WebNovelRed Nara12.92%

Chapter 65

— Let's focus on the main one.

— Fuin!

The clone placed both hands in the center of the inactive seal and infused all of his chakra into it, after which he dispersed. And I was already observing the familiar sight of the seal appearing. Except this time it was the kanji for "life" surrounded by three circles of symbols around it.

— It looks like everything worked here too, — the test subject happily reported, — now it's just a matter of testing its functionality.

He placed his palms with the activated Sho Senjutsu and waited until the seal absorbed enough medical chakra for the initial activation, then sent the impulse. The kanji instantly pulsed, and the three circles of symbols spread throughout the body, softly glowing green.

If there were a wound, they would gather around the damaged flesh and begin regeneration. Superficial wounds should disappear literally in seconds. By the way, it's very similar to Kabuto's technique, but executed with Fuinjutsu. An excellent seal with an integrated diagnostic part, triggered both upon receiving critical damage and by command.

However, it has two drawbacks — single-use activation, after the chakra is depleted, the seal must be applied again, and medical chakra must be sealed again, and overall complexity in creation. Even though I'm no longer a novice in Fuinjutsu, after five years of daily study and practice, I still had significant difficulties in applying it correctly.

But the main advantage of such "dormant" seals is the absence of chakra emission until the moment of activation, unlike constantly active ones, so even the best sensor wouldn't be able to detect them, unlike most Kekkei Genkai.

However, even the seals I planned to apply to Ma's clothes weren't particularly demanding and required relatively little chakra to maintain, especially for me, but they turned flimsy fabrics and vests into armor comparable to good leather armor, which samurai used to prefer for its mobility.

Senbons, kunais, and shurikens won't harm, but swords pose a certain danger, as do elemental ninjutsu. Thank the gods, those aren't as complicated and large, so there was little need to practice with them. It works on my own clothes — already tested.

— Well, four more times before the dress rehearsal, — I muttered to myself and, dispersing the clone in just his underwear, created a new one.

Let's move on!

— Ma, — I waved to Sai, entering the training ground and attracting Sai's attention.

More precisely, several Sais, as she was fighting against four clones at once. Given the significantly increased speed over the past five months, it wasn't easy to keep up. But training with the jonins gradually prepared me for this, so I also improved my Taijutsu lately, becoming even faster.

According to Setzura-obachan, I was approaching the level of an average Chunin. Well, do I really need to reach Kakashi's and Itachi's levels with their promotions? Anyway, do I need it?

— Yes, Ryu-kun?

— Firstly, finish your training, because you need to rest properly until tomorrow, and secondly — I need to have time to apply some seals to you, so hurry home and freshen up!

— Seals? What seals?

— Digging through Dad's scrolls and those brought from Uzushio, I found several suitable ones, besides strengthening clothes, — I answered her, — I'll show you now.

Aiming my palms at the nearest target about sixty steps away, I released the projectiles. With a dull thud, senbons and shurikens almost completely embedded into the wood, barely noticeable as they flew through the air.

I doubt that most jonins would be able to dodge such at close range.

— The most interesting thing is that upon unsealing, the initial impulse is already set, and the weapon doesn't need to gain speed — it's already flying very fast, unlike those you can throw yourself, — I boasted, proudly displaying my palms to the astonished mother.

— Impressive, — Sai shook her head, dispersing her clones and wiping the sweat from her forehead with her jacket sleeve. — Is there anything else?