank as she watched someone enter.

"Mother..." she called out hoarsely, and Charli, already in tears, immediately handed her a glass of water.

As soon as she finished drinking, Charli took the glass from her and placed it on the table before reaching out to hug her tightly.

"I'm so glad you're back, baby. I was worried you'd be hurt, but thankfully, you made it back safe."

Suddenly, Aditi felt a sharp pain in her head, and her eyes widened as she remembered what had happened.

She had heard the sounds of intense combat between Sophia and the raiders.