Chapter-2:Prove it

Hearing this, the coldness in Darrion's eyes deepened. His brows furrowed into a knot. The coldness on his body continued to spread, causing the air around him to drop a few degrees. Aurora Roland and Sabella Alpinus had a look of panic in their eyes.

"Well, we heard it from someone nearby, so we rushed over!" Aurora reacted quickly and found an excuse. Sabella breathed a sigh of relief. If they don't get into trouble on the way over. They're supposed to get there before the cops do, and then encourage Caroline to flee, becoming a disgraced fugitive! The bitch got lucky this time.

"However, the police officers have already tested me and found that there is a high level of drug in my blood. I believe that someone set me up on purpose..." Their faces froze. They didn't expect Caroline to ask for a blood test! After more than a dozen hours at the police station, Caroline is a little worn out.

"Let's go home," Darrion says, sensing Caroline's discomfort.

"Caroline, I'll come with you. I can take care of you. I'm worried about you." Sabella's eyes are filled with worry. This is a great opportunity for her to move into Darrion Semona's home. And she was sure Caroline would agree. Because Caroline always listens to her! But Caroline shakes her head.

"Thank you for your concern, but Darrion will take good care of me. I'm too heavy for you to carry me." Darrion carries Caroline on his arms.

For the first time, Sabella is rejected by Caroline!

Sabella watches Darrion and Caroline leave with a grudge, clenching her fists so tightly that her nails sink into her palms, but nothing can make her feel any better!

Caroline, how Dare You Refuse Me! I'll teach you a lesson!

(Darrion's house)

Once inside, Darrion carried Caroline up the stairs. The servant came to take her bath. Darrion went to the study and sent someone to investigate what happened today. The fact that Caroline's blood tested positive for a roofie is proof enough that today's events are part of a larger conspiracy. Someone's trying to set her up!

Darrion's slender figure stands in front of the French window. He looked out of the window into the boundless darkness, a fierce flash of his eyes. Whoever hurt Caroline will make their lives a living hell.

After a comfortable bath, Caroline is relieved and starts searching the room in her pajamas. She remembered that he had said he would not sign it under any circumstances.

"Why didn't you find it?" Caroline said. She did not realize that a tall figure was slowly approaching behind her, staring at her and saying,

"Are you looking for this?" A voice comes from behind, and Caroline turns, startled. Darrion is holding the divorce papers that Caroline has been looking for for a long time. Caroline's eyes light up and she rushes over. "Yes, yes, give it back to me." Darrion arched an eyebrow and smiled. "What are you talking about? You gave it to me."

"... I-I gave it to the wrong person," Caroline said.

"You're my wife. Who else are you going to give the divorce papers to?" Darrion asked. A deep, magnetic voice, with a cello-like quality. There was also a hint of anger.

Caroline looks down guiltily, her hands clasping.

"W-would you believe me if I told you I changed my mind and didn't want a divorce?"

"You look into my eyes..."He leaned down slowly, lifted her chin with long, cool fingers, and forced her to look him in the eye. "Say that again!"

Caroline takes a deep breath, gives herself a pep talk, looks Darrion straight in the eye, and says, "I don't want to divorce you!" This soft waxy voice, listen to the man originally cold hard facial features soft a few minutes. But he said, "You don't have much credibility with me."

Earlier, Caroline had gone to great lengths to make Darrion hate her for divorcing her. Even the elders in the family have bad opinions about her.

If Darrion hadn't insisted, they'd probably be divorced by now. So how can he believe anything she says now?

"So... how about this?" Caroline suddenly stands on Tiptoe and snatches the divorce papers from his hands, tearing them apart right in front of him.

Darrion says, "But you can always print it out again."

Caroline is speechless and doesn't know how to prove it.

Darrion's cold eyes locked on her. Looking at Caroline's agonies, Darrion says, "Prove it."

How? Caroline looks up, her eyes on those thin, sexy lips.

The face gets a little warmer. Then. She closed her eyes, grasped his lapel, and stood on Tiptoe to kiss him!

The moment their lips touched! Darrion froze. He couldn't believe what was happening!

"Well, does that prove it?" Caroline clutches her chest, feeling like she can't take the Beat! The temperature on the face can boil an egg!

"Or you can just wait and see how I do in the future!"

Before Darrion could react, Caroline ran away like a rabbit!

Darrion came to his senses and slowly reached out to touch his kissed lips. That soft touch, a bit unreal.

And everything about Caroline today is different. It's like she's a different person.

Back in the room, Caroline takes a few deep breaths to calm her frantic heart, but looks in the mirror and blushes!

But the look on Darrion's face just now, it's so cute.

In her last life, she had never seen Darrion so lovely

"Knock, Knock."

A knock on the door gets Caroline up.

Also ringing was the phone Caroline had left in Darrion's room, which he was holding in his hand.

Caroline opens the door and takes the phone. When she saw that the note was her father, a lot of images flashed through her mind. She answered when she was about to lose the line.