WebNovelRed Nara10.85%

Chapter 55

After half an hour of pondering, during which Ma returned to the training ground, I finally found something suitable in my memory! The Chakra no Ito of the puppeteers!

The thread extends beyond the system but doesn't lose the ability to transmit chakra, while remaining sufficiently strong! Considering the increased density and strength of my chakra, the result will be much better than that of Suna's puppeteers! I wonder if it will be possible to control the direction of the throw?

- "Okay, I have an idea! Let's use chakra threads to attach to the Rasengan and only then throw it, allowing it to elongate!" 

- "Do you think it will work, boss? We don't know how to make them," the clone doubted, dispersing three small spheres on the fingers of his right hand.

- "We just try to release the chakra and attempt to give it a shape instead of rotating it, that's all," I waved off, full of enthusiasm, "then we'll just start with a small Rasengan, because it's easier to control and fuel it! Meanwhile, try to create a thread."

I detached myself from the surrounding world and focused on the tip of the index finger of my right hand, which I extended forward. Chakra obediently flowed through it and began to dissipate into a barely noticeable bluish haze. Excellent!

Now, try to concentrate it into the shape of a thread. Gradually, a column of chakra formed at the tip of the finger, but it looked nothing like a thread. Darn, what am I doing wrong?!

- "Boss! Look!" 

Distracted, I glanced at the clone and barely kept my mouth from falling open - a dark blue glowing thread stretched between the two index fingers of my copy!

- "How did you do that?!"

- "Watch."

The clone got rid of the thread and, bringing his index fingers together, sharply spread them apart, stretching the thread between the chakra nodes! Come on! Bringing my own fingers together, I tried to create it myself. And I succeeded!

- "Boss, it's like sticking to a surface, just focus more on maintaining contact with the chosen point," the clone noted, this time extending the thread from the ground.

- "Hmm, indeed," I agreed with him, testing the thread on a small stone, which ended up suspended in the air.

Instead of breaking the contact, I swung and launched the weight away, allowing the threads to elongate. The experiment can be considered successful!

- "Boss, we can throw Rasengan in the same way!"

- "Exactly! But first, we need to learn to control the movement of the chakra thread and maintain control through it."

- "So that's what we'll do."

For the next two hours, the clone and I conducted experiments on various actions with Chakra no Ito. Stretching, attracting, transferring chakra between each other, tearing, and even binding when thickening to an ordinary rope.

We never quite understood how puppeteers controlled their creations through it, but otherwise, the experiments were successful.

- "Boss, shall we start with Rasengan?"

- "Yeah, just be careful and don't blow yourself up, because I really don't feel like spending a lot of time dissecting memories and getting a headache right now."

Creating a rotating sphere of chakra on my finger, I carefully brought the finger of my other hand closer and attempted to attach the Chakra no Ito to the outer layer of the prepared technique.

Naturally, I didn't succeed the first time, but around the twentieth attempt, the thread stuck, or rather, "absorbed" into the outer layer of the rotating mass, and I felt the flow of chakra through it. Trying to lift it up, I failed - the technique deflated. Well, never mind, not everything happens at once - the beginning is made, and then perseverance and practice will do everything.

Whether it takes a month, two, a year, or more, I will get closer to the ultimate goal - the ability to throw an improved Rasengan without Sage Mode!