Hearing that, Malice felt a cold sensation run through his body. For some reason, those words have triggered a memory in his head that he had almost forgotten about. It was a very distant memory, back when he was merely a child.
Looking down, he saw a flash of something from that time.
'No… That…' Blinking a few times, his brain slowly linked everything together. It took him a moment, but he remembered and he wished he didn't.
"What is it?" Cipher noticed the change in the boy's expression.
"I… I think I know what you're talking about." Malice replied after taking a deep breath.
"What?" Cipher squinted his eyes.
"I remember vaguely a few years ago… A group of men tried to kidnap me in the middle of the night. I tried to run away, but they almost caught me. The only reason I was able to run away was because I knew the alleys and they didn't so I somehow lost them."