chapter 20

Henry began walking over to the docs before he climbed onto the ship and gave Emma a quick hug before he looked between the two but then he asked. "So.. you two are together?" He asked. "How long has this been happening?" He asked curiously. Killian smiled and continued to run a hand through Emma's hair softly as Henry arrived. He chuckled softly at Henry's question, at least he wasn't angry, at least not yet. "Let's just say a while, kid," he said, he couldn't exactly answer because of the curse, none of them knew exactly how much time had passed. He gently turned to Emma and rubbed her back. "do you want a bit of time alone with the kid?" He asked softly, wanting to give Emma whatever she wanted right now.

Henry looked at the two and gave a nod since he didn't question it knowing they probably didn't even remember. Emma smiled at Henry, glad that he at least didn't seem to be angry she kept this from him.

Emma looked over at Killian and smiled with a nod. "I think some time with Henry sounds like a good idea." She said and knew that Henry would probably have questions. "But me and him can go walk around for a little while." She said since she didn't want it to feel like she was going to make him stay below deck or anything like that but she did appreciate him and being so calm about this.

Killian smiled softly and nodded, he understood why she might want some time alone. He shook his head and stood up. "no love, stay here...get comfy. There's some rum below and maybe a few snacks for the kid" he said and kissed the top of Emma's head softly. "I'll go see if anyone knows what happened to us or what happened before we went," he said, thinking that he could at least put this time to use. "Look after her mate" he winked at Henry before ruffling his hair a little and walking off the ship.

Emma looked up at the pirate and smiled a bit. "Are you sure?" She asked him but smiled at the kiss and nodded. Henry smiled at Hook and nodded. "I will." He said and watched him but Henry could tell how much Hook cared for his mom. Emma stood there a moment, just watching the pirate before she led Henry down below deck.

Hook smiled and waited a moment at the edge of his ship, watching as Emma took Henry downstairs. He knew that at least they'd be safe down there and that David wasn't going to be back there anytime soon. He left the ship, walking around town, thinking maybe he could head to Granny's and see if anybody knew anything about the curse.

Henry followed Emma down the stairs, he couldn't recall ever being on Hooks ship but it was certainly a grand vessel indeed. He held onto Emma's hand and once they reached the bottom of the stairs he hugged his mom tightly. "How bad was the argument?" He asked looking up at her. "I asked Regina and Snow but they both defected it," he said, he'd never seen Emma with such little hope, but he hoped that he could help, intending to keep his promise to Killian.

Emma felt the hug and smiled a bit as she returned the hug before she hesitated hearing about the argument and rubbed her son's back before she spoke. "It.. was an awful argument." She admitted, giving her son a small squeeze in the hug. She moved to sit down on the bed she looked at Henry. "Are you angry? That I kept this secret from you?" She asked. She always wanted to protect her son since the day she came into his life and she didn't want the idea that she had upset or angered him.

Henry paused for a moment, he didn't have any time to think about how he felt about it, not much. "no" he sat down on the bed beside her and held her hand, resting his head on her shoulder. "I'm just...shocked you didn't at least tell me." He said honestly. "I kinda ship it" he chuckled a little before squeezing his mom's hand. "Are you okay?" He asked softly, knowing what the answer would most likely be.

Emma looked at her son and smiled a bit as she nodded, a look of relief in her eyes that he wasn't angry. She squeezed his hand and smiled a bit before she nodded, "I know. I am sorry I didn't tell you and that I should have I just.. wanted to wait till I knew it would be right." She said softly and gave a small chuckle. "Do you?" She asked hearing his words and pressed a kiss to her son's head. Emma paused slightly, looking down briefly before she shrugged. "Not at the moment but... I will be." She said.

Henry frowned a little, he didn't like seeing her like this, it reminded him of when she broke down the first time she had come to his castle to return his book. When she talked about how life sucked, and it did. Henry squeezed her hand in return and then stood up. "Yeah...I do" he said. He grabbed a blanket and placed it over Emma's lap, he wasn't exactly an expert in knowing how to look after someone but he'd try. He then reached up onto Killian's dresser and grabbed a bottle of rum he found offering it to Emma. "I can stay with you for a while" he offered with a small smile.

Emma looked over at Henry when he did and watched when he placed the blanket over her lap but it made her smile a little. She looked over at him but took the bottle and nodded. "I wouldn't mind spending some time with you." She said as she pat the spot next to her, one hand holding the bottle of rum before she looked over at him. She hesitated before she spoke. "I won't be at your grandparent's house for a while. I'll be staying here tonight and Regina said if I needed it I could stay at her house." She said. She wasn't going to tell him about the full argument but she figured that he should at least know that. But Emma was trying to keep a smile, she didn't want Henry seeing how upset she was but she did feel a little better than she did a little while ago.

Henry smiled seeing her smile, something he was doing must be working, even if it was only a little. He sat down on the spot she patted and shuffled close to her, resting his head on her arm and listening to her. "I'm sorry you're not going back...not yet at least," he said with a frown. "At least you've got Hook and Regina. And me" he said trying to reassure her. Henry looked up at her and saw that she had definitely been upset, and given the circumstances most likely still was. "If you need to cry can," he said softly.

