Maha's group meeting

The quiet girl was forced out of her shell, to live up to her Parent's expectations she must do all she can to survive in this institution.

She was allowed to become one of the elites of the world, it all depends on her performance and her efforts here.

"Good Morning Nora"

"Good morning" Nora replied.

"I brought you some coffee, would you like to have it with waffles or doughnuts?"Asked Bushra 

"Thank you I'll have Doughnuts please," said Nora.

"So, how did things go with your family?"Asked Nora.

"Nothing changed, my brother is still suffering, he works day and night and barely gets time to sleep," said Bushra 

She carried on 

"My little sister is all alone all day, and when he allows her to hang out with her friends she does the most reckless things.

My mother is feeling a bit better, yet the doctor said she must stay in bed.

She never listens to him, she insists on cooking and doing all the housework by herself.

Nora gently asked 

"Why don't you hire someone to help her with the housework?"

Bushra replied 

"I begged her many times to accept getting help but she refused, she is an old-fashioned woman"

Getting help according to her is disrespectful to her position as a mother even if she's sick and can barely move around the house"

I talked to my little sister and told her that she should help our mother and stop acting irresponsibly but she never listenen to me.

She's so immature!

Nora placed her hand on Bushra's shoulder and said 

"Take it easy on her, she's a kid after all

And she is probably feeling lonely and depressed after your father's death"

Bushra sighed and said 

"I know, I know she's lonely and there is no one to take care of her, my brother is busy and I'm studying abroad.

I took this chance so I could help them and make things better for them, but now I'm starting to regret my decision"

"Go easy on yourself, it's not your fault, blaming yourself will only make things worse" 

I called you here today because I want to tell you that I found someone willing to help your brother with his business. Said Nora

Really? Asked Bushra 

Yes, it's one of my cousins. 

I talked to him and explained the situation, and he said he doesn't mind working with your brother online if that's ok with him. Said Nora

Bushra grabbed Nora's Hands and said 

"That is a great idea!"

Hiring freelancers cost less money than full-time employees.

It will take so much off his shoulders.

Nora nodded and said 

"And it will help him gain connections in the market much quicker"

Bushra smiled and said 


Thank you so much, Nora.

Nora smiled back and said

Don't mention it, we still have a long way to go.

Nora went back to her room after she met with Bushra, she was tired and she wanted to rest.

"Good evening," said Nora as she entered the room.

Hi, How was your day? asked Battol

Nora sat down on her bed and said 

"It was ok"

I heard that tomorrow doctor Ahmed will take us after class to the emergency department in the hospital to observe him while he works. Said Battol

Nora laid down and said 

"Good to know"

Do you think we should prepare ourselves? Asked Battol

How do we prepare for something like that? I wandered Nora loudly.

"I don't know," said Battol

Go to bed early and don't eat anything before the first aid class. Suggested Nora

You're right, I bet I would throw up at the sight of blood. Said Battol

Does blood make you uncomfortable? asked Nora.

"Yeah, a little bit." Said Battol

Anyway, do you wanna go for a walk with me?

There are many places on campus I have not seen yet.


Let's go. Said Nora 

The campus looks weird when it's empty. Said Battol

Nora nodded and said 


A guy approached them and said 

"Excuse me"

"You're Miss Nora, right?"

Nora turned to him and asked 

"How did you know my name?"

Hani smiled and said 

"From the couch Zaid"

Battol slammed Nora's back and said

"Wow, we're only freshmen but you're already famous Nora!"

Nora blushed and asked

"So what do you want?"

"My name is Hani last year I won a silver medal in the table tennis tournament."

Battol's eyes widened, she said 

"Wow, so you're a real professional athlete!"

"Impressive". Said Nora

Hani smiled and said 

"Thank you"

"My schedule is full, but I can make time to practice with you if you want." He said 

Nora asked in shock 

"Wait, are you serious?"

"Of course, Couch Zaid said that you are the strongest candidate this year."said Hani

Batol asked 

"But why would you help a total stranger and go as far as to make time to train her?"

Nora said 

"Thank you so much for your offer, I would like to start tomorrow if you don't mind."

"No tomorrow I'm busy, we will start next week."said Hani

"Hey, you didn't answer me." Said battol 

"Give me your phone number, I'll contact you later and let you know when to meet me."said hani 

Battol felt anoyyed and said 

"I feel like I'm invisible here."

Nora gave him her phone number 

Hani thanked her and said 

"I'll see you later."

"Thanks, see you later."said Nora 

Battol pouted and said 

"That guy is so weird."

"Everyone and everything about this institution is weird." Said Nora as she walked away 

"Just get used to it." she added 

Battol followed her and said 

"Seriously, that was so random, the table tennis champion showed up out of nowhere and offered to train you."

"Why would he do that?"

