

Table Tennis Hall 1_1

Nora woke up early and started training, after a couple of hours Hani came to train her.

Hani sighed and said

"You're getting slow."

Nora replied

"It's because I'm tired."

Hani could see clearly how tired she was, he said

"Take a 5-minute break and then we will continue."

"When you're tired is when you're improving."

Nora nodded her head, got up, and said "I know, I always keep going when I'm tired, just give me a second to catch my breath."

By the way, I asked the Coach about you.

He said that out of everyone he couched in his career you were the one to blow his mind."

You must be a real prodigy."

Hani looked away, he felt like a hypocrite, he wanted to help Nora but he couldn't do that when she was being so stubborn and it wasn't helping that she had a wrong picture of him in her head.

"I'm flattered, but I believe you misunderstood."

Nora looked up at him and said

"What do you mean?"

Hani sighed and said

"Your break is over, come on let's get back to practices."

Nora stood up and said


Hani said firmly.

"Your form is wrong, lower your hands."

Nora said


Hani said "Relax your shoulders.

Sometimes you're too intense that's why you fail to keep your rhythm."

"You need to stay focused and relax."

Nora asked, "Can you tell me how I am supposed to do that ?"

Hani said "Don't think about the score.

That's the first step."

Nora said, OK, I'll try."

Hani said "Now, I'll play a short match with you and then I'm going to let you practice alone.

I need to leave early today. I hope you don't mind."

Nora said, "Of course not, I'm grateful that you're helping me."

Hani said, "Don't mention it."


School 1_1

Ahlam walked back and forth in the empty classroom, she was freaking out.

"I'm going to lose it!

We found her first, yet he's the one with the advantage now."

Manal tried to calm her down, she placed her hand on Ahlam's shoulders and said "Calm down, Ahlam.

I'm sure Maha's plan to bond will work.

They seemed so happy when we hung out with them.

Even though Nora is such an introvert she seemed to be enjoying herself when we went on a trip together."

Ahlam said, "Yeah, I think she had fun at the concert too. I hope that our bond with her is enough to convince her to join us."

Maha said,"Hi, girls. I got great news!"

Ahlam said,"What is it ?"

Maha replied, "Not here, let's go to my room, it's safer."

Ahlam said,"Ok"

Manal said, "We're here, now hurry up and tell us"

Maha said,"I've been spaying on another group, I found out that they made one of them pretend to be in trouble,

and then they convinced the student that they were interested in helping her

They helped him get an A but it's a false A."

Ahlam said,"I still don't get it, how is that great news for us?"

Manal said,"I believe What she's trying to say is that we can use this information to provoke them!"

Maha said,"Or, we can let Professor Ali know about it, and their freshman will fail the main course"

Ahlam said,"Both are extremely evil ways, but it's a good chance for us to catch up with the game"

Maha said,"What do you think we should do?"

Ahlam said,"I believe it's more convenient to tell Professor Ali.

He won't ask us how we found out, it's part of our job to compete against each other."

Manal said "I agree, we don't have to straight up tell him that he cheated.

I'll tell you what we are going to do

I'll go to his office and pretend that I want to ask him for advice,

After he gives me a lecture on honesty and integrity I'll tell him that a friend of mine helped a freshman

get an A even though they don't deserve it and I've been feeling guilty about covering for them.

I'm sure then he will pick up on who got an A from an upperclassman.

Ahlam said, "Good idea, Professor Ali is smart, there is no need to be straightforward and say a lot.

Besides, I believe he's already feeling suspicious about it, he's not an easy guy as people think."

Manal said,"I hope this works, it's our first time scheming something against other groups"

Ahlam said,"Yeah, we've been bullied by the other groups enough, it's our turn now."

Battol said, "As I thought, you're still here."

Nora said, "Do you need something?"

Battol said "I came to check on you.

You rushed out of the science class and came here to practice, it's 8 pm and you're still practicing. You didn't have lunch or dinner today, and you didn't come back to the dorm to rest."

Nora said, "I'm fine, I just have a lot of training to do."

Battol said, "Well, I brought you some food, how about you take a break and eat."

Nora said, "It's fine, I'll eat after I finish."

Battol said, "How can you practice sport when you're starving!"

Battol said, "Don't be stubborn and eat now!"

Nora said, "Okay I'll eat, just don't give me that scary look."

Battol said, "Why are you so hard on yourself?"

Nora said, "I'm not, I just know my potential and I know how hard I need to try."

Battol said "Well, you still need to give yourself a break. Sometimes we underestimate ourselves."

Nora said, "To underestimate yourself is better than overrating it."

Battol said "Yeah, yeah do whatever you want just don't fall asleep here or you will catch a cold.

I'll wait for you another hour if you stay here longer I'll lock the door from the inside ."

Nora rolled her eyes and said, "I have my keys."

Battol said "No, you don't I just snatched them from you.

See, you're too tired to notice anything."

Nora said, "Okay, I'm coming with you."

Battol said, "Nora, Are you awake?"

Nora said "Yeah, I'm exhausted, yet I can't go to sleep. My shoulders feel so stiff, and I'm Having the usual killing headache."

Battol said "You should go easy on yourself.

At this rate, you will be too tired to participate in the Olympics.

You don't want to risk getting an injury."

Nora said"I know, but I can't help it.

It's either overworking or overthinking.

And I always chose to overwork."

Battol said "I know.

When I called my mom she said that I should do my best till the very end."

Mom is the most hardworking woman I know. It's not like she forces me to do things but she always insists that I keep doing my best till the end,

she says it's better than giving up and regretting it later."

Nora said, "My parents are the same."

