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Chapter 58

Turning to the unexpectedly serious Sae, I raised an inquisitive eyebrow.

"In the presence of Mito-sama, behave respectfully and courteously, don't forget your table manners, and don't devour everything in reach," Ma warned. "I don't want her to think my son isn't worthy of the Uzumaki blood."

"Don't worry, I'll behave perfectly," I reassured her with a nod.

Barely had we fallen silent when the corridor echoed with the light sounds of frequent footsteps. Singular, I must note—there was no trace of the stride of two kunoichi. My assumptions were confirmed when a trio entered the living room. Naturally, even though I had never met two Uzumakis before, recognizing them was easy.

The tall elderly woman who entered, with the exact same hairstyle as the one shown by the elderly wife of the Hokage and in the manga, was dressed in a simple gray-and-white kimono, and equally inconspicuous sandals over white socks. Her dry and slender yet still graceful figure literally exuded an aura of strength and authority. Only the kind look of her bright green eyes, very similar in color to Sai's or mine, somewhat softened her presence. And behind her, holding her hand, a shy figure in a red kimono, almost half my size, hid behind her back, matching her hair.

"Mito-sama, it's nice to see you again," Ma stepped forward, bowing.

"Pleased to meet you, Mito-sama, my name is Ryu," I followed suit, bowing as well.

"No need to be so formal, Saya-chan, we are family after all," the jinchuriki smiled, nodding in return. "Nice to meet you, Ryu-kun. I've heard quite a bit lately about the emerging talents, including yours, and I'm glad to know that the Uzumaki blood is strong in your case."

"Thank you, Mito-sama," I bowed again.

Honestly, the presence of such a personality nearby was slightly nerve-wracking, especially knowing the true power of this "old lady" and her ability to sense evil in people. Naturally, I don't consider myself as such, but who can predict her reaction?

"Oh, no 'sama', just call me Mito-ba-chan or simply ba-chan," the ancient Uzumaki chuckled.

"Okay, ba-chan!" I responded immediately, catching the familiar sparkle of joy in her eyes.

Mom and Linli made a strange sound from afar and almost stumbled in surprise.

"M-Mito-sama!" shocked Senju exclaimed, stuttering.

"Oh-ho-ho, why such faces?" the Uzumaki princess laughed, covering her mouth with the back of her hand.

From the sound of that laughter and the sight before me, a wave of cold shivers ran down my spine for some reason. Man, when she laughs like that, the image of Nagi from Rubak involuntarily comes to mind.

Ugh. And all those wrinkles on her face somehow smooth out, almost restoring the stolen beauty of youth to the kunoichi, and it doesn't seem like she's that old anymore. Ah, I would love to see her in her youth, if even with remnants of her former appearance, she still makes an impression.

As I was contemplating the laughing woman, another sound distracted me—the tinkling laughter behind Mito. While everyone was distracted, Kushina moved away a little from her elder relative and was now giggling into her palm. But seeing that all the attention of those present was on her, she squeaked and shyly hid again, clinging to Mito's kimono and peeking at me and Mom with one eye.

"Kushi-chan, stop being shy," Grandma kindly scolded her. "Introduce yourself to your distant relatives."

A little hesitantly, the girl stepped forward and bowed.

"My name is Kushina Uzumaki, pleased to meet you!"

There you are, Kushina Uzumaki! Looking at the little girl, I was amazed at how much worse she was portrayed in the manga—before me stood a cute, shy child with huge blue eyes, whom I wanted to cuddle, pamper, and spoil in every way!

"Hi, I'm Ryu, I hope we'll be friends!" I smiled at her, my warmest smile, and didn't even have to try.

"Kami, she's so cute!" Ma exclaimed and rushed to hug and pinch Kushina's chubby cheeks. "Nice to meet you!"