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Chapter 120

- Nothing against it," I said bluntly, "but are you sure you want to pay for the seal like that? From what I've heard, it's considered humiliating for a kunoichi to trade her body, to put it bluntly, especially when the mission doesn't require it?

- You haven't experienced much yet, Ryo-kun," she shook her head sadly, "when the next day could be your last, you'd give up a lot more than a little pleasure for a benefactor and trampled female pride for a slim chance at life. Pride in general is harmful in our work, many have laid down their heads simply because they were too proud to dig in the shit. Clansmen have it easier, but people like me have to rely on themselves, and any little thing can help, let alone a seal like this.

I nodded understandingly. In the hospital I had a chance to talk to veterans who had a similar point of view. Given the casualty reports and the number of wounded from the front, things really start to seem insignificant, especially when you can be sure that even if you are mortally wounded, they will drag you to the medic and save your life, even if at the cost of some loss of health.

- If you were an ugly, smelly old fart, I'd think twice about offering myself, but you have a handsome face and a trained figure, and the only drawback is your age," Keiko grinned, 'but given the clans' cross-breeding and breeding practices, it's not a big deal. Age means almost nothing among professional assassins.

- That's true," I agreed, remembering Kakashi, who had become a genin at the age of six.

And unlike in the future after the war, it's rare for a genin to go without killing right out of the academy these days. And if one is willing to kill, why give up everything else that's allowed with getting hitai-te?

- Sooo, when do I fulfill my side of the agreement, eh Ryo-ku-u-un? - Keiko practically purred in my ear, suddenly getting very close and pressing her impressive breasts into my side.

I swallowed hard, but I pulled back a little, trying to control my raging hormones and ignore the dainty finger wandering provocatively across my chest. The fact that forced celibacy had been going on for over a decade, though through no fault of my own, came to mind.

- Ahem, not now, and certainly not when a ka-chan might be around," I shook my head regretfully, "and I'd rather deal with Iyaku Fuin first.

- I'd rather deal with Iyaku Fuin first," the kunoichi pouted, but after a few moments she smiled and winked, "but I really wouldn't want to be seen by Saya-chan while she was seducing her son.

As I pictured the scene before my mind, I couldn't choose between shuddering in fear or unhealthy anticipation. In the end, the former won out-it wasn't clear who was going to get more from Saya, but I'd have nowhere to run! Shaking my head to get rid of the provocative scene, I returned to the conversation.

- All right, let's go seal the seal, and then we'll deal with your part of the bargain-how not to get caught by me and the consequences for you," I sighed, rising to my feet.

After informing Ma that I had another client, though I didn't specify her identity, I prepared the ink and began to draw Iyaka Fuuin, positioning her a little lower than usual. Due to the kunoichi's small stature and impressive chest, which unfortunately is very awkward to draw symmetrically with the rest of her sides, the free space around her abdomen was somewhat smaller than that of men or not so "prominent" women, creating additional problems with the positioning of the entire drawing on her body.

One should also not forget the additional circles of characters and symbols serving to disguise the structure of the true appearance and operation of the seal used by all fuinjutsu users. As a result, the task in front of me was not so easy. But through two hours of painstaking work and steadfastly ignoring the appetizing delights, I managed it.

- Fuin!

Obeying my will and chakra, the drawn seal began to rapidly slide down the silky skin into a small circle of symbols with the kanji "treatment" in the center. It took me about twenty minutes to fill it with the transformed chakra, and I sighed in relief as I sat down on the floor next to Keiko, who was lying on my bed.

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