Chapter 11

Regina spent the time she could having a nice long soak in the shower, letting the water ease down her body, she groaned as she looked at the bruises on her ribs, at least they were fading slightly, it didn't even cross her mind to try use her magic, she got out of the shower, changed into a red top and black trousers, a matching blazer, her standard mayor outfit, then left the house, she passed Snow's house on the way and thought to quickly call in, she stood outside and knocked on the door.

Emma nodded but gave a chuckle hearing Henry was probably at the station. "Please don't let him play around with any guns." She said, able to imagine that he would be excited for that but she didn't want something to happen. Emma moved to go to the door to head out when she heard a knock and opened it to see the mayor standing there. "Good morning, Regina," Emma said as she moved aside to let her in before she stepped into the hall. "I'll meet up with you all later." She told Snow before leaving, heading outside, and starting her walk to the docs. As she got closer, she could see Killian sitting up on deck as she walked over.

Snow smiled at her husband with a nod. "Bye!" She called and looked at Emma with curiosity but was surprised to see Regina although she gave a smile. "Hello, Regina." She said but was still confused about why Emma was going on a walk but decided to try not to question it and since they were alone she asked Regina. "How are you feeling? With the bruises?" She asked. Regina nodded towards Emma as she passed her and she walked in smiling seeing Snow. She hesitated a moment and placed a hand over her side, not quite pressing against the bruises. "they're much better" she said unless she bumped into something or someone hugged her tightly, they weren't much bother. "Henry came in to find me sleeping, I guess I must have needed it last night" she laughed slightly feeling a bit embarrassed. "how are you?"

Snow smiled at her and got up to make herself a cup of coffee. "Would you like a cup of coffee?" Snow asked before she nodded and chuckled. "I'm sure we all could have used the rest. As soon as Henry got here he went straight to bed, I didn't stay up any longer." Snow said. "But it's good you sleep." She added. "Have you... tried using your magic? I know you said last night that it wasn't wanting to work with you." She said. Regina nodded, accepting the offer for the cup of coffee, she stood by the counter near Snow, slightly leaning against it on her good side. "No..." She said running her fingers down her side with a small wince. "Honestly I completely even forgot to try," she said truthfully having been asleep for most of the morning, even remembering now, she made no move to use her magic to heal herself.

Snow nodded as she got down a second mug and made Regina a cup of coffee before she pushed it over towards the mayor, nodding. "Are you going to? Maybe after all that sleep, it'll work?" She suggested as she picked up her coffee, blowing on it slightly before she took a sip. Regina thanked her and wrapped her hands around the mug to warm herself up a bit, she then pouted a little at Snow's question and shook her head slowly, looking down at the counter. "no... not yet, knowing me I did something to deserve it" she chuckled weakly with a sigh, she felt like whatever happened, whether it was her fault or not, she had to be punished. She then looked up at Snow and smiled softly. "don't worry about me, I can handle a bruise, it doesn't even hurt that much" she said confidently.

"At least it's a little warmer than last night." She said to the pirate as she got to the ship. Killian heard the footsteps approaching his ship, smiling as he saw Emma come into view. "indeed it is...much warmer" he smiled. He stood up, eyes scanning the town and he walked inside into his cabin, motioning with his head for Emma to follow him in. He didn't want to take the chance that anyone saw them, nothing stayed a secret for very long in this town unless extra caution was taken. Once he and Emma were inside away from prying eyes he pinned her gently to the door and kissed her softly, hand and hook immediately going to her hips.

Emma smiled at him with a nod, when she saw him motion with his head, she climbed up onto his ship, following him down below deck, glad they wouldn't be around any prying eyes or be seen. As soon as she felt her back against the door, she let out a small laugh but her arms slid around his shoulders as she kissed him back, letting herself just get lost in the kiss. She knew it was always risky meeting up like this. But Emma was glad that they at least had his ship they could come to so they could be alone with one another and not have to worry about anyone seeing them. Hook groaned softly and began kissing along her jawline, then to her neck, using his body to pin hers against the door. He groaned and then took a step back, stopping himself from kissing her and touching her. "Sorry love...." He hesitated a moment before he looked into her eyes. "I....l fear I will not stop....that..." He wasn't sure if Emma was ready, and he was scared because of the pirate he used to be who wouldn't think twice about this. "I don't know if I can stop..." He said, eyes full of lust.

Emma let her eyes close slightly when she felt his kisses to her jaw, a small moan escaping her lips when she felt kisses along her neck. When she felt him suddenly step away, she opened her eyes to look up at him though she already missed his touch and kisses. Her eyes met with his but she gave a smile and this time, she moved closer to him, her hand moving to his, interlocking their fingers. "What if I don't want you to stop?" She asked softly, her eyes on him. "I want to be here with you right now." She told him before she leaned forward, brushing her lips against his. Killian smiled, he accepted her touch, her embrace but most of all his words. "I couldn't agree more" he hummed softly and bit his lip. He smirked, running a finger down Emma's cheek, teasingly tracing her bottom lip with his finger for a few seconds before slowly walking backward, he stared at her the entire time he began to unbuckle his belt, he undid it, slipping it slowly through the hoops and dropped it onto the floor, he then took off his shirt, leaving him in just his pirate trousers. "You sure?" He teased knowing that they both more than wanted this.

Henry had been sitting at one of the desks when he glanced up hearing his grandfather and smiled with a nod. "I figured I would start with writing down all I know." He said as he sat the pencil down. "I remember lots of trees and it feeling like we were somewhere dark and powerful.. l also remember it felt like we were fighting against people and that something bad almost happened there.." Henry explained with a small frown. David nodded and looked at what he was writing down. "it's a good idea, I think everyone should write down anytime we see anything so that we can compare what happened and maybe figure out a timeline.... had visions too last night" he said grabbing his piece of paper writing David's flashbacks on the top, beginning to write down notes that were similar in some way to Henry's.

Henry nodded. "On the walk here I was figuring this was the best option. See what everyone remembers the same thing or difference." He said and nodded in agreement about the timeline. "Hopefully this will help us better understand where we were." He said. It was clear the lid had gone into full operation mood like he always did with something like this. Upon hearing what David said, his eyes lit up. "You did? What did you see?" He asked curiously. "Anything that could help?" He asked but knew he was probably getting a little too excited with his questions and decided to let him talk but looked over to see what his grandfather was writing down but knew some of it was similar to what he had just written. David chuckled and wrote a few more notes, then passed his paper to Henry. "It was a small flashback to the end of us coming back through a portal, but I believe I saw the beginning, why a curse was cast, I'm not sure where we were taken, but it was somewhere dark, with lots of forests and something evil chasing us," he said, he walked over to the filing cabinet to check if his gun was still in there.

Henry watched before he read over the notes and nodded some as he listened. "Well we know it can't be the enchanted forest.." he said in thought. His eyes went from his notes to David's before he suddenly stood, his eyes wide as he turned to face his grandfather. "It has to be Neverland!" He said before continuing. "A place where there's a whole lot of trees.. a forest. And someplace that feels dark and dangerous." He said. "That has to be it, right?" He asked, there was excitement in his voice at the idea of figuring out where they could have been. But it left a whole lot more questions.

David nodded, he'd only heard tales of the place, perhaps they were there. "Good work Henry, I'll ask around a little today about the place," he said, he took both sheets of paper and stuck them to the chalkboard with a bit of blue tape. "Fancy a ride in the patrol car?" He smirked, it was the least he could do since he wasn't apparently allowed to let the kid play with guns. Not that that was how one used them.