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Chapter 117

Well, when it comes to it, a woman is always concerned about her appearance or figure! With a sigh, I shook my head.

"You're imagining things, and even if there is something, a couple of weeks of light exercises will suffice," I shrugged, "besides, I can always trim down anything if necessary. Chakra massage can be used in different ways, not just to maintain the tone of bedridden patients."

"Hmm, I didn't know..." Mom trailed off.

"It's the perk of being a medic," I smirked, "even most shinobi don't know the full extent of medical chakra's capabilities and an experienced medic. And we don't rush to inform them, otherwise we won't be able to fend off ordinary citizens demanding 'remove this,' 'tighten that,' and similar nonsense."

"Yeah, none of the real kunoichi care about their figure, because intense training will take care of it for us, it's just a matter of eating right and well," Saya nodded.

"Alright, enjoy your lunch, I'll go prepare the ink," naturally, after I've eaten myself.

After devouring a large portion of macaroni po-flotsky (which I started making after mom's service began, tired of traditional Japanese cuisine), I moved to the basement. More precisely, it was not so much a basement as an underground floor, consisting of several rooms of various sizes.

They were mostly used as storerooms for all sorts of junk since pa returned to Uzushio, but previously it housed a seal production workshop and a scroll repository on the same topic. The repository remained, although one large cabinet is hard to call it that, but the table and all the equipment for drawing seals I moved upstairs.

So until recently, the rooms were cluttered with all sorts of unnecessary stuff. I cleared out the largest of the five. Chikatsu Saisei no Jutsu occupies quite a large space, so it's better to be safe than sorry, than to regret the wasted effort later.

The ink containers were prepared in advance, so I didn't need to prepare them, and after ten minutes of painstaking sweeping and wiping the room clean of dust with a wet rag in hand, I created four clones and with their help began working, occasionally checking with the scroll.

Thank goodness, the extensive training in fuinjutsu prepared me perfectly for creating such a complex seal, and the fact that I had to draw on fabric spread on the floor instead of paper did not affect the quality. But I had to be very careful, because any mistake would ruin the canvas, as the ink was instantly absorbed into the specially treated fabric.

Perhaps the only good news is the ability to use Chikatsu Saisei no Jutsu several more times, the main thing is to timely replenish the chakra-conducting ink and have sufficient chakra reserves.

The work was only completed late at night when I checked and double-checked every line, curl, hieroglyph, or symbol together with the clones. Since even the slightest mistake could cost if not life, then greater injury to Saya, it's better not to leave everything to chance.

Seating the clones in the corners of the drawing, I activated Chikatsu Saisei no Jutsu, checking its functionality. Judging by the fact that the ink began to glow faintly with shades of blue, the whole structure works fine. Sighing, I got up from the floor and creating one more clone, took its place in the center — you can't do without a test subject, even in survey mode, so a volunteer test subject is necessary.

There are no prisoners at hand, nor a crowd of volunteers, so it's better to become one myself than to use Saya. After all, if anything, I can heal myself or the Uzumaki kekkei genkai will kick in.

"Ready, Boss?" asked my shadow clone.

"Let's go."

From the sudden sensation of medical chakra passing through my body, I shivered, but after just a couple of minutes, the feeling disappeared, and the four clones in the corners disappeared with a small pop and puffs of smoke. Darn, chakra ran out! I may not have invested much in them, but at least it would have been enough for a regular Rasengan!

"Boss, everything works great, but the seal consumes an insane amount of chakra even during simple survey!"

"Uh, with such consumption, I won't accumulate the necessary amount even in a month!" I got up from the floor and dispelled the clone.

The information received from him finally convinced me of the seal's functionality — a full examination of my body went perfectly, providing me with several discoveries. The kekkei genkai and intensified training kept the body at its peak, and the growth process went practically without problems, except for excessive strain on the bones due to the existing training seals, but this problem was easily rectified without any need for intervention.

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