WebNovelRed Nara19.33%

Chapter 98

I know from personal experience - when I was still a teenager, I was already chasing skirts from the age of eleven and didn't pay much attention to studying. But here you can't afford that under any circumstances, because if someone from the clans sets me up with a cute girl, then goodbye freedom!

It's no wonder that seduction is taught at the shinobi academy, even though Konoha prefers to speak from a position of strength. Enemy villages, on the other hand, don't neglect the opportunity to acquire a child from a powerful opponent for one of their kunoichi.

Of course, the final year covers this aspect as well, but the hunt for me will begin at the beginning of the semester. At least, Shikaku told me that he had already been approached, but the huge laziness inherent in all Naras proved to be an impressive obstacle for the seductresses. I suppose another significant factor was that none of the classmates could compare to most of the teachers in terms of figure.

Lost in thought, I was pulled out by the feeling of a group of people approaching the house, consisting of six individuals. The house defenses included not only barriers, attacking and sensing seals, but also sensory ones linked to the key seal.

A very convenient thing if you don't have such abilities yourself. And judging by the recognizable chakra signatures, I know most of them, at least four, and the remaining two are vaguely familiar.

"Ryo?" came from the bedroom.

Ah, Ma felt it too.

"Don't worry, I'll open it," I replied and marched to the front door.

Though, upon examining myself, I hesitated for a moment, but then waved it off - you can walk around the house in a casual kimono if you don't like it, then let them leave. Deactivating the key seal on the door, I opened it and stepped outside.

"Hey, guys! What's the occasion for the gathering?" I asked, looking at those gathered.

A few steps from the porch, the almost inseparable trio of Ino-Shika-Cho stopped, a little disheveled and tired, but relatively intact, Yonsui, already having received the title of genin, another little Nara from clan activities, and a short dark-haired woman in her forties, whom I recognized as Nara Nami - Ma's good friend. It was she who stepped forward and spoke, smiling sympathetically.

"Good evening. We heard what happened, Ryo-kun," she continued, slightly bowing, "we would have come to visit Saya-chan with more people, but considering her condition, we decided to limit ourselves to one representative so as not to interfere. Allow me to convey to you the condolences of all the clan members and some small gifts with wishes for Sai-chan's speedy recovery."

Taking out a scroll from the pocket of my loose pants, she unfolded a fairly decent-sized basket filled with all sorts of things, including both simple fruits and a special ointment for massaging immobile patients.

"Thank you!"

"You're welcome! And remember, you can always ask for help if you're struggling, all the best and a speedy recovery," said Nami, bowing again, and then left.

One thing you can't take away from the Naras is their sense of tact - they came, expressed their support, handed over the gifts, and left without imposing themselves.

"Troublesome!" scratched Shikaku's temple. "Anyway, we came to support you and find out how things are and if you need any help with anything."

"Yeah, man, even though we don't have much time, we'll always find time for you," Chouza supported his friend, "Oji-san asked to convey our condolences and wishes for a speedy recovery."

"Very kind of you, thank you, I'll pass everything to Ma," I nodded in response, smiling slightly.

"Almost the same from me," sighed Inoichi, "the old men are as annoying as ever with their assignments, as if they can't come themselves, but in this particular case, I don't mind."

"Pff, you've definitely caught laziness from that slacker," I snorted, poking my finger at my brother.

"Hey, we just came back from training, and all I want is to fall onto my bed and sleep until morning!" the blond jumped up.

"Hey, cut the slack, Ino-chi!" Yonsui chuckled and turned to me. "How are you, Ryo?"

"Not bad, tired from the past few days, but overall can't complain," I scratched my temple, giving everyone a light smile. "Especially now that Ma's home, not on a mission."

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