Chapter 26 (The Hovering Mountains)

At dawn Menelaus and I set out, leaving the fiery landscapes of Embercrag behind. The air grew cooler as we climbed at the top of the mountains using cable-like bridges of vegetation, the ground giving way to lush greenery and towering cliffs that stretched towards the sky.

Hovering Mountains are ranges of peaks suspended in the sky, casting shadows over the valleys below like floating islands. Each peak defy gravity, held aloft by some mysterious, unseen force. It's lush with emerald forests and glistening waterfalls that cascaded from the heights, disappearing into the misty abyss below. The air was crisp and stimulating, filled with the scent of pine and the distant rumble of cascades. The skies over the Hovering Mountains were alive with creatures.

Among them were the yellow Thunder Kites with metallic plumage that can channel electricity. They create static charges as they fly, releasing powerful electric bolts to stun their prey. Agile and fast, they are relentless speed hunters that rarely miss a strike.

Then there were floating Velvet Manta rays with silky skin that changes color as the sunlight passes through their coating. They soar through the air as if swimming through water. They are gentle filter-feeding giants, often carrying smaller creatures on their backs.

Beneath the canopies of the floating forests, smaller creatures made their homes. The Glimmer Sprites, tiny light bugs, flitted among the trees, leaving trails that glow in their wake. They were the keepers of the forest, believed to be the spirits of the Skylithians, ancient humanoid beings with tiny wings that used to inhabit this place. They drift along the forest tending to the ancient trees and whispering secrets to those who could hear them. Legends spoke of their origins as the tears of Luminara in anguish as her 12 godly offsprings were sealed by Umbrus in the heavens. The primordial goddess of light, was believed to have once resided in these mountains at the dawn of time.

The lore of the Hovering Mountains was steeped in mystery and magic. It was said that in the earliest days, when the world was new and the elements were in their purest forms, Luminara descended from the heavens to dwell with her creations and made her home in these peaks. The mountains, enraptured by her divine presence, rose into the sky, becoming her celestial sanctuary. It was said that in these sacred heights she conducted her divine work, creating the first stars and casting light into the void.

Menelaus shared this ancient lore with me one evening as we sat around a campfire, the flickering flames casting dancing shadows on the surrounding cliffs.

"These mountains are a testament to the enduring power of the primordial goddess of light," he said, gazing into the fire. "Luminara's light still resides here, in every tree, every rock, and every breath of wind. To train in this place is to draw upon the first breath of the life-giving element that sustain all living beings in this world."

Our training began with the basics, much like it had with earth and fire. Menelaus instructed me to feel the wind, to sense its patterns and rhythms. We stood on the edge of a precipice, the ground far below us, and he extended his arms, letting the wind carry him as he floated masterfully way better than what Ishtar could do.

"Air is freedom," he explained, his eyes closed as he swayed with the breeze. "It is movement and change. To command it, you must relinquish your inner cage and prepare to be swift away."

"Each breath is a wave," he continued, demonstrating by exhaling sharply and causing a gust of wind to ripple outwards. "Learn to direct it buy becoming nothing, just like the petals of dandelions being blown by the faintest of wind. You must succumb to it. To fly is to surrender."

"Speed and agility," he emphasized one afternoon as I struggled to keep up with his nimble movements. "Air is about movement. You must be swift as the wind itself."

Another trial took place in a hidden valley where the warm air from above swirled in chaotic patterns as it meets the cold ones from below, creating unpredictable currents and eddies. Menelaus instructed me to create a stable pocket of air within the turbulence. It was a test of concentration and inner peace, teaching me to remain centered no matter how chaotic the external world became.

Days turned into weeks, each one blending into the next as I immersed myself in the training. The Hovering Mountains became my world, their mysteries unfolding with each new challenge. Menelaus's guidance was steadfast.

One morning, after an especially grueling session, Menelaus approached me.

"You are a natural, Erik. You have mastered the basics of earth fire and air, in barely three months. Many gifted mages I trained in a span of my long years but I have never trained someone so accustomed to the elements. Constellation magic burns strong inside you. Despite these gifts from the gods, you as well have shown resilience and strength beyond your years. I could never be more than proud to have been the master of the what probably the greatest Zodiac Prince that ever was."

Menelaus and I stood on the edge of a cliff in the Hovering Mountains, the emerald forest below us bathed in the soft glow of twilight. The fireflies had just begun to stir, their gentle light heralding the onset of night.

Menelaus turned to me, his expression grave but kind. "Erik," he began, "the time has come for me to leave. I must journey beyond the walls to spy on the activities of the Dark King's forces. The knowledge of their movements is crucial for our war preparations. I might not be there when you ascend but I believe that you will pass the test with flying colors. I know from the moment I met you that you my child is destined to do great things beyond your imagination."

My heart sank at his words. "But master, I've only just begun to grasp the basics. There's so much more I need to learn from you."

He placed a reassuring hand on my shoulder. "You don't need me anymore young fool. I've taught you as best as I could. The rest will be up to you now. Trust in yourself and the bond you share with the people around you. Always remember, who you are."

Tears welled up in my eyes as I hugged him tightly. "Thank you, Menelaus, for everything. Please, take care of yourself."

He returned the embrace with a fatherly warmth. "I will, young Erik Lionheart. And I promise you this: when the time comes to confront the forces of evil, I will be there, standing by your side."

We stood there for quite some time, the silence filled with unspoken words and the hum of the tranquil evening. Finally, it is time to say goodbye, his eyes reflecting the light of the Glimmer Sprites. "Farewell, my student. May the stars guide you."

With a final nod, he turned and walked down the path, disappearing into the gathering shadows. I watched until he was out of sight, my heart heavy but determined.

As the night deepened, I sat on the cliff's edge, feeling the gentle breeze of the air against my cheeks.

"Goodbye, old friend," I whispered to the night.

With renewed resolve, I stood up and looked out over the enchanted forest. From here on out, the journey was mine to undertake, and it starts with me becoming full-fledge Astron mage. I will ascend at all costs. As I turned back towards our camp, I felt a newfound strength within me. I am now ready to face the final test of Ascendancy.