"Maybe it has something to do with his courses, we don't know anything about the second year after all." said Nora 

Battol pouted and said 

"No, please, if the rest of our college life here will include more impossible courses then I'd rather quit now!"

Nora sighed and said

"Ever since we got here you've been saying that you wanna quit yet you're still here!"

Battol turned to her and said 

"Yeah, I even called my mom and tried to convince her to let me come home but she won't listen."

"You're such a crybaby." Said Nora annoyingly 

Battol exclaimed 

"Don't act like you don't think about running away every day too!"

Nora, covered her ears and said 

"Yeah, but I don't make a fuss about it."

Maha and her group are having a meeting .

Manal said.

"What are we going to do?"

Ahlam replied 

I don't know.

"I called Maha, let's talk about it when she comes."

Manal said 

"There she comes."

Maha said as she walked in

"Hello girls."

Hi, sorry for calling you out this late.

"But we are in big trouble." said manal 

Maha asked

"What happened?"

Ahlam sat down and said 

"Another group got their eyes on Nora!"

Maha asked 


Manal panicked and said 

"I saw Hani talking to her today.

I tried to listen to their conversation.

From what I could hear I believe he wants to help her with the table tennis practice!"

Ahlam commented

"This is bad news for us.

If we let him train her then next year she will surely pick his group no matter what we offer her."

"We haven't even offered her anything so far." Said Manal 

"Calm down girls." Said Maha 

"We need to calm down first."

"We need to make her cherish her friendship with me to get her to pick our group next year no matter what."

"That's why I think I need to introduce both of you to her as soon as possible."

"Are you sure?" asked Ahlam 

"I agree with Maha." said Manal

"The reason why we didn't want to meet her was that we didn't want the other groups to notice her, but now they already have.

It would be better to bet on her friendship with the three of us.

Betting on three horses is better than one."

"Indeed, "said Maha

"We can't compete with the other groups when it comes to financial or practical support.

The only thing we can bet on at this point is Friendship bonds.

We have one year to make her cherish our friendship and become loyal to us." Said Maha.

"You're right, we don't have any other options." Said Ahlam 

"In that case, you can count on me."said Manal 

"I'll be the best friend anyone could ask for."

"Oh Manal, you're already a great friend to me."said Maha

"Yeah, We already like you, you just need to be yourself and I'm sure she will like you too."said Ahlam

"thanks, girls, but seriously I promise you to do all I can for the sake of our group."said manal with a blush 

"Yeah, I'll do my best too."said Ahlam with a warm smile.

"That's the spirit."said maha 

On the other side of the campus Hani searched for Mustafa, he found him in the gyme.

"Mustafa, can I talk to you? "Asked Hani 

Mustafa turned to him and said

"Sure, how can I help you?"

"I came here to ask you something. "Said Hani 

"You helped our group by telling me about that girl, I talked to her and she accepted my help. He added 

But I know you, I know you wouldn't do something like that out of pure kindness.

So tell me what do you want in return?"

Mustafa chuckled and said 

"Oh dear Hani.

You just did me a huge favor without realizing it.

Another group had their eyes on that girl, by fishing her you threw them out of the picture."

"I see, you want to ruin the new groups from the beginning. "Said Hani

"They don't have sponsors or experience, and thanks to you now they have zero chances to pass."

"Isn't it better this way, new groups mean new ideologies".Said Mustafa

"As the head of the most prominent group, it's my job to keep everything in order."

"I see." Said Hani

"Well my group isn't new, it's a relief to know that we are out of your blacklist."

"Lucky for you." Said Mustafa

The next day their first class was the first aid class.

Rania approached the girls and said 

"Good morning girls, how are you today?"

Battol replied 

"I'll be in great health once I'm out of this place."

Nora rolled her eyes and said 

"You're so dramatic, please chill."

Rania said 

"I heard that today doctor Ahmed will take us to the emergency department to observe him and his staff while they work."

Nora replied 

"Yeah, I heard."

Battol said 

"Why am I getting the feeling that you're excited about this?"

Rania replied 

"Because I'm.

I've always wanted to be a doctor, but unfortunately, I couldn't do it"

Battol said 


Rania said 

"Anyway, good luck with today's class."

Nora said

"Same to you."

Doctor Ahmed gave his lecture, at the end of the lecture he said

"So that's all for today, but before you leave I want to let you know that I arranged a schedule where all of you get a chance.

to come observe and lend a hand in the emergency department of the hospital.

I uploaded the schedule to the course's online portal.

You can review it now.

Today at 6 p.m. 

Malak and Mister Omar will be joining me in the hospital's emergency department.

"Any questions?

Malak asked 

"Doctor, I have basketball training today, I'll be very tired by 6 pm, can you please delay me to another day?"

Doctor Ahmed said 

"Come to the emergency department today, be there at 6 p.m. no excuse.".