Volume 1, Chapter 20: The Address

Xiahou went to report to the Xiong Camp of the new military barracks in Anyi, Central State. The Xia Dynasty revered the bear totem, much like how the highest military symbol was the bear. A new military camp under the bear flag naturally held the highest status. The Xiong Camp was responsible for training new recruits to be added to the various divisions and guards under the Anyi King's command. Every soldier was a so-called noble, born with the potential for sorcery, and many were high-level warriors.

High standards brought high rewards. The Xiong Camp's armory, occupying over a thousand acres, was built in a gourd-shaped valley with only one exit, located at the rear of the camp, making it the most defensible area. The barracks were constructed from quarried stone, sturdy and solid, each stone house being over a hundred zhang in size, housing meticulously maintained armor, weapons, and various equipment. The barracks of the overseeing officer, Shengong, were the most luxurious in the camp.

The so-called luxury was relative; the stones used were neatly cut square blocks, meticulously polished. This barracks stood out among the others, separated by dozens of zhang, offering a clear, unobstructed view.

When Xiahou angrily stormed out after knocking out Shengong, he saw hundreds of the armory's guards slowly gathering, glaring at him menacingly. Despite being in the camp, these guards in coarse military uniforms were not wearing armor or wielding iron weapons, only holding uniform black wooden sticks, forming a crescent formation around the entrance.

Xiahou snorted, "You came quickly. I knocked out Shengong. What do you want to do?"

After a long silence, a captain slowly stepped forward, shaking his head. "We don't want to do anything. Knocking out Shengong is useless. Everyone in the Xiong Camp knows he's a semi-administrative officer. Knocking him out won't get you promoted. We'll take him to the medic and then escort you to see the Xiong Camp Commander."

Xiahou was astonished, "Knocking him out is useless? Whatever, he deserved it for running his mouth. Why see the commander? Are they going to whip me?" Xiahou's eyes darted around. He thought about seeking help from Xingtian Dafeng if they tried to punish him physically, remembering his previous life where corporal punishment was not tolerated in the special forces training.

The captain chuckled, shaking his head. "Whipping? Our Xia Dynasty military has no such rule. If you can knock out an officer, that's your skill. Why punish you? Seeing the commander is because you knocked out a ranking officer, which must be recorded. According to military regulations, only an officer one rank above the victim can register the incident. The Xiong Camp Commander's the only one above Shengong."

Xiahou's tension eased, and he laughed, "Why bring so many people?"

The captain shrugged, mirroring Xiahou's gesture, "Our armory guards lack combat skills. The soldiers are ordinary civilians. A mid-level sorcerer could wreak havoc here. If you can knock out an officer, killing a few soldiers is nothing. We brought more people just in case you went berserk."

Xiahou scratched his head and laughed bitterly. Finally, two lieutenants emerged from the barracks, ordering, "Take Shengong to the medic. We'll escort Xiahou to see the commander. Remember, once Shengong wakes up, he must explain everything to the commander."

One lieutenant with green skin whispered to Xiahou, "No matter what, knocking out an officer like Shengong can be troublesome due to his strong backing. If the commander doesn't intervene, you'll be in a difficult position." He patted Xiahou's arm, signaling him to follow them to the armory's exit.

Following the two lieutenants, Xiahou curiously asked, "Shengong, is he from the Shengong family?" He recalled meeting Shengong Kun in Fenyinze.

The lieutenant nodded, frowning, "Without being from the Shengong family, how could he hold his position with his level of sorcery? You're new here, Xiahou. The military camp has complex relationships. Even if you have Xingtian's support, you must act cautiously."

The other lieutenant nodded vigorously, "Fortunately, our commander is a direct relative of Xingtian. He'll likely brush off your incident with Shengong. But be careful; there are other Shengong family members in the Xiong Camp. A few days ago, six to seven hundred new recruits joined, many from the Shengong family. Even though they are branch members, they shouldn't be underestimated."

Xiahou frowned deeply, feeling frustrated. He thought about how he never honed his political skills in university, and now he had offended a significant faction upon joining the military camp. He wished he had learned to be more cunning. But soon, his carefree nature took over, and he wondered aloud, "Six to seven hundred new recruits from the Shengong family? How many do they have each year?"

As he spoke, a loud noise erupted from the forest ahead, resembling thunder, accompanied by a strong wind. Xiahou watched in awe as the trees on the surrounding hills swayed, and pebbles on the ground jumped. He thought, "What a powerful bell and sorcery! The person ringing it must be much stronger than me, yet they're just a bell ringer?"

The two lieutenants jumped, shouting, "The assembly bell!" They looked at the sky, dragging Xiahou, "It's noon assembly, and the last day for new recruits. The commander must be addressing the troops. Hurry! Anyone not in the parade ground within thirty counts of the bell gets a hundred snake whip lashes."

