WebNovelRed Nara26.26%

Chapter 130

I shook off the unwelcome thoughts that popped into my head in anticipation of the important operation, and sighed and headed for Ma's room. Despite my confidence in my own abilities and the positive end result, the anxiety still lingered. After all, it's understandable - she's the closest I've ever gotten to the category of irreplaceable people in my life.

- Ka-chan, it's time.

Writhing her hands nervously, Saya jumped up.

- Is everything ready?

- Yes, it's time.

Walking over, I easily picked Ma up in my arms and headed for the stairs to the basement, smiling reassuringly at her worried look. The almost transparent hospital yukata had been wear since morning, so all I had to do was place Saya in the center of the Chikatsu Saisei no Jutsu and take my seat to supervise the operation.

After putting Ma to sleep with a touch, I nodded to the clones and began counting down with my fingers the seconds until the seal was activated.

- ...three, two, one - go!

The lines, signs and symbols carefully drawn on the floor flashed obediently and I felt the information about Ma's body begin to flow to me as if I were using a mystic hand. But this time I didn't need to maintain concentration on using the technique - the bunshin kage was in charge of that, giving me the majority of the leadership role. Considering the complexity of the operation, very apropos.

Hashirama may have been able to apply his skills in medicine without seals and by the effort of thought, but this fuin took into account the capabilities of ordinary people. And now the task before me was to restore communication in the damaged areas of the spine without allowing the degradation of the nerve tissue used.

A job worthy of the third degree of iryo-nin beyond any doubt! Taking a deep breath, I calmed down and detached myself from all sensations and feelings that could distract from the goal, then slowly and carefully brought the medical chakra to the first area and started the process of forced cell division, not forgetting to bring nutrient resources under it. In this case, transforming tissue as I had done with Neji wasn't worth it, and required more chakra control than I was currently capable of.

Three hours later, when my clothes were soaked with sweat and I was running out of chakra, I checked my work for the last time, and with a sigh of relief, I fell back on my heels, watching the exhausted seal go out.

- Congratulations boss! We did it!

- Ha, we're the best!

- Finally, ka-chan back on her feet!

- Uh-huh, and she won't have to be carried on her hands anymore," the last doppelganger said, a bit out of tune with the cheering voices.

Nodding to the copies, I wiped the sweat from my forehead with my shirt sleeve and rose to my feet, stepping toward Saya. With a light touch on her forehead, I removed the chakra-induced dream, and a few moments later she stirred, waking up.

- How are you feeling? - I asked, making sure I was noticed.

- Mmm, I think I'm okay," Ma lifted herself up on her elbow uncertainly and looked at her moving legs in surprise, "I can feel them completely!

- Yes, we did it!!! - The room shook with the roar of four bunshin kage jumping up and down and hugging each other.

Barely able to resist such a reaction, I wrapped my arms around Saya's waist and lifted her up, placing her beside me. She couldn't stand firmly on her feet yet, but with my arm around her shoulders, she was able to take a couple steps on her own, smiling dazzlingly. I had done everything I could to prevent muscle atrophy from prolonged lying down, but it would still take at least a few months to regain motor function of the limbs. Although I will do my best to speed up the process, Ma will not be able to jump like before, despite the complete success of the surgery.

- Congratulations on your recovery," I smiled warmly at Saya.

- Given your efforts, I should be the one to offer congratulations, my little genius," she smiled back and stroked my head, "I'm proud of you!

- You can check it out and feel it, and maybe try it," one of the clones muttered almost inaudibly, but the other doppelganger standing next to him hurriedly brought his fist down on his head, successfully dispelling him.

Hearing nothing, Saya looked surprised at the now three bunshin kage who were trying hard to look innocent and simply waved back. Having quite certain memories and desires, I suppressed the urge to reproduce the hand-face gesture with my free limb and only by a giant effort kept a neutral expression on my face, mentally thanking the clan's science of endurance. Damn clones and their chatty tongues! At Ma's questioning and suspicious look, I just shrugged.

- Okay, let's get out of here," and with those words, I suddenly picked her up in my arms and left the room, heading for the basement exit.

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