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Chapter 132

Spitting, I decided to move on to another task - extracting the Yang component of chakra to create chains. The process itself was still half-baked for me, and only due to the specificity of clan techniques, and so far, I hadn't been able to create anything from the extracted energy.

The exit point on the skin simply started to glow, indicating the location of the tenketsu, and that was it, despite my tremendous efforts. After struggling with this task for over two hours, I was about to switch to practicing the only Raiton jutsu I knew when a suddenly occurring thought made me freeze, and after a couple of minutes of contemplation, I began to beat my head against the nearest tree. How could I be so stupid!


"Boss, what's wrong?"

"Boss? Hey, stop destroying the macaw!"

The surrounding clones quickly pulled me aside, but I didn't pay much attention to them.

"How could I miss such an obvious property?! The body leads the mind, without the body, the mind is weak, without the direction of the body by the mind, the body is useless!" I moaned, hiding my face in my palms.

"Boss? What are you talking about?"

"About trying to improve Hidjutsu and create Kushina's chains! Without the direction of Yin, Yang is useless! And if the manga indicated that the created chains consisted of Yang energy, it doesn't mean there wasn't a single drop of Yin in them! Kushina had too much of the former and too little of the latter in proportions to use normal elemental jutsu, but she had no problem extracting chakra constructs and creating seals! It's a good thing that due to the density of the Uzumaki chakra, only we will have access to such a technique. The same solution should apply to Kage Mane no Jutsu - a drop of Yang won't affect the functionality of Hidjutsu, but it will enhance its impact on the enemy's body, allowing me to control their movements with just my will!

Moans of disappointment around indicated that the clones grasped the essence of the problem we faced. Damn it, how much time wasted completely in vain!!!

"Alright, drop the defeated moods!" Taking control of myself, I commanded the slaves... uh, clones. "Back to work, and I'll be testing the theory."

Waiting for my target to return to its proper place, I formed a seal and focused, trying to take not only the pure energy of the mind but also to add a drop of physical energy to it. The main task was to mix such different proportions of components to get not chakra, but Yin with some properties of Yang.

The first attempt failed, as did the second, and dozens of subsequent ones. The habit of doing one thing played a nasty trick, and the ingrained reflexes proved very difficult to overcome. On the seventy-first try, I finally managed to extract not chakra or pure Yin, but the required mix of energies. The elongated shadow fixed the target, and with bated breath, I wished the clone to raise its hands.

"B-Boss! It worked!" exclaimed the Kage Bunshin, watching his limbs rise.

I saw the success of my expressed guesses myself! Finally, the idea of several years of training and attempts bore fruit! Of course, the proportions were not ideal yet, and they still needed to be calculated for optimal results, but everything is solved by training and experiments. The main barrier to improvement has been overcome!

Damn it, no wonder Rikudo Sennin was considered a master of Yin and Yang Release! What opportunities open up if the user has unique chakra and perfect control! If elemental chakras are added to the mix, something even more spectacular can be obtained. It's just a pity that an ordinary person can't simultaneously extract a specific mixture of energies and at the same time transform part of this mixture into some element.

Normal chakra is required for this, and unfortunately, a person only has one source, so it's either one or the other. Of course, you can try to use various manual seals, but it will require a huge amount of time for research with a doubtful result, which I simply won't have in the next decade or even more.

"Boss, what about trying to create chains? They should work too," one of the clones spoke with eyes gleaming with anticipation and a wide "Cheshire" smile.

And the others were also experiencing no small excitement from finally achieving the goal.

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