Birthday (1)

"Wake up, sleepyhead." Aditi's voice rang out as she pulled Leila off the bed.

Leila rubbed her eyes, the early morning light filtering through the curtains. Her vision was still hazy, but she could make out Aditi's energetic figure with a bright smile on her face.

"Happy birthday, Leila."

"Thank you." Leila returned the smile, yawning as she get off the bed and head to the bathroom.

After brushing her teeth, she had just placed her toothbrush down when she felt Aditi behind her. "Close your eyes," she heard her whispered.

"What?" Leila raised an eyebrow, a little puzzled, but she closed her eyes anyway, anticipation building up as she had a faint idea of what was about to happen.

"You'll see. Just follow me," Aditi replied, her voice brimming with mystery as she led Leila out of the room.