Chapter 38 (The Twins)

The pandemonium that broke in the Merfolk Lake was overwhelming. The water churned with the frenzied movements of the Naiads, their nimble bodies darting through the murky depths with ease. The eerie clicks and hums of their coordinated communication filled the water. We were running out of mana, our breaths coming in ragged gasps as we struggled to fend off the relentless onslaught.

"You've got to be kidding me, there's just no end to them. They just keep coming no matter what we do," Bran exclaimed, his frustration is evident in his voice. His fiery temper was hyped up by the situation, but his exasperation was shared by all of us.

"They're too nimble in the water. Their movements are so coordinated and fast we can't even land a single hit," Haruno muttered, her voice tinged with despair.

Applicants around us were bubbling up to the surface, giving up the second hurdle one by one. Those who had run out of mana floated away, their faces etched with defeat.