Chapter 17 (The Archmage)

The atmosphere in the Divination Chamber was heavy with anticipation. Menelaus had gathered the five of us to commence our training in divination, the first step in truly understanding and mastering our innate magical abilities. The chamber was dimly lit, the air thick with the scent of ancient stone and the faint hum of magical energy. In the center stood a massive, wheel-like tool made of intricately carved stone, its surface etched with the symbols of the elements.

Menelaus, in his usual calm presence said to us, "Each mage must understand their core," he began, his voice echoing slightly as it bounced off the walls of the chamber. "Divination is about attuning yourselves to the essence of your magic, drawing energy from the stars and molding it based on that core. This wheel," he gestured to the stone structure, "will reveal which element you are most aligned with."

I glanced at my companions. Bran stood confidently; his eyes fixed on the wheel with a determined gleam. Ishtar, the former slave turned mage apprentice, wore a look of intense focus. The twins, Karim and Haruno, exchanged nervous glances, their unawakened magic a source of anxiety.

Menelaus continued, "The Divination Stone acts like a sensitive compass, detecting the magic embedded in your very being. The core will turn when it senses your magic, revealing your primary element. Most mages can command multiple elements, but their true power lies in their core element. Only Archmages, those rare few, can master all elements with the same intensity." He looked directly at me, reminding me of our conversation about my lineage. "The Old King Roynar was such a mage."

With a sweep of his hand, Menelaus invited us to step forward. "Now, who will go first?"

Bran, never one to hesitate, stepped into the circle. He closed his eyes, his face a mask of concentration. The wheel began to glow, its symbols lighting up one by one until it slowed and stopped at the symbol of fire.

"Ah, a pyro mage," Menelaus remarked, a smile tugging at his lips. Bran's face lit up with pride. Fire mages were known for their aggressive, attack-oriented magic, and Bran's lineage from the Dragon Guild, the top magic guild in Eldoria whom his father was the guild master, made him no stranger to this element.

Ishtar was next. His face contorted with effort as he delved deep into his memories, drawing on the pain of his past. The wheel spun, flickering through the symbols until it settled on the element of wind.

"A wind mage," Menelaus observed. "Appropriate, given your telekinetic abilities."

The twins stepped forward, first Haruno and then Karim. Despite their intense focus, the wheel remained still for both of them. Bran's mocking laughter filled the chamber, and the twins' faces fell.

Menelaus, ever the wise mentor, had them stand together in the circle, holding hands. As they did, the wheel began to spin once more, stopping at the symbols for fire and water.

"Remarkable," Menelaus said, a smile spreading across his face. "Twins often share a magical affinity. I've never seen a twin mage in a hundred years. Though it can be a disadvantage since their powers are strongest only when they are together, it is also a rare and powerful bond."

The twins' faces lit up with joy, their earlier disappointment forgotten.

Finally, it was my turn. I stepped into the circle, feeling the weight of everyone's expectations. I closed my eyes and tried to focus, but the wheel remained still. Bran's taunts echoed in my ears, but I pushed them aside.

"Anchor yourself to your strongest emotion," Menelaus advised. "Think of a moment that moved you deeply."

I thought of the night Tom and I encountered the nightcrawlers, the fear and desperation that had consumed me. I imagined the breach in the wall near the Southernlands, the thought of nightcrawlers wreaking havoc in my village, of my mother and Tom in danger. A surge of energy coursed through me, unlike anything I had felt before. It was peaceful, tranquil, yet immensely powerful.

The chamber filled with a blinding light, warm and pure. The wheel began to spin wildly, every element symbol lighting up in rapid succession. Gasps of awe echoed around me as I opened my eyes to see the entire chamber bathed in light. All the element symbols on the wheel were glowing.

Menelaus looked at me, his eyes wide with acknowledgement. "An Archmage is born among us," he declared.

I stood there, stunned, as the realization sank in. I was an Archmage, just like the legendary King Roynar and Menelaus himself.

The twins cheered, and even Ishtar smiled. Bran, for once, was speechless.

"Now," Menelaus said, his voice filled with a new intensity, "we begin your true training."

As the initial excitement settled, Menelaus gathered us around the wheel. "Your core element defines your primary strength, but as Archmages, Erik and I possess the potential to master all elements, not just their basic attributes but beyond that, a more powerful blood magic." he explained. "Let us begin with the basics."

Menelaus raised his staff, and the chamber dimmed, focusing our attention on the elemental wheel. "Fire and earth combine to create lava," he demonstrated, his staff summoning a molten stream that flowed with mesmerizing heat. "Wind and water form ice." With a swirl of his staff, the temperature dropped, and crystalline ice formed in the air, reflecting the chamber's light in a dazzling display. "Fire and water create lightning." A bolt of electricity crackled from his staff, illuminating the chamber with a bright, electric blue.

As he demonstrated these combinations, I felt a growing sense of confidence and determination since he had taught me the same trick last night.

"Now, Erik," Menelaus said, turning to me, "try to combine fire and earth."

I stepped forward, feeling the weight of expectation once more. I closed my eyes and focused on the sensation of magic within me, the fire that had always been a part of my being when Solaris the Lion communed with me. I imagined it merging with the solidity of earth, the heat of molten rock. Slowly, a stream of lava began to form, the ground beneath it sizzling with intensity.

"Well done," Menelaus praised. "Now, try wind and water."

I concentrated again, feeling the coolness of water and the movement of air. The combination was more challenging, but with effort, I created a swirling mass of ice crystals, delicate and beautiful.

Menelaus nodded approvingly. "Excellent. These are the building blocks of your training. With practice, you will grow more adept at these combinations."

As the training continued, the others watched with a mix of awe and determination. Bran's initial mockery was replaced with a grudging respect, while the twins looked on with admiration.

"Your journey has only just begun," Menelaus said, addressing all of us. "Divination is but the first step. Mastery of your core element is crucial, but never forget the importance of balance and harmony. The true strength of a mage lies not in brute force, but in understanding and control." "That will be all for today, divination can be tiring and taxing at your uncontrolled energy. Rest, young fools, for tomorrow we will start with the Affinity training, this is where the real mage training begins!

As we left the Divination Chamber, the echoes of Menelaus's teachings lingered in my mind. The legacy of King Roynar and the power of blood magic were daunting, but they were also a part of who I was. With Menelaus's guidance, I felt more prepared to face whatever challenges lay ahead. The journey of an Archmage had only just begun, and I was ready to embrace it.