WebNovelRed Nara25.91%

Chapter 128

- Ara, it looks like you already have one admirer," the older Uzumaki turned to the smaller one with a wry smile, literally reveling in the situation, "and one that means a lot more than a future army!

- Oba-chan! - The embarrassed little girl buried her face in my clothes, unable to withstand the mocking gaze of her relative.

I didn't feel very comfortable either. But in the next second, I remembered something and grinned at her. I had a great idea for a way to get back at her and convince Kushina of my own words.

- You know, I even have a way to show you that I'm right," I said conspiratorially to the girl.

- Yes?

- You can see for yourself! So, how, I wonder?

- Of course, dattebane!

- Then let's go to the swings, so that no one interferes with us," I grinned, glancing at the wary Mito.

The academy trained professional assassins, but they were still children, so there was a playground with swings, turnstiles, and a couple of benches a little away from the main building, under the shade of some huge trees. With the baby on my lap, I put my fingertips to the seal on my right wrist and after a couple of moments of searching through the contents, I printed out a small album of photos. I flipped through the dozens of pages and finally found the image I was looking for - a little girl of about five or six, almost as chubby as Kushina's face, but with her hair curled in two tangles, was smiling at the photographer.

- Doesn't that remind you of anyone? - I grinned ear-to-ear as I watched Mito grimly recognize herself in the picture.

- It's... oba-chan, dattebane! - The little one marveled. - And you were chubby as a child too!

- And I have not only this picture, but several others, much more interesting," I chuckled nastily, turning the page.

It showed an even smaller Mito, only now in negligee on a small beach with a bunch of other Uzumaki. And then I saw the long-awaited sight of Mito Uzumaki, Konoha's strongest kunoichi, wife of the First Hokage and elder of the Senju clan, blushing to the tips of her ears!

- You see, your oba-chan also looked like a tomato when she was a child, but she grew into a dazzling beauty," I patted Kushina's head, "so in a few years you'll grow into a pretty girl before you know it!

It didn't take long to enjoy it, though. Me and my cheerful little girl had time to look through a couple more photos of a provocative nature, when from the side suddenly felt the Arctic cold.

- Ryo. Where did you get those pictures? - The slits in the place of his eyes and the disgusting smirk of his tightly compressed lips made it clear that someone was about to get hurt.

Only the blush on his cheeks, which hadn't completely gone away, spoiled the whole impression. I suppressed the urge to swallow and hurried to answer.

- Ji-ji had given me a scrapbook of family photos, including these, which had been carefully signed.

- Ryuji, I'll give you one when I see you! - Mito snarled, clenching her fists with a crunch and emitting a not insignificant amount of CI into the surrounding space.

Slowly and quietly dropping the little thing, I sealed the blackmail materials back up and began to slowly make my feet.

- Rue, stop right there! Come back and give me those pictures!

Kushina's laughter and shouting behind me only added to my speed, and in a couple of seconds, I sprinted out of the shinobi academy at full speed and jumped onto the roof of the nearest house, unable to get rid of the grin that stretched across my mouth. Not such a boring day indeed!

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