"What is wrong with uncle?" Hua Hua asked softly, obviously in shock at how the somewhat heroic uncle could be crying like a kid whose candy was snatched from him.
Ning Lichuan was not bothered about the fact that his image was gone as he was blaming himself seriously.
His sister, who from young experience the pain of losing their parents together with him, who lived under the same roof as him and who at that time was only eighteen got pregnant and he never knew, he was really sad at how he has overlooked many things. He thought that he was the head of the house and naturally he knew many things at a glance but now he realized that he knew nothing about his sister at all.
"How did it happen?, who is the brat that even impregnated you in the first place?" Ning Lichuan asked as he tried to composed himself.
Ning Li's face turn a little pale when she heard his question, she clenched her fist and glanced at her children and they immediately understand