Xiahou didn't delay. With his military training background, he knew the importance of discipline. Though he had no attachment to Anyi or its military, he didn't want to start his service with a hundred lashes.

Despite earth elemental power not enhancing speed, Xiahou's muscular build and long strides let him outpace the leaping lieutenants, his heavy footsteps echoing as he followed new recruits rushing to the parade ground.

The lieutenants, loyal and concerned, caught up with Xiahou, guiding him to a corner of the parade ground, advising him to stay put until the assembly ended, before running to the central area where the Xiong Camp officers were gathering.

Amidst the shuffling feet, a strong voice counted, "Twenty-five, twenty-six, twenty-seven!"

Before the count reached thirty, the parade ground filled with new recruits. Xiahou, using his experience from military exercises, estimated over 80,000 people were present. The sight of the jostling crowd made him shudder. He thought, "If I were in the middle, I might get my ribs broken despite my resilience."

The two lieutenants were thoughtful, placing Xiahou at the edge, sparing him from the crowd's pressure. He wondered how those in the middle survived.


Gradually, the crowd settled down. Behind the ranks of officers in front, a formation took shape that Xiahou couldn't describe. It looked like a block of tofu cut haphazardly by an idiot with a kitchen knife, full of jagged edges, resembling a piece of abstract art.

The counting voice boomed, "Well done! Today, it only took three incense sticks' worth of time to get in formation. This proves that the past month's training has been effective."

The speaker continued with a sense of pride, "This demonstrates that our Xiong Camp is the best new military camp in Anyi. As the camp providing elite recruits directly to the King's forces, such as the Black Armor Army, the Xuanbiao Army, and the Yulong Army, you should be proud to have joined us. Passing our tests and standing here means you've got good judgment!"

Xiahou felt a chill down his spine. Was this commander an idiot, or was this truly the standard of the Xia Dynasty's military? He looked at the chaotic formation, noticing burly men scratching themselves and picking their noses, thinking that even university students during his past life's military training had better discipline. He chuckled inwardly, "Bless Buddha, my military life looks like it'll be easy! Getting praised for forming ranks in three incense sticks' time? If not for that annoying assembly bell, I could have slept through two incense sticks and still made it."

Suddenly, a fierce wind from all directions converged on the massive stone platform at the front of the field. A middle-aged man in a black robe, with a serrated longsword at his waist, slowly rose into the air, hovering about a hundred zhang above the ground. He shouted, "Soldiers of Xiong Camp, some of you know me, while others are new recruits. It doesn't matter. I am Xingtian Chao, the commander of Xiong Camp and the highest-ranking officer here."

Xingtian Chao laughed loudly, "Two months ago, the Xia court began recruiting new soldiers. In these two months, including today's arrivals, how many do we have now? Cousin, what's the count?" he asked someone on the platform.

Laughter erupted within the ranks, causing the formation to ripple again. Xiahou broke out in a cold sweat, feeling anxious. Could such a disorganized army really fight? There were many powerful individuals here; at least a dozen near him had auras matching or surpassing his own. But individual strength didn't guarantee a strong army.

A voice from the platform responded weakly, "Commander, including the last recruit this morning, Chihu Baolong, we now have 87,535 people in Xiong Camp. I need to check on the medic camp; I heard Shengong was knocked out and is still unconscious despite being given Soul Awakening Pills."

Xingtian Chao sneered, "Shengong? That useless fool? Whoever knocked him out, I'll promote them. Pah!" Hovering a hundred zhang in the air, he spat, showering thousands of officers below with spittle, causing several to curse loudly.

Xingtian Chao roared, "Shut up! It's just spit, not like I slept with your mothers. Wait, your mothers are my aunts. Forget I said that." He spat again and drew his serrated sword, shouting, "Anyone who's dissatisfied, come up and fight me! If you win, you get my position. If you're too scared to fight, shut up! Pah! You're all as annoying as Xingtian Pan!"

The officers immediately fell silent, but the formation, once passably neat, became sparse.

Xiahou crossed himself, "Gods above, this camp is perfect for slacking off. With this kind of army, I'll rack up military merits easily! Becoming a high-ranking officer will earn me the King's favor and powerful sorcery techniques. Perfect for an elite operative like me."

Xiahou grinned foolishly, excited by the prospect. High-level sorcery techniques would make him strong enough to find a way back to Earth, where he could relax, cursing Yang while enjoying dishes cooked by Xiaohua. It would be the happiest life imaginable.

"If I reach the level of a Grand Sorcerer here, I'd be as powerful as those elite guest instructors. My military rank would skyrocket, and my salary would multiply several times," Xiahou mused, feeling euphoric.

Lost in his thoughts, he ignored Xingtian Chao's speech about the accomplishments of Xiong Camp's soldiers, how many became officers, and how many rose to high ranks. He didn't notice four men in black, escorted by bruised officers, entering the parade ground.