"Do your best.

Work hard is all they ever say.

You have things that we dreamt about when we were your age.

Don't waste the chances that life offers you."

Battol said"Come to think of it, you never told me about your parents.

Where are they from?"

Nora sighed and said "It's a long story.

In short, they used to live in a refugee camp in Lebanon.

My mom said that she married my dad because he was the only one who had the same ambition as her.

They seized their chance and traveled to Kuwait on a teachers' loan program.

They worked hard made their fortune and dad studies accounting because he heard that they get paid well.

In summary, after they suffered both poverty and the hardships of migration they believed that one should believe in money more than anything."

Battol said, "So for them, it's all about money?"

Nora said"Yes, Dad says money is power.

Even if you lose your family and your home, you will still survive if you have money.

Yes, Dad says money is power.

Even if you lose your family and your home, you will still survive if you have money."

Battol said, "That's dark."

Nora said, "Let's just go to sleep."

Battol said, "OK, good night."

Nora said "Good night."

Professor Jasmine said "Good morning, bonjour, Assalam alykom, ohayo!

How are you doing my dear little geniuses?

Today I'm going to test you in Arabic those who pass can skip the Arabic lectures, tomorrow I'll test you in English so be prepared.

Let's start with Mister Trilingual Karim."

Karim said, "Yes ma'am."

Professor Jasmine said"Ma hoaa ismok."

Karim said "Ismee hoa karim."

Omri 18 a'man wa adroos alteb.

Omri 18 a'man wa adroos alteb."

Professor Jasmine said, "Excellent dear, now you can leave if you want."

Karim said with a proud smile "Thank you so much."

Professor Jasmine said, "Now, Miss Nora."

Nora said, "Yes, professor."

Professor Jasmine said "Min ayna anti?"

Nora said, "Ana min always alibi, nourish fe Kuwait."

Professor Jasmine said, "Great, wait you're from Kuwait ?"

"That's weird why do you have a Levant accent then?"

Nora said, "My parents are from the levant but we live in Kuwait."

Professor Jasmine

Oh, ok.

Thank you so much, next is Miss Rania."

Hani said, "I'm not training you today."

Nora said "Please."

Hani said firmly "No."

Nora argued with him, she said "But, the Olympics are in 2 months, I don't have much time!"

Hani was very worried about Nora, he said "Look at you! you can't even hold the racket.

You stayed out late last night training and exhausted yourself.

Go rest or you will faint, your body can't keep up with this."

Hani left the hall and Nora stayed, she was determined to practice even if she had no one to practice with.

After 2 hours Battol came to check on her and brought some food for Nora.

Battol came to check on Nora "Hi, I brought you some shawarma, I had some with Maha and the girls it's so good you should try it."

When Battol walked in she found Nora sitting on the floor breathing heavily and sweating.

Battol said, "Hey, are you ok?"

Nora said, "I'm fine, I'll be better once I eat."

The battle helped her stand up and brought her to a chair, she gave her the food she brought.

Nora said, "Thank you."

Battol said, "Don't mention it."

Nora ate in silence, Meanwhile, Battol looked around the table tennis hall.

Battol said "Wow look, all these medals that the senior students won.

Couch Ziad must be a great coach."

Nora said, "Yeah, he is a genius, just like everyone else here."

After she ate Nora kept practicing while Battol sat in a nearby chair and studied.

After a couple of hours, Battol closed her books and approached Nora.

Battol said, "Listen, I know you're worried because you don't have much time but don't you think this is enough for today?"

Nora said "Just a bit more. You can go, I'll be right behind you."

Battol rolled her eyes and said "Yeah, right, like I would believe that

You know, why am I asking you?

Curfew starts now come with me or you're sleeping here."

Nora said, "Fine."

Battol said, "Wow, this place is so pretty at night."

Nora said, "Yeah, so calming."

Battol said "I know, taking a stroll at night on the campus is so refreshing. We should do this more often, it's good for our mental help."

Battol said, "It will keep us from going crazy."

Nora said, "Yeah, good idea."

Battol yelled "But that does not mean I enjoy dragging you home every night, if you do that again I'll just let you sleep out."

Nora said, "Why are you suddenly yelling!"

Battle said, "Because you make me do this every night coming here made me remember why I was out late in the first place."

Nora said with a frown "God, you're just like my mother, the same temper and mood swings."

Battol said "And you're so immature and stubborn."

Battol said, "Hey Nora are you awake?"

Nora replied "No."

Battol said annoyingly "Then how did you answer!"

Nora sarcastically said, "I'm sleep talking."

Battol said, "Seriously I wanna tell you something."

Battol said genuinely"I'm sorry for yelling at you earlier."

Nora smirked and said, "As you should."

Battol pouted and said, "But it is your fault for being stubborn and overworking yourself!"

Nora rolled her eyes and said, "You just yelled at me again!"

Battol said "Seriously, you should rest tomorrow there is no way I'm letting you train late again tomorrow you might hurt yourself.

I understand that you're working hard because you don't want to disappoint your parents.

but I'm sure they wouldn't be happy if you end up hurting yourself ."

Nora asked genuinely "Not to disappoint my parents!

Is that what it looks like to you ?"

Battle said, "Yeah, isn't that why you're working hard?"

Nora closed her eyes, she was very tired she replied"Maybe, good night."

Battol said "Good night."

Nora slept like a log.

She knew her body couldn't take anymore, she needed to rest for a week, she had long passed her limits.

But she had no time to rest, she had already decided that she would keep training till the Olympics,

She will keep working hard, she will only stop when she wins a medal or breaks her bones.