Chapter-9: Embarrassing moments

"Apologize to Caroline!" Darrion said seriously. The cold sound scared Sabella! Even if Sabella didn't want to, she could only said, "Sorry... Sister..."

Aurora went up to take Sabella in her arms and cried, "Caroline, this is really what Sabella did. Please forgive her this time. She's your sister and you two grew up together!"


Those words made Caroline laugh, with an imperceptibly cold smile, "First of all, I'm not related to her. And second of all, why is she always trying to humiliate me and embarrass me?"

Aurora was speechless. This Caroline is like a different person!

Those who were looking around also laughed.

"It's the same father. What's The Big Difference? Maybe... ?"

"What if them look like their mother? !"

Not far away, their father Tomar's face was as black as the bottom of a pan. He turned and walked away quickly.

Aurora, who was standing on the stage. Her heart sank when she watched Tomar left. She grabbed Sabella and apologized again. She wanted to leave as well.

But how would Sabella like that. She threw Aurora's hand away.

"I'm not leaving. I Can't leave yet!"

"Isn't it embarrassing enough?"

"Mom, you saw it clearly just now. Caroline, that B*tch, must have listened to someone. Otherwise, why does she look like a different person? I can't accept it!" Sabella's eyes were fierce and she gritted her teeth, "All the indignities I have suffered tonight will be returned!"

Cell phone vibrates.

After reading the message, Sabella looked forward to what was to come. "Now, my dear sister, It's your turn!"

Caroline is bored sitting in the corner. Because Darrion was just taken away by his grandparents. Maybe they probably wanted to ask why she had changed so much! She didn't want to be exposed so quickly, but...! Anyway.... So what? Live again, must be to some free and easy!

"Sis..."At this fake voice, she got goose bumps. And she didn't have to look back to know who was. Caroline pretended not to hear and got up to walk towards the crowd.

Sabella gritted her teeth and trotted after Caroline. She must take Caroline to the garden.

"Wait for me!"

Caroline stopped and turned, "Sabella, you've apologized. That's enough!"

"I, I..."

"It's okay, because we're sisters, we don't have to keep apologizing, so what else do you have to do?" Caroline smiled and took Sabella's hand. She looked like a good, understanding sister.

Not wanting to listen to Caroline's nonsense, Sabella took Caroline's hand and walked straight into the garden. "Come with me, you've wasted too much time already."

"What do you mean?"

"Follow me, you'll see."

They walked down the long corridor to the back garden, which was strangely quiet at a great distance. There was no one around.

"In a few minutes, Kyle will show up." Sabella took Caroline's hands, looking sincere, "Kyle tells me he misses you and wants to see you, so don't waste any more time. I'll warn you when someone comes."

Hearing Kyle's name made Caroline sick.

That's why Sabella didn't want to leave.

Caroline didn't respond. Sabella continued, "Darrion seems to be helping you. In fact, he's doing this for a reason. You have to get away from him! Don't you trust me anymore because of what just happened?"

Caroline looed into Sabella's sincere eyes, which Caroline used to believe unconditionally.

But this time, she won't fall for it again!

Then a figure appeared.


Sabella waved Kyle over here, and then she left on the other side.

Caroline stared coldly at the approaching figure. She's going through Kyle to find out what happened that night!

"Caroline." A gentle voice sounded. Caroline, disgusted, pretended to be touched," Kyle, I am so touched that you would risk everything to come to me like this."

In the moonlight, Kyle's face showed up. And he's handsome, but not like Darrion. Caroline couldn't figure out why she's in love with Kyle?

But this time, this will never happen again!