WebNovelRed Nara15.05%

Chapter 76

Pouring a couple of buckets of water over myself, I rinsed off all the soap and finally made my way to the source, located outdoors, unlike everything else. Large, smooth rocks placed around the perimeter of the water and within it provided enough comfort to not be bothered by other visitors, so I chose a secluded corner where the water reached up to my shoulders, leaned back on a rock, and settled in more comfortably, closing my eyes.

The hot water wonderfully relaxed tense muscles, and the complete silence around, due to the absence of other visitors, induced drowsiness, so after resisting just a little out of principle, I simply took and fell asleep.

I was awakened by muffled giggling nearby. Yawning widely, I rubbed my eyes and stretched happily, feeling a small boost of energy. Judging by the noise beyond the walls of the hot spring, I had slept for at least a couple of hours, and most of the residents had already woken up, hurrying about their business.

And there were significantly more visitors now, judging by the flock of chattering eighteen-year-old kunoichi, a couple of sunburned elderly men with numerous scars on their bodies, meditating in the water, and three impressive-looking women under thirty, one of whom belonged to a branch of the Hyuga clan, judging by the eyes and the seal on her forehead.

And the main thing was that no one had woken me up so far, which means — they understand. From somewhere nearby came giggling again, and I turned my head, trying to find the source of the sound. When I couldn't, I used my sensory gift for a moment and immediately stared where I felt a very familiar chakra...

Over the fence, a few meters away from me, was none other than Jiraiya! It's not hard to guess what he was doing in such a place. Upon closer inspection, I found a small hole in the tree, aimed directly towards the adult kunoichi. Idiot! Doesn't he know it's a combined day? Although, from his angle, he couldn't see the men or me.

Of course, I understand him, and somewhere even support him as a representative of the same gender, because the women didn't even use towels to cover themselves, which would clearly happen if a frog hermit suddenly appeared inside... But he woke me up with his disgusting giggling after a hard and tiring night just when rest was absolutely necessary for me! And I wouldn't be myself if I didn't take revenge!

Ignoring the looks of the intrigued visitors, I shifted slightly closer to the hole and, cupping water in my folded palms, imbued it with chakra and, taking careful aim, fired! When the tight stream hit the hole and a painful cry came from the other side of the fence, I chuckled triumphantly.

"I'll send a Rasengan there next time if this goat wakes me up again!" I grumbled, plopping back into my place.

However, I was prevented from enjoying further relaxation by the more than keen attention of the surrounding people, and one of the men even interrupted his meditation and stared at me with interest.

"Yes?" I raised an eyebrow questioningly, not the least bit flustered.

"Um, you know who that was, right?" the shinobi asked more affirmatively.

"Among the whole contingent of perverts, I only know one who has a habit of giggling like a little girl," I snorted, "of course, it could have been his teacher, if rumors are to be believed, but he hasn't been caught yet, so the rumors remain rumors. But in general, there's no reason for me to be prevented from sleeping!"

Suddenly, the second man burst into deep laughter and, opening his eyes, which revealed another representative of the Hyuga clan, like his long hair, showed me a thumbs-up.

"Well done, kid, you'll go far!" he declared, grinning widely.

Which surprised me a little — I didn't think that anyone from their clan was capable of such an open display of emotions. Or is everyone equal in the bath? Although, if he lived to be gray-haired, he could afford not to pay attention to the opinions of others, especially if he's from the main branch, judging by the clear forehead.

"I think so too," I smirked in response, turning towards him, but felt someone approaching me from the side.

Turning around, I met the gaze of one of the adult kunoichi. Before, I could only see part of her back and side, so now I could examine her more closely, especially in light of the fact that she still didn't have a shred of clothing on her, except for a wet towel on her head, like everyone else.

Shoulder-length brown hair, gray-green eyes, a fairly solid build with clearly defined muscles, indicating specialization in taijutsu, long sturdy legs, a flat stomach with abs, and a prominent third size, smoothly swaying with each step. In general, there was something to look at. Especially when she sat down next to me, and I noticed a long wide scar just above her chest.