Chapter 32 (Serves you right, cheaters!)

I wasted no time looking for the cheaters using Geomancy. The forest around me was a chaos mix of sounds and movements, and I knew I could unravel its secrets if I just concentrated hard enough. Standing still, I closed my eyes and let my senses extend outward, feeling the earth beneath my feet, sensing the subtle vibrations that traveled through the ground.

The forest was alive with all sorts of movements. I could feel the tiny critters scurrying through the underbrush, their minute activities sending faint, almost negligible tremors through the soil. The rustling of leaves as the wind whispered through the trees added another layer to the symphony of the forest. The shifting trees themselves, groaned softly, their roots and branches intertwining in a dance that propel each tree forward as the rest take up the space left behind so that the entire forest landscape is continuously shifting.

Every footstep, no matter how light, sent ripples through the ground, and every voice, no matter how soft, vibrated through the air that in turn touch the blades of grasses that sways with the wind and rippled through the ground where the grasses grow. I attuned myself to these vibrations, using the earth itself to enhance my senses. Earlier, I had taken the trouble of taunting the cheaters, drawing them into conversation. My goal was simple: to memorize the sound of their voices, the cadence of their footsteps, and the rhythm of their beating hearts. Each was unique, a distinct signature that I could now detect amidst the myriad of other sounds.

Geomancy, earth magic crafted through vibrations, is a magical art of interpreting these subtle cues. It's like creating a musical score out of the sounds that surround you, each note a telltale sign of the information hidden beyond what your eyes can see. I listened carefully, filtering out the irrelevant noises until I could focus on the specific vibrations I sought.

There—soft, furtive steps moving cautiously through the forest, distinct from the light, aimless movements of the animals. The cheaters were trying to be stealthy, but they couldn't mask the unique rhythm of their footsteps that I had committed to memory. I followed the vibrations, letting them guide me through the dense underbrush.

The sound of their voices reached me next, carried by the wind. They spoke in hushed tones, but even whispers couldn't hide from my enhanced senses. I recognized the timbre and pitch of their voices, aligning them perfectly with the memory I had of our earlier encounter. Their hearts, too, beat a rhythm only I could hear—steady, but with an underlying tension betraying their anxiety.

I moved silently, guided by the earth itself, each step deliberate and precise like a leopard hunting. The forest, once a vast and bewildering expanse, now unfolded before me like a well-read map. I was closing in on them, the vibrations growing stronger and more distinct with each passing moment.

As I neared, I could make out their forms through the dense foliage. They were huddled together, unaware of my approach, still confident in the knowledge that I am still helplessly roped around a tree waiting to fail. Among them, Karim and Haruno who looked disheveled, their hands tied behind them like captives. My earlier intuitions were right, they were going after the first timers, those who do not know yet the dark trade that is being done during the Magi Selection Exams. I watched as they plotted their next move, their voices a murmur of deceit and desperation.

Drawing a deep breath, I prepared myself. The earth beneath my feet hummed with energy, ready to assist me in bringing justice to these cheaters. With a final, silent step, I emerged from the bushes, my presence revealed by the very magic that had guided me here.

They turned in surprise, eyes widening as they saw me standing there, unbound, unbent, unbroken.

Before they could react, I stamped my foot on the ground, channeling my energy into the earth. The ground beneath me trembled, responding to my command. With a swift, decisive motion, I molded the earth to capture the cheaters. Dirt and solid rock surged up, encasing them where they stood, hardening instantly. I sunk into the ground, immobilized, with only their heads protruding above the surface to allow them to breathe.

Ron, the older and more experienced among them, reacted quickly. He dashed away, disappearing into the thicket with astounding speed. Haruno and Karim, tied and unable to move, looked at me with a mix of joy and confusion. I approached, ready to release them from the rope that tied them. Just as I was about to, a fireball came hurling towards us. I barely managed to raise an earth shield in time, the fiery projectile exploding against it with a resounding crash.

"Careful, brother! That sick motherfucker commands fire with deadly accuracy. He nearly got me," Karim warned, his voice tense with urgency.

"Nearly??? I'd say you're too optimistic. Look at us, bound to fail the first hurdle because you're too cocky and confident for your own good," Haruno interjected, her tone sharp and accusatory.

I couldn't help but smile at the twins' bickering. Their banter was a constant regardless of any situation. "Hey, you two. Stay here, okay? I'll face that guy alone."

Karim gave me a look of encouragement, while Haruno's expression was a mix of worry and pride. "Go get him!" they said in unison, their voices firm and resolute.

I enclosed them in a dome of earth, ensuring their safety from any further assaults, and stepped out to face Ron. The forest was eerily quiet, save for the occasional crackle of flames from Ron's previous assaults that had now littered the surroundings in flame. He was hiding his magical presence expertly, confident in his ability to strike from anywhere without me locating his position. Fireballs began raining down on me from all directions. He was clever I gave him that, using his fire magic to propel himself around, making it difficult to pinpoint his exact location.

But unbeknownst to him, I had been tracking his movements with Geomancy. He might be able to conceal his magical presence, but he couldn't hide the sound of his voice or the faint crackle of air with each fire propulsion at his feet. I let him believe he was still in control, allowing his confidence to swell.

When I sensed he had let his guard down, I reached out with my magic, stopping the incoming fireballs midair. I could feel the heat on my palms, absorbing the fire energy. The surrounding trees and grass bore the scars of Ron's reckless attacks, but I pulled all the fire into myself, shaping it into a massive firedrake. The creature roared to life, a construct of pure flame guided by my will, and flew towards Ron's hiding spot.

Ron's mocking laughter ceased, replaced by a scream of horror. He emerged from the bushes, running frantically, hurling fireballs at the firedrake. But each attack only fed the beast, making it grow larger and more fearsome. "Ge it off me! Ahhhh... Ahhh... get it off me, please!" he screamed, his bravado shattered. It was my turn to laugh this time.

Though my intention was just to scare him, the temptation to let the fire consume him was strong. Menalus had trained me well in control, and I resisted the urge. The untrained element of fire often pushed its users to extremes, but I had learned to master it. Ron's pleas grew more desperate as he ran around wildly, finally colliding against a huge Willow tree. The impact shook the branches, sending leaves fluttering to the ground and birds scattering into the sky. He collapsed, groaning in pain.

Confident that the situation was under control, I released the firedrake spell and made my way back to Karim and Haruno. I freed them and together, we rounded up the cheaters, tying them to a tree just as they had done to us. Our cage with the Willow sprite in them, now reclaimed.

As the sun dipped below the horizon, casting a golden glow over the forest, we secured our place for the next hurdle.

"What are you?" Ron murmured. I looked at him but did not answer. Haruno glared down at him and said, "You just encountered the wrath of the Zodiac Prince, you mumbling idiot. Serves you right!"

Ron giggled at the mention of the Zodiac Prince, as if it were a joke. "The Zodiac Prince? Hahaha. Here I thought I was the one who hit my head on a tree," he replied, his voice dripping with sarcasm.

Haruno started to say something, but I stopped her with a gesture. We left the cheaters tied to the tree. Their guild would come to collect them later, and they would have to wait another year before they could try their luck at the Magi Selection Exams again. We stood side by side retelling the events of the day with ecstasy as the light of the necklace guide us outside the forest ready to face the next hurdle.