Emma felt his head lean against her arm and pressed a kiss to his head. "It'll be alright.." she said. "At least I have them and you." She agreed. She knew it would be a while before she could probably talk to her dad but all she cared about was that she still had Henry and that he wasn't angry with her. Emma looked at the bottle of rum she held before she lifted it and took a drink before she looked at Henry and wrapped an arm around him, giving his arm a gentle squeeze and hearing him mention she could cry. "I think I'll be fine kid, but thank you." She said. She did feel like she wanted to cry but she didn't want to burden her son with that. "Tell me about your dad. Have you had any more flashes and remembered anything?" She asked wanting to try and steer the conversation away to something else.

Henry smiled a little and leaned into Emma's hug, he knew she'd be alright and that things worked themselves out in the end, they always did. "Okay," he said to her reply, he hoped that she would be. "Oh...nothing much. Me and...." He trailed off not wanting to mention David right now. "I haven't had any more flashbacks yet... but operation confused is on the go" he smiled delving into detail about the operation until he stopped hearing a knock on the door. "Hey..."

Emma smiled at Henry as she listened but had heard how he trailed off but she already had an idea of who he meant. She gave a nod before raising an eyebrow slightly. "Operation Confused?" She asked but she couldn't help but smile as he went into detail since she always enjoyed hearing him talking about those operations and how excited he could get with it. "Sounds like a fun Operation." She told him before she looked over hearing a knock.

Snow gave a smile and nodded. "We'll talk later She said and sighed a bit and turned, beginning her own walk home. Once she arrived, she paused outside the door. She was hoping David would seem calmer than he was just minutes ago and that they'd be able to talk and not argue. Snow reached out and turned the doorknob, pushing the door open as she stepped inside, letting the door close behind her. "David?" She said as she walked inside. She was still a little upset about the whole argument that happened at the docs.

David had been home a while, and he had ended up letting his anger get the best of him, a few cups smashed on the floor, he couldn't say he was calmer by the time he heard Snow walk in and say his name, he just wasn't acting on it anymore. He needed to catch his breath and sat on the bed in the other room, feet hanging over the edge, he held the gun from the station in his hands, it was so much handier than a sword he thought. He didn't speak, nor did he even look up as Snow entered, his eyes fixed on the gun as he gripped onto it tightly, he was going to kill that damned pirate, he wanted to, but he knew if he did, he would lose Emma forever.

Snow looked around when she didn't hear her husband but she did notice glass lying on the floor and gave a small frown before heading to the bedroom and spotted her husband on the bed but saw he had a gun. Snow slowly walked over to him before she spoke, "David?" She said again before she sat down on the bed next to him, her eyes going to the gun before she reached out to grab it. "Give me the gun." She said although she didn't know what was going through his mind.

David didn't look at her, his jaw was clenched and his knuckles were turning white from how hard he was gripping the weapon, the bloody pirate was the cause of all this. He saw Snow's hand reach for the gun and he quickly moved it away from her. He turned to look at her, pure anger and hatred in his eyes, it was almost as if he didn't have a problem with Killian right now but with his wife.

Snow looked at her husband but now was just a little concerned about it. When she saw him pull the gun away, she paused slightly but what made her concerned and even a little nervous was the look he had and how he looked at her seeing the anger and hatred. "What's going on?" Snow asked, trying to keep her tone calm. "Talk to me." She said softly. She was worried David might do something he would regret and she didn't want that. She wanted to try and get him calmed down but she didn't like the way he was looking at her. Like he was angry with her. Snow knew that she didn't exactly agree with him but she hoped that they could try and get past this.

David chuckled a little deliriously and looked at her. "why?" He asked. "you agree with her" he replied shortly, not trying to make an effort to the conversation. He stood up and began pacing, the gun shaking in his hand as he was concentrating nearly all the anger towards his grip. "You think I'm just going to let Hook take her away from us? First the evil queen's curse, now this one...I won't lose any more time with her!" He said angrily, gritting his teeth together. He ran a hand over his face and shook his head. "I wouldn't be surprised if Regina cast this curse" he mumbled to himself as he paced back and forth. "but if you don't trust me that much, here," he said and pushed the gun into her hands roughly before storming out and sitting on the couch, head in his hands, deep down he was just scared that he was going to lose her.

Snow looked at him with a little concern. That's all she felt was worry. "I agree that you shouldn't have gotten so angry or that you should have said what you did," Snow said gently as she watched him. "And I don't think Regina cast this curse." She said but feeling the gun in her hand, she held onto it before she sat it aside and stood, walking after him but now understood why he got the way he said. Snow sat down slowly next to him and after a moment placed a hand on his back. "David, we won't lose her. She's always going to be our daughter and she found her way to us once before, she would do it again." Snow said gently

David sighed and leaned back onto the sofa. He looked at Snow and nodded. "I am sorry...for today, but it's going to take a lot for me to get over," he said. He squeezed Snow's hand gently. "I'll try" he stood up without another word and went back into the bedroom and laid down on the bed with a sigh and closed his eyes, he didn't want to speak to anyone right now.

Snow looked at her and nodded. "It's.. it's alright." She said and put her hands in her lap as she leaned back into the couch. "I know it will.." she said. She wanted to talk about him maybe sitting down with their daughter and discussing all that happened but she figured that wouldn't be a safe bet right now and decided she'd just wait to mention that.

David soon fell asleep in his bed, half under the covers, he just needed to figure out what was going on and get over the fact that for days now, who knew if that was actually weeks or months that his daughter had been lying to him.