Chapter 23 (Beastwhisper)

The mountainfolk rounded up the bandits, ensuring they would face trial in the high court of Eldoria for their crimes. Menelaus, a seasoned mage and my master with a stern demeanor but a kind heart, attended to my wounds.

However, to our mutual astonishment, there were no gashes or cuts on my skin—only dried blood stains marked where the injuries had been.

"You've healed already?" Menelaus remarked, his brow furrowed in disbelief. I nodded, equally surprised. "I don't feel any pain at all."

Menelaus paused, a contemplative look crossing his face. "Gatekeepers usually have a faster recovery and healing process," he explained. "You possess a rare blessing from the zodiac element of earth, Florenna the Maiden, the goddess of healing herself with whom mages with distinct healing abilities pray for strength and wisdom. This ability might have been awakened when you were wounded."

"But I never communed with her yet, only with Solaris…" I replied. "Are you sure?" I tried to recall the night Solaris communed with me, I heard a voice of a lady, gentle as the springs. She was the one who rebuked Solaris. "I think I did, now I remember, but it was sort of an indirect communion since it was Solaris who called my name," I told him. "Two elemental gods spoke to you that night Solaris took control of your body?" Menelaus said, a disbelief in his voice. "Yeah, I think so." "Hmmm…" He caressed his beard and mustache with an air of thoughtful contemplation.

One more thing, "While I was in the cave, something strange happened. The Luminara Drakes spoke to me. I could understand their language. It was as if our minds were connected, I could feel her pain, her anguish. Her desperate call for help."

Menelaus's eyes widened with interest. "Is this the first time it has happened to you?"

"Yes," I replied.

Menelaus's expression turned thoughtful. "One of the Gatekeepers in the past, during the Forgotten Era, was Lorathil the Tamer, a gatekeer from the race of the Elves. He had the ability to speak to beasts. Beastwhisper is a rare gift, and I have never known any mages, past or present, with the same ability Lorathil possessed. These rare mages were called Beastwhisperers. They often do not realize they are speaking to beasts in their language; it is an innate ability to form a telepathic link with the creatures. To them, it feels like they are using the common tongue."

"Beastwhisper," I repeated, the word tasting unfamiliar but intriguing on my tongue.

Menelaus nodded. "This ability could come in handy at times when needed. But remember, Erik, sometimes the best thing to do is to walk away from battles that are not your own. However, in this case, what you did was right. Foolish, because you could have been killed, but right nonetheless."

I sighed, the weight of recent events pressing heavily on me. "I felt like I didn't do well in my first fight with the bandits. I was panicking and... I almost wet myself from fear."

Menelaus chuckled softly. "It's okay to be afraid. We all are. But great people still do the right thing even when they are afraid."

He winked at me, Menelaus has a way of making me feel good every time I doubt myself. He was such a kind master. Learning from him undoubtedly is my greatest gift. Menelaus's wisdom was comforting, though it couldn't fully erase the sting of my perceived failures but it did inspire me, I became more determined. I wanted to learn more, to become better, perhaps to be as strong and wise as my master one day.

"I just feel so inadequate," I admitted. "I can't control earth magic as well as I want to. All I managed to do was hurl a couple of stones at the bandits, not so grand ain't it? Even kids could do it."

"Nonsense!" Menelaus's voice was firm. "You were able to lift the steel net, which is considerably heavy, using earth magic. Controlling primary earth elements such as steel, metal, crystals, and alloy are advanced forms of earth magic. Not even all B-class Astron mages can do that."

"Does it mean I'm equal to a B-class Astron Mage?" I asked, hope seeping into my voice.

Menelaus laughed heartily.

"No, Erik. While you have a natural talent for earth magic, you still need to put in much work to become better at it. Three months won't be enough, but with your talent, it should be easier to progress once you master the basics. The foundation of all advanced magic techniques is built on the basics," he lectured.

His words gave me a sense of purpose. I was ready to put in the work. "So, what's next?"

"Our work here is done," Menelaus said, his tone shifting to one of finality. "You have shown boldness and courage in the face of trial, but you still have much to learn.

Next, we will learn the basics of fire magic—the most destructive attack type magic of all the elements. It takes a lot of will to control, for when you lack the will to control such a devastating power, the element itself will control you. Prepare yourself, for tomorrow we journey to Embercrag. There, I will instill in you what it truly means to be a Pyro mage."