WebNovelRed Nara18.38%

Chapter 93

"Now let's move on to the downsides - the damage to the nervous system that prevents you from walking or even feeling your legs has only recovered in a few places. It seems to be the best result one can achieve this way.

Apparently, my blood, combined with the influence of medical chakra, simply accelerates the body's work in repairing damage, rather than temporarily imparting regeneration properties to the kekkei genkai. In other words, a similar result would have been achieved naturally in about six months. Actually, nerve cells don't regenerate massively on their own, so it didn't work everywhere."

"Just the fact that the pain has almost disappeared is an achievement in itself," reassured me the smiling Ma.

"Hmm," recalling the examination results once again, I asked, "try moving your legs."

"It's not working," sighed Saya after a couple of minutes.

"Alright, what if you try..."

Stretching out, I squeezed Ma's left leg under the blanket, slightly above the knee, eliciting an unexpected gasp.

"Do you feel that?"

"Y-yes! Faintly, but I can feel it!"

For the next couple of minutes, I felt her legs along their entire length and found that sensitivity had returned relatively, but the lower down, the worse the sensations were, with no reaction at the soles. Well, at least now there's no need to worry about missing the bathroom time, as often happens with people paralyzed below the waist.

"At least something," I sighed with relief. "We'll need to try another method, and if it doesn't work, we'll have to wait until a medic with suitable qualifications appears."

Noticing the sad look she threw at me, I raised an eyebrow questioningly.

"I wasn't perfect in raising you," Saya shook her head, "I blinked, and you're already grown up, a full-fledged iryo-nin, taking care of me."

Seeing the first signs of tears welling up again, I shook my head and hugged her again, trying to reassure her.

"Nothing like that, one can only dream of a better Ka-chan!"

My proud statement made her smile, although the "beaten" expression in her eyes didn't completely disappear. With a sigh, I climbed onto the bed and settled next to Saya, holding her close. Of course, I didn't get an ideal mother, but who can blame her for that? Certainly not me! She's still not that old, and when I was born, she wasn't even nineteen yet - practically still a girl. And yet, she didn't have an abortion like many others would have done in our situation.

She carried me, raised me to the best of her limited experience, took care of me, and even engaged in training despite the possibility of leaving it to the clan's teachers. And this despite having to leave her beloved profession for many years and overcome the urge for battle. Most shinobi are subject to this effect, becoming addicted to adrenaline. Some can control it, others cannot. In particular, this is one of the main reasons why very few shinobi die peacefully in their beds of old age.

Most simply cannot return to civilian life. And there are no psychologists or psychiatrists to rewire the brains in this world. Primarily because any normal shinobi would just kill the psychiatrist after treatment - to prevent them from disclosing the information they heard. Or the doctor would have to kill the patient themselves to protect themselves after hearing it.

Actually, the Yamanaka are closest to this, but trying to treat mental illnesses with their techniques is as difficult and pointless as trying to assemble a car with a hammer. They're good at erasing memories, probing them, and placing bookmarks, though. A healthy shinobi with a functioning brain won't fall into their hands alive.

And illusions won't achieve much, and I'd like to see someone try to treat various mental traumas with Tsukuyomi or similar nastiness. Actually, it's for this reason that among shinobi there are many not quite mentally stable people, and this is not even mentioning the maniacs and sadists, whose percentage is also quite high compared to ordinary people. Constantly killing one's own kind doesn't benefit anyone, despite the training from childhood that most shinobi receive.

Sighing, I looked at Saya, who was now quietly sobbing, leaning against me. Now it's time to get her back on her feet, both literally and figuratively, though at least she wasn't killed like many others. As for treatment, I already have a plan - I'll need to obtain full information on the Chikatsu Saisei no Jutsu and reproduce it in a suitable location.

The seal itself is very complex and voluminous, and I'll also have to incorporate a storage function into it so that the clones can maintain control at the proper level without the fear of running out of chakra for the entire procedure. It would also be good to check the Nara medical book - maybe there's something useful in there. Although hardly - the clan mainly specializes in herbs and various medicines, not surgery and rehabilitation.

Anyway, "fun" days lie ahead of me. Perhaps taking a few months off at the hospital would be worth it, otherwise even clones won't save me. Damn, now all the plans for training will have to be revised or add a couple more solely for taking care of Saya. And there's also the problem with my sensory abilities, which will only intensify with increased control over chakra, further complicating their mastery!

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