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Chapter 91

The fate of being a motionless invalid is truly terrifying for a kunoichi who was previously able to cover vast distances in absurdly short periods, leap through trees meters above the ground, run on water, and effortlessly climb sheer walls.

What's most tragic in this situation is the fact that when granted disability status, a shinobi loses the opportunity to receive quality medical care for free. Thus, if a high-level iryo-nin doesn't appear in the hospital within a couple of days, Ma will become an ordinary citizen with minor privileges and will be forced to buy doctor services.

Considering the complexity of the operation and the fact that the further the treatment is delayed, the harder it will be, by the time Konoha wins the war and all personnel return home, it could be over a year, and we simply won't have enough money for the surgery and subsequent recovery even with all the cash reserves. And Ma understands this perfectly.

After all, it's much more advantageous for the village to write off a severely injured fighter with a small pension after service than to shuttle a high-class specialist back and forth during wartime, who could save lives and put several fighters of the same level back into action during that time. Despite the so-called "Will of Fire" and the alleged camaraderie, Konoha treats its shinobi surprisingly indifferently if they turn out to be useless.

Of course, the clan will contribute to recovery, but then Saya will have to return to service, which I'm not willing to allow a second time! Only over my dead body!!!

"Don't worry, I'll take care of everything soon, and I have a couple of ideas on how to help you get back on your feet," I tried to encourage Ma, "so chin up and no sniffles!"

"Thank you, Ryo-chan," she weakly smiled.

"Hey, I've outgrown 'chan' already!" I mockingly protested and, rummaging in my pants pocket, pulled out a small vial.

Opening it, I was pleased with my foresight and, taking out a couple of pills, handed them to the patient. I can only hope that they will have the same effectiveness on Uzumaki as they did on me.

"Take them, they'll help alleviate the effects of your injuries."

Looking questioningly at the pills, which seemed strange from her point of view, she nevertheless swallowed them.

"What are these?"

"My little medical experiment that turned out successful," I explained without going into details.

I wasn't going to disclose the fact that the main ingredient is my blood processed with medical chakra, not even in a room shielded from eavesdropping, let alone in a hospital ward. The last thing I needed was a blood hunt for Uzumaki; if the pills turn out to be as effective as Karin's ability.

Hmm, I could try this method when I bring Ma home. It's a pity that infusing our chakra doesn't grant regeneration to ordinary people, but that would be too much. And so our kekkei genkai is surprisingly useful. I wonder if this unique chakra was obtained from the Sage of Six Paths, judging by the ability to suppress tailed beasts?

"Okay, rest, and I'm going home - I need to inform the teachers that I'll be busy next week and won't be able to attend," I got up from the bed, noting in passing that Saya's face slightly reddened, indicating some positive result.


"No need to lie in the hospital - I'll be able to take care of you at home," I said, "besides, some preparation is necessary if the simplest method doesn't work. I'll come for you tomorrow; the discharge papers will probably be ready by then."

Smiling at the end, I left the ward. Ah, now I have two sick people to take care of, and all this within about a month and a half! Of course, Mito isn't crippled, but she'll need constant medical care for at least a year for optimal recovery, both physically and chakra-wise, and then she'll have to undergo examinations at least once every couple of weeks to avoid missing anything important. And in a month, there will be a new intake at the ninja academy, where Kushina will go; she'll turn six in October, so she can start her education without any problems.

Moreover, as Mito said, the Hokage demanded the earliest possible enrollment, and she didn't refuse. Considering her vulnerability for the next couple of years, it's a sensible decision, despite the fact that most students from clans enroll at the age of eight to graduate at twelve or thirteen. I'll have to attend the opening of the school year to support the little one. It's okay, in about a year, I'll go there too, which means I'll be able to keep an eye on